almost 6 years
ago -
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- None. What did I just say, Todd? This is a stability patch.
- Updated the TCP socket reading code to concatenate messages that are larger than a single packet. This was causing parties to max out at 7 or 8 players because of the addition of wardrobe data to the party messages.
- Fixed a bug reported by miloshkiller where the game would get stuck on the first draft screen after starting a second couch game. It was caused by wardrobe data not being copied over between games.
- Fixed the online programming behind Flameleash so it behaves more like couch Flameleash.
- Menu music starts when it's supposed to again, instead of during the logo animation.
- Fixed a bug where the menu slides in behind the online lobby UI when joining through a discord invite.
- Fixed a bug where additional players per client wouldn't add correctly because of a wardrobe data issue.
- Fixed some exceptions around lobby buttons.
- Added a spell selection caching system to prevent race conditions in the spell drafting state machines. This will prevent slow computers from getting hung up on the draft screen. (This is similar to a bug fixed in the last patch)
- Added handler to the matchmaker to boot disconnected players from the match and then fixed a bunch of server-crashing bugs that came from this update.
- Removed "Melee doesn't have a cooldown indicator" from tips because it has for a while now.
- Removed a lot of duplicate messages that were being sent between clients and from the matchmaking server which probably caused discord chatter spikes.