Marvel Strike Force

Marvel Strike Force Dev Tracker

21 May


Greetings Commanders,

Start breaking free from your regenerative cocoon (if you're in one) because you don't want to miss the Legendary reveal we've got in store for today. We've also got big updates heading to the Doom Raids, a speedster zipping to the store, a returning Legendary Event, another Hero you can hire in Blitz, and Bonus events to stir up a little chaos. Emerging from his cocoon is the subject of our first section...


When a secretive group of mad scientists on Earth known as the "Enclave" set out to create the perfect human specimen, they intended to use it as a tool for their plans of world domination. But when this being, who became known as "Adam Warlock," emerged from his creation cocoon, he sensed his creators' evil intentions and rebelled before flying off into space. Adam Warlock's creators endowed him with the ability to control Cosmic energy, which gives him superhuman strength, energy manipulation, flight, durability, an...

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19 May


There was an error today at approximately 5pm PDT where the Arena Orb reverted to the previous Kingpin’s Vault Orb. This issue has now been resolved. Please relaunch your game in order to see the update. Thank you for your patience.

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18 May

14 May


Greetings Commanders,

Go back in time without the help of a time machine or all those pesky paradoxes this week with an event to help your costume collection. But this blog isn't about style over substance, because we've also got a new monthly event to help stock up on Training Modules, a new repeating Legendary Event, a Hero you can hire via Blitz, and weekly events to bolster your roster. Slip into something comfortable for crime-fighting, because this next section will earn you style points...


Add a blast from the past to your S.T.R.I.K.E. wardrobe with the upcoming Timeless Looks Event. This costume-centered event consists of the Form and Function Milestone and Dress to Impress Bonus Event. The main reward for Timeless Looks will be Pink Flash Bits, which you can redeem to acquire your choice of three costumes. We recommend building up your costume collection using Bits like the ones featured in this event, so be sure to rack them up.

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08 May

07 May


Originally posted by Mintyphresh33

Respectfully, I disagree.

The only version you need to have updated and approved is the English version. If you use a language service to translate, it's completely reasonable to pay an expedited fee to get translations completed within 24 hours.

I know this because I have worked for various companies, and currently work for a company, that does this as needed.

If this is a company decision not to pay that cost, you can't blame your customer base for being upset you're not spending when you are constantly trying to bait them to.

EDIT: Furthermore, even if this is the case, you guys have done it before. The biggest example I can think of is when Mobilegamer exposed the customer service responses a couple years back and you guys immediately addressed it in that weeks blog post.

You guys have the resources, you just need the exposure to do it. I'm glad game sites are giving you that exposure.

Yes we have done it before as needed in the past however that is with cases where we have information to give. With this issue we do not currently have any more information than what has already been given in the in-game inbox message last night when the game came back up therefore there is nothing we can add to the blog. We also did not have 24 hours. The game came back up around 11pm, blog goes out at 2pm.

29 Apr

23 Apr

12 Apr

05 Apr

24 Jun

Heeeellllooooooo everybody! This is CM_DrunkenCereBRO,

I’ve been chilling out pounding down some of these fine whiteclaw slushies and I am CM LIT right now! Everyone Always ask for "proof" that this is me, so here I am! So I figured what better way to answer some of your burning questions with complete and utter honesty now that I’m on my 2nd whiteclaw slushie and totally LIT! I’ve created this account so no one from Foxnext Scopely will know that it is me answering!! HAHa brilliant I know!

I know here are some burning topics everyone has been asking questions a...

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