
Mordhau Dev Tracker

04 Apr


Originally posted by jimykurtax

Thank you for sharing that, it's very nice to hear that they are indeed trying to fight these things

Let me elaborate: yes this is from an old build, since then there has been several changes that drastically nerfs this kind of playstyle - things like looking away from the opponent/down on the ground and successfully parrying are no longer possible, jump drags (jumping while in attack release) have been removed, drags look significantly better and so on - just a few examples but all of those you can see in this video, its actually a great example why those things have been changed.

On top of this its third person and the person playing in the video is using an FOV exploit which allows much more vision than intended, this will be fixed. Third person has been reworked recently (only in dev builds atm) to be much more in line with first person and have removed/greatly reduced extra vision that allows this kind of playstyle since you cannot play like this in first person nearly as effectively. It's not a good look but with the new third person this kind of playstyle will be ne...

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03 Apr


We're looking into some changes to bring third person much more in line with first person which will nerf this kind of play drastically, as well as fixing a possible trick that lets you circumvent the FOV limits. Also keep in mind this is on an older build where you could still do things like jump while in attack release, and parry people while looking away or down. Those things have already been adjusted, making this playstyle harder on the live build

24 Mar


Originally posted by HadeusOfficial

I made this video addressing a potential issue. The developers could be withholding lore intentionally, which is makes sense so we can focus on technical feedback; Nevertheless, I believe going into release without any background or basic lore would hurt the marketing for this amazing title.

We plan on expanding the lore side of things post-release - at the moment there's simply no time left to fully do it justice. Some ideas we've thrown around include an announcer for each team yelling out stuff in Frontline and adding readable books/notes/scrolls/etc scattered across the maps that give more context to the battle/scenario.

14 Mar


Originally posted by worstLoafAU

@spook This is a negative I will take this to court. If anims were the same we'd be getting lots of clipping issues not to mention the idle position on certain weapons being as much as a 45 degree rotation from the third person idle position.

The idles, sprint, feint, etc anims are different but the releases are 100% the same. The reason there's not as many clipping issues as you'd think is because the 1p viewmodel looks like this


Originally posted by worstLoafAU

Negative @spook you can tell just by going into 3rd and comparing mid attack

Nope, just checked the editor, attack anims are the same regardless of perspective.

13 Mar


Originally posted by worstLoafAU

There is a massive advantage in being able to see true animations but that's literally it. Mordhau has made it so your spacial awareness is only a little bit increased at the cost of depth perception. I don't like the animations we get in 1p, they may look pretty and all but they don't show where my weapon truely is. When are we getting a tickbox to enable 3rd person anims in 1p.

1p and 3p attack anims are the same afaik

04 Feb


Spread the word.

13 Jan


Originally posted by Raknarg

The feints normally look much better, I think there's just a problem of confusing polearm animations at the moment. What actually happens is he feints before the swijg goes, the axe going down the first time is actually feint recovery, he doesn't feint at the last second.

This was a case of a dude analyzing the animation incorrectly, what he said was just false.

As someone whose played a decent amount of both games, this game really doesn't play at all like chivalry, and the animation abuse in this game is significantly lower than in chivalry.

This is a problem with feint animations in the live build extending too far forward as well as some other factors making it look rough. Significant animation improvements have been made for feints and morph feints across the board for all weapons and will be included in the next patch.

13 Apr


Originally posted by PhillyCheasteak

Reverse underhand is :P

Although it's basically never useful. The drags do more.

Reverse underhands will be removed in the future.

31 Mar


Will be fixed for next patch along with some more changes for the movement.

17 Mar


Originally posted by Dogetron

Yeah, the devs are planning a lot of the game design around competitive matchmaking. Have no fear, you can tryhard to your heart's content :)

We have plans for competitive matchmaking in form of 1v1/3v3 with ELO system, leaderboards etc. but the game is designed around our big battle mode which will be announced very soonish with the roadmap. There's also a bunch of things in the combat which were partially added to appeal to a broader audience and not for the comp crowd.

We want to make a fun game that can be played competitively, but we're not going to push for esports or anything like that - unless it emerges from the community in which case we'll most likely support it.

We have no plans for a bigger competitive mode right now, atleast not for release.

14 Dec


We have taken certain measures in order to remove this and other types of extreme dragging. Expect some major changes in the upcoming patch.

03 Dec


Center-grip shields are currently being worked on, and will be added in a future update.

23 Sep


The edge cases where people can still spin, do a full turnaround and hit with the end of the swing are a problem right now. They are not anywhere near as bad as actual reverse hits, but still bad, as they are annoying/unfun to fight against and look dumb. Currently thinking of a solution to get rid of them without destroying some other aspects of the game, but we will sort them out.

30 Apr


You will not be able to use reverse/spin attacks in Mordhau.


Originally posted by PowerSamurai

Hey, has this new official discord come into existence in the last 4 months?