about 2 years ago - Fenne - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers,

We’d like to use this thread to specifically ask for your feedback about the Silver Crows Storyline.

New Story: The Silver Crows

Assemble an elite team of mercenaries called the Silver Crows to help their first client, Skye the Spear-daughter, confront a powerful Warlock and the Varangian horde, and halt their ambitions amidst the flames of a brand new Expedition: Empyrean Forge.

Seasons Announcement and FAQ - News | New World - Open World MMO PC Game

The team has posed some questions; please feel free to copy and paste the following as a template:

  • What are your top 3 favorite parts of the Season 1 quests?
  • What was the most negative moment/experience you encountered?
  • What is the most compelling moment to you regarding the story?
  • Do you feel like there is a clearly directed path for players to follow? Do you understand what to do next?
  • How did you feel about the length of travel times involved in the Season 1 quest chain?
  • How do you feel about the variety in the experience in quests/activities/enemies/etc.?
  • How do you feel we can improve on Seasons quests going forward?

Thank you for your help!

You can find resources on how to leave good feedback in the How to Give High Quality Feedback post.

Please keep your feedback related to the Silver Crows Storyline in this thread. Discussion amongst players about other topics is better suited for other threads.

Thank you for helping make New World the best game it can be!

See you in Aeternum!

about 2 years ago - Chardis - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback so far folks, keep it coming!

about 2 years ago - Chardis - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback for the Silver Crows storyline. Our plan for the storyline is that certain parts will remain indefinitely, specifically anything related to the building of the Silver Crows camp or organization. So if you happen to join in Season 2 for the first time, you’ll still get the chance to go interview candidates and recruit Zander. The parts that will disappear between seasons is the season-specific storyline, which in the case of Season 1 is anything that has to do with Skye. We want new players to be able to hop into the storyline fairly rapidly, and we also want to make sure that the story feels relevant to the current season.

The story of Season 2 will be very different than the story of Season 1, and our end goal here is to make sure Aeternum feels like a living and breathing world, so as the season ends some POIs and enemies might change as well in preparation for the new Season. New POIs and new characters will be sure to pop up in Season 2 as we continue the tales of the Silver Crows!