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This has been happening ever since they started offering Ulalek as a precon for sale- Iā€™m unable to even search for a match. Prior to that- I had zero issues playing sergeant slapsalot. Truthfully dunno what to say really. Guess I have to stick with the other ones people quit to immediately.

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2 days ago - /u/WotC_Jay - Direct link

Originally posted by GeorgeHDubBush

I encountered the same issue when importing a brawl deck that had a sideboard. There seems to be an issue where the sideboard is present but not possible to interact with, and it causes decks to fail deck validation on the backend. Here is the bug report I made, so if you find that this is your issue, please vote on it.

Hmm, that certainly shouldn't be happening. I thought we fixed all of these "Brawl deck ending up with a sideboard" bugs, but clearly not. Thanks for the great report; very clear and helpful!

2 days ago - /u/WotC_Jay - Direct link

This error usually happens when there's a very subtle or strange legality problem, and it sometimes indicates a problem in our systems. Could you post the decklist that's doing this?

Longer version: We validate legality in three places (just to be sure), on the client as you build a deck (to be helpful and provide a good UI), on the services as you enter matchmaking (to ensure it's proper for the queue, and because you can't ever trust the client), and then on the actual game rules engine as it gets passed the two decks to use for the game (because the GRE has its own way of looking at the world). This type of error usually means that the client thought the deck was legal, but the matchmaking queue rejected it. That usually comes from other an unusual problem with the deck or a bug with how one of those systems is calculating legality.