Marvel Strike Force

Marvel Strike Force Dev Tracker

23 Jul


Originally posted by WashDCBullets

Tag Cerebro and Archangel

They won’t respond. Let’s be honest.

22 Jul


Originally posted by Creofury

I'm at the point in the game where I could conceivable think about deducting resources to War teams.

Just kidding, there's literally zero point anymore. They just shot themselves in the foot completely for making money on war teams anymore.

Oh stop. There is plenty of war obsessed idiot commanders who will still invest in them instead and screw themselves.


Originally posted by CompleteFennel1

It gets better. Once the last Horseman is released, you have absolutely no reason to spend on virtually any new toons afterward because all your resources will need to go into 40+ other characters. By the time you could get around to those new characters, they'll be farmable and power crept.

So they're creating a year of lost revenue from that. At least with DDs you could always bring in newly released characters. It was an advantage. Now? Now they're all in the pantry, not even simmering.

That’s correct! Once again it points to a lack of product Vision and direction over at boundless bugs entertainment.

21 Jul

20 Jul


Originally posted by Racnous

Silly question, but why has no new info been posted in the "Apocalypse" section of the website recently? It would be nice to have Famine and new Apocalypse information all in one spot rather than digging through multiple blogs.

I'll look into that, thanks.


Originally posted by miles_sb

If obtaining the costumes is still a requirement, then GT17 would still be required to unlock Apocalypse, no?

Unlocking the costumes is required for Difficulty 3, not Difficulty 2 of Apocalypse's Saga.


Originally posted by PlasticNeedleworker

Gear tiers, remain as hard required or moving to recommend?

Hard requirement.


Yesterday there was an article published titled, “Sagas and Awakened Abilities”, where the details of how to first unlock Apocalypse were not distinct from how to fully unlock/promote Apocalypse. The following information has been added to the MULTIPLE DIFFICULTIES section of the article in English, and other languages will be added soon...

To first unlock Apocalypse, you must complete Difficulty 2, and to unlock the rest of his Yellow Stars and Red Stars you must complete Difficulty 3:

- Difficulty 2 - Gear Tier 16, Iso-8 Blue Level 4: Unlock Apocalypse at 5 Yellow Stars, 2 Red Stars

- Difficulty 3 - Gear Tier 17, Iso-8 Blue Level 5: Promote Apocalypse to 7 Yellow Stars, 4 Red Stars

External link →

19 Jul


Originally posted by punbasedname

“Can we have galactic legends?”

“We have galactic legends at home!”

The galactic legends at home:

(I’m kidding. This looks fine on paper. Also, what’s with the the random mid-week blogs lately? Not complaining, just curious.)

We gots a LOT to communicate, especially leading up to a new version release, that doesn't always fit in the weekly Friday blogs.