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Brand new player here. Just finished the tutorial on Arena. Feeling pretty overwhelmed by it all… how long did it take for that feeling to go away?

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1 day ago - /u/WotC_Jay - Direct link

A fun story from the early days of Arena: We were getting Arena ready for its public debut, which would feature a Merfolk deck squaring off against Dinosaurs, both from Ixalan. We were playing some demo matches with the decks and looking to make sure everything was working properly.

In one match, a player cast [[Savage Stomp]] targeting the opponent's [[Siren Stormtamer]]. Just for fun, the opponent decided to sac the Stormtamer to counter the Savage Stomp. That all went fine, but, surprisingly, the Savage Stomp'ing creature got the +1/+1 counter. Which it shouldn't have, because Savage Stomp was countered. Our Rule team thought this was a bug. Off a quick check, the rules manager for Magic agreed it was a bug. So the engineers went looking for the bug, and, well...

You see, Savage Stomp was never countered. Siren Stormtamer can only counter a spell or ability targeting a creature you control. Once the Stormtamer was sac'ed, the Savage Stomp wasn't targeting a creature that opponent controlled, so the ability couldn't target the Savage Stomp, and it wasn't countered. It tried to resolve normally, had no target to fight, so did as much as it could, and that included adding the counter.

So, how long does it take to get everything right? Longer than everyone working on that problem had spent. Magic is a gloriously complex game, and the delight is in the details. Take your time and enjoy the learning process