about 2 years ago - Chardis - Direct link

Hey BrinZalazar,

Thanks for the thoughtful writeup of your feedback! I wanted to follow up on one specific point you made, that you want to progress your season pass with everything you do. How do you feel that the activity card plays into this? The activities on that card are intended to be more open ended things you’ll naturally do in a play session, and you can get good chunks of Season XP for tackling those. How’s that feeling right now?

Past the activities card we do also reward passive season XP for the following activities;

  • Crafting a Gypsum Cast
  • Expedition Boss kills
  • Outpost Rush wins
  • PvP Arena Wins
  • War
  • Invasions
  • PvP Kills
  • Major Corruption Breaches
  • Quests
  • Faction Missions
  • Aptitude Levels

I see you’ve suggested some other sources and we’ll keep those in mind, but in the meantime how does that current list stack up?

about 2 years ago - Chardis - Direct link

Thanks for the continued feedback! Those three examples you listed are all activities that live on the Activity Card right now, and completing one of those activities will give you a substantial Season XP bump (~250 for one activity, more if you’re completing a row or a card.) The intent here is that the activity card is the vehicle for that casual, passive experience gain as you play. You’ll complete an activity, be notified, and be able to claim that XP. Ultimately you’re getting substantially more season XP for completing those activities than you would if it was just passively giving you XP (Killing 10 Angry Earth AI will give you 250 for the activity vs 10 with the proposed 1 XP per kill.) I have two follow up questions for you that would help me better understand your experience here as a player:

  • Is it not feeling rewarding enough with the current setup of the activity card, are you looking to double dip here and get the activity plus passive XP, or is there something else making this feel like more of a larger task vs a passive progression while doing other things.

  • One final thing to keep in mind, players will have multiple months to complete the Season Pass. Is your feedback stemming from a desire to complete it very quickly, or is the current setup reasonable with the idea of you having plenty of time to complete this pass.

As much info as you’re able to provide here will help us contextualize your feedback and make sure we’re hitting the mark here.

about 2 years ago - Chardis - Direct link

What’s making you feel like you have to do PvP in order to progress the Season Journey? The goal with the Journey is that it offers a path forward for both types of players. As a PvE only player you’ll never be forced to do the PvP Content to progress to the next chapter, however there may be some PvP tasks that would be straightforward for you to complete.

almost 2 years ago - Chardis - Direct link

As mentioned, your feedback is going to be very helpful with this change! Please check it out on the PTR so we can take a look at data and hear from your experience.