Marvel Strike Force

Marvel Strike Force Dev Tracker

12 Jul

11 Jul

09 Jul


Originally posted by KudosOfTheFroond

What kinda White Claw slushies?

Mango is best.

08 Jul


Last week, there was an issue where a milestone was sending rewards through the Inbox that erroneously granted enough points for some players to complete the July "Summer of Thunder" milestone. While the dev team moved quickly to compensate other players to make things equitable, unfortunately that compensation was unintentionally also made available to the players that already got the rewards.

We understand that this issue caused frustration, especially as it occurred leading into an extended weekend here in the US. The MARVEL Strike Force team understands the competitive aspect of the game and the importance of maintaining that integrity.

Therefore, we will be sending players (level 14 and above) 50,000 Mjolnir Fragments to complete the Summer of Thunder milestone - the Inbox message will expire after 7 days. Additionally, there will be more tiers and rewards added to the associated Leaderboard's milestone rewards above 50,000 and up to 100,000 points, allowing pl...

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Originally posted by MacItaly

Well, since you asked...
Gambot is mine
G2 Recruiter is mine
and I just finished Predict-A-Bot for the Average Joes

Oh yah we’ve talked on discord. Great bot commander! Your doing way better work then me!


Originally posted by MacItaly

I just make bots...while drinking WHITE CLAW slushies!!!

What kinda bots?


Originally posted by MacItaly

This guy! Where've you been hiding, er, I mean, when did you wake up from passing out?

Hello commander! Been on a bender. You?


Get your slushies ready commanders!


There has been a lot of feedback regarding the Summer of Thunder event in that some players were able to complete the milestone due to a bug. The dev team has discussed the situation at length and we intend to publish an article in a few hours directly addressing the actions being taken. We want you to know this now as the post will go live today AFTER the regularly-scheduled weekly dev blog. We are working swiftly to address this issue today and appreciate your patience.

External link →

Originally posted by N51_Rob

It was a huge hustle designed to sell A-Force. People who planned to skip Nico and Spider-Woman suddenly felt compelled to acquire them and level them. That's all.

Yup yup.


Originally posted by SlyLittledrake

Was this a sober moment?

Yeah it happens now and then. Apologies.


Originally posted by RuneDK385

And crucible is already ruined…the mode should be a theorycrafting paradise and they’re just going to sell teams for it. I may stop giving a shit entirely about it now and not care if drop out of “diamond” rewards

What did you think they were gonna do?