over 1 year ago - Kay - Direct link

I am going to assume you’re coming from a place of helpfulness and concern, and because I think a number of players are interested in some of the questions you’ve asked, I’ll answer the ones I know about. Many of these we already addressed in other threads, but happy to reiterate.

*Achievements Window sometimes (for me most of the time) does not populate info just a bunch of symbols.

This is a difficult one to reproduce as it only happens sometimes. We are continuing to work on the fix, but in the meantime just be aware that you have no lost any of the achievements.

  • When the server lags Melee attacks go slow motion or act up, range might not fire or phase though enemies and movement gets choppy… No other MMO I have played recently has this issue especially under stress… There like no client smoothening… That is part of MP Video games since the dawn of time…

We are always working on optimization and performance improvements, and will continue to do so.

  • Sometimes you attacks stop working and you have to close the game. Had this half dozen times last 3 days… I seen others in the global / help chat with the same issue.

This one we are also actively working on and intend to have it fixed soon. In the meantime, you don’t have to relog, you just need to gather something and it will put you back in a good state, unless there’s nothing to gather nearby, then yes you need to relog.

  • Some of the Quest Dialogs have no voice over like they might have none for the first page but the 2nd one boom they start talking again.

This is a longer term change.

  • Every time I leave a town that I have a room at the Inn it says I don’t have a room at the Inn when leaving…

The spam is a bummer, and we have it bugged, but it’s not slated for the near term while we work on other high priority changes.

  • Sometimes the Interface breaks like my character stops showing on the map, quest markets vanish, etc…

That’s odd, next time it happens, please file an in game report - that gives us a lot of information we need, including location, machine specs, timing etc. which are helpful for us to diagnose the problem

Population Issues:

  • How you going balance 2500 starting out on a single server? From my understanding and I might be wrong there is now only 2 start locations since the revamp? Every time I started a Character I only hit the one start location myself. None these area’s can support even 250+ people at one time lol.

The revamped starting experience moves players from the beach to the settlement and beyond very quickly. We are not opening additional beaches, if that is the root of your questions, and in fact we have now started a rotation where players who start at the same time have a very high confidence rate to start on the same beach, whether it’s Windsward or Monarchs.

  • How you going Balance Server population? Your using a 90’s chaotic method of server balance. If I play the good person and pick the low populated server then I’m punished later on either having to pay to transfer off or waiting till you merge it to another sad low populated server… We all want to be on a healthy populated server yet will get screwed here like we already have. Will you redo the entire transfer system by Nov 2nd? Make it easier for people to come and go to a server as time goes on? let people move themselves put say a 3 -7 day restriction on transfers?

We are not redoing the entire transfer system.

  • Another issue if friend A starts on Server A and Server A gets full and Friend B has to go to Server B and then Friend A says screw it I will start over on Server B, but then Friend C can’t make a Character on Server B because it’s now full… Like is this a MMO with other players you can play with or something worse? With the ability to make characters shut off it really kills this and you don’t even offer instant / free transfers right away from these servers like the issue above…

If a world becomes full, it gets locked to guard against long queues for our newly opened worlds. A lock does not prevent a player from transferring out of a world, just for new characters to be created, or characters to transfer in. It is also worth noting that locks are not meant to be persistent, as we have seen many worlds lock and then unlock in the past week alone. We will continue to look for opportunities to increase population caps, and other avenues to encourage players to play with their friends.

over 1 year ago - Kay - Direct link

I always want to assume the best in our players, so I do.

Thanks for the questions, hope it helps others.

Also check what @BigTicket posted as a workaround for the LMB attack stalling.