
Mordhau Dev Tracker

26 Jul


Originally posted by tribalbaboon

Unranked duels with a big button on the main menu so new players know they have the option to try dueling, as many have no idea it even exists. Preferably using a hidden MMR for unranked dueling, so you still have good matches but without the salt and the pressure.

Also 3v3 or 2v2 ranked & regional ranked leaderboards please.

A lot of the newer players I'm coaching don't want to play ranked because the new held shield mechanics are overused. Why ban health regen and fleshwound if you're not going to ban something that's so good I've never seen a tournament where you're allowed to use it?

- unranked duel matchmaking is not a huge priorty for us, as there are duelyard servers that do the same thing but arguably better. I'd personally like to see an actual duelyard mode that prevents rdm'ing, which could help in this regard.

- team ranked is planned :)

- shields need some balance changes, crush is working on it 👍


Originally posted by Leprechaun003

So, this might not be possible with the current frameworks you have in place, but bear with me.

I'd like to be able to share Loadouts/Mercs with people in a way that doesn't rely upon a third party site like Mordhau Mercenaries, or having to open a text file and pasting in a Merc.

A (Halo 3-ish) Fileshare system, where you can maybe choose 4-8 Mercs to display on your Profile (which I assume we will eventually have to manage Reporting, should you want to stray from Steam even further), with a button to copy them to your Merc list would be really cool, though entirely Quality of Life.

If there was ever going to be an Armory Rework, I think this would be a great addition to it.

this could be cool, but honestly the current systems (while not perfect) still do the job okay. we don't have infinite dev resources and while something like this might seem like a minor QOL tweak we could develop in a few days, the reality is that it could very well end up taking way longer, so it's a matter of what takes precedence. In any case, I'll talk to the team about it and figure out if it's feasible.


Originally posted by DCamzJogOn

I love the new cosmetics, especially since I finally completed my dream 14th century knight. That being said, theres still a few problems that should be addressed as most have been in the game since day 1.

Leather cosmetics have different shades of the same colour, like splinted legs are lighter than arms. Makes colour coordination in a lot of builds difficult. This also effects brigandine arms, veteran arms, wisby gauntlets, coat of plates set and a few more. Team colour also changes helmet and legs metal highlight for most of the original helmets and gothic legs. Velvet shoulders are also angled wierdly, they add a good 2 inches to your shoulder height, the exaggerated shoulders make it look a bit too fantasy. Would also love to be able to change leather colour on brigandine legs and bishops mantel.

Would love to see a hounskull with a highlight option and some new bascinet variations, and an aventail with highlights would make me orgasm.

Noted, we'll take a look :)


Originally posted by Leprechaun003

As always, more information about what's going on would be appreciated. A simple couple of bullet points written out after the Tuesday meetings would go a really long way in setting the tone for communication and information from the Devs to the community. I'm not asking for a complete rundown of the meeting or set in stone ETAs, just some semi-formal information on a regular schedule:

Triternion Tuesday Meeting Notes: XX/YY/ZZ

Usual Disclaimer: None of these are guaranteed to make it into the next patch, or ever ship to live, Development is very Complex, and not everything we Want or Intend to do is Possible or Reasonable in our circumstances. Please keep that in mind moving forward

  • Still working on Spy Builds, mostly finished, should make it to next patch, barring any major complications.
  • Seem to have fixed a known bug with XYZ, will report progress next week.
  • Network tests continue ...
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I can start taking some notes and giving you all a bit of an overview. I'll be putting out a small dev blog in the future as well :)


Originally posted by kurama3

Engineers can block off spawn on Mountain Peak Invasion(the objective where you free prisoners) I don’t know if it’s intended or not, but I’ve seen both teammates AND enemies drop smoke and block off our spawn, leaving us stuck in the tunnel to get out. Think it’d be a huge improvement to make that a no build zone so engineers weren’t only useful by trolling an entire team, and actually placed strategic buildings elsewhere

noted, we'll take a look


Originally posted by Drasnus

Please let me choose between the team colours so I can be solid blue/red without all the cloth options being striped.

color picking would be nice, but would require an armory rework. improvements to the armory are coming, and we'd like to do a full overhaul of the armory in the future - so it's not out of the question, just not currently planned/confirmed as of now.


Originally posted by Ascerta

Now that we have 80 players servers, it would be great to have a real siege map, with two siege towers, a battering ram, catapults on the grounds and ballistas on the walls. Something like an impressive, muddy, large scale war. Something where the attacking team will struggle to push for the objectives. A playable king and a few royal kings guardsmen. A hell lot of peasants to kill. A city to burn. Walls to destroy. All that stuff.

Seriously this game is so perfect already, all we need is a whole new set of maps right now.

that would be a lot of work - it's not impossible, but we have to see if this is something that's possible to do, as there's only so much we can do simultaneously. new maps are in development, so we'll see what the future looks like :)

21 Jul


As Silenceh said, we've rectified the issue. Sorry for the misunderstanding, and I'm glad we got this sorted. Gonna lock the thread now since it's served its purpose. For you or anyone in the future, feel free to DM me. (I woke up real late yesterday, so sorry for not responding instantly.)


Originally posted by FreiherrCat

I'll never forget when I logged into Steam to find I had a VAC ban from Mordhau.

I've never used cheats in any game and the fact I'd been wrongly punished for doing something I stand against frustrated me immensely. Despite arguing my innocence I was told that VAC bans are not reversible and everyone in the forums called me a liar and said that "all cheaters say they are innocent".

Days later my ban was gone and my account was clean. No explanation or apology.

If this was in the first few days of the game, it was an error in our anticheat we fixed. If it was past that, we don't even know - we have VAC but Steam/Valve runs the show on that, we don't have control over it at all. :(


>when u make a smoothie in the blender but forget to put the lid on

but actually would be cool, i will talk to team about this


Hello everybody!

As always, we appreciate the feedback, suggestions and critiques. Keep 'em coming, we'd love to know what's on your mind! Like usual, keep suggestions/feedback constructive, and let's be nice to each other :)

Last week's post can be found here:

External link →

Originally posted by rein_not_reign

How about a "Toggle Crouch" option, similar to the "Toggle Sprint" option that currently exists? My pinky would appreciate it :)

to be honest i don't know why you are roleplaying as a crab, crouching isn't a common thing to hold down


Originally posted by Got_Damn_Nam

Hello again, this ideas been said before but its a good one. We need kill cams. A noob seeing how they died from the killer perspective could be a great learning tool. I think it would be especially effect because you could see what killed you through the first person animations, making the attacks easier to emulate.

It could be interesting, but at the moment we have no functionality for a kill cam. Not sure if we are considering one atm but it's an interesting idea.

20 Jul

19 Jul


Originally posted by ImmortalGodWizard

Contraband is comically huge by medieval standards and ive wondered what it looked like before it was a ruin. Can I pretend Castello is the same place and shifting plate tectonics completely changed the landscape

Castello's interior started as Contraband and then geach went ham on it. Good catch!

17 Jul


Originally posted by Temminickick

I am in the US Navy, and in my free time I love to play this game, but when I go underway on deployments I'd love to be able to play the game. Since a few patches ago I have been unable to play offline. I am just wondering if it is just me, or if a former patch has made is so that I cannot play offline.

If I could play offline that'd be awesome, just LAN with my buddies underway would be great. We are in Hawaii and even though sometimes our connection is tough and just 10 ping can make the difference in duels, we 100% support the continuing production of this game and its patches. Also additional content for a fee, like map packs and skins, things of that sort would be preeeettyy legit.


Hey! Sorry for the late reply.

I'll talk to the team about this, not sure if it's intended or what. Also LAN support would be great as well, so I'll see what I can do.

16 Jul


Originally posted by Chairsareoverrated

I've seen more people playing spy builds recently. As in, exploiting the colored armor options to appear like they are on the opposing team. I'm sad that people are this way to try and get an unfair advantage. I would appreciate someone looking into a solution for this as it really can sour a game when you unsuccessfully try to votekick them.

We are still looking into fixing some color tables and finding some solutions for spy builds. We improved a bit on this but there's definitely more work to do on this front.


Originally posted by ihavenonicks

Hello developers!

I got a new mechanic feed back:

It's about a new mechanic for The Catapult.

-In the Middle Ages, prisoners used to be catapulted as projectiles.They not only threw human beings, they also threw all kinds of objects, including horse droppings or other dead animals.

-My idea is, to be able to catapult players like projectiles. Something like in this image:

For exmaple, one player drives the catapult and the other one is a "suicide" that is going to be the projectile. this "projectile" when collides with other enemy/player they both die.

This new mechanic will completely change the current catapult mechanic. since the current metal projectiles do not respawn in the catapult, but would have to be collected at other points on the map or manufactured (for this a blacksmith would be needed).

Another thing that occurs to me is that you could also do this ...

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would be funny, that's for sure!