Hey BrinZalazar,
Thanks for the thoughtful writeup of your feedback! I wanted to follow up on one specific point you made, that you want to progress your season pass with everything you do. How do you feel that the activity card plays into this? The activities on that card are intended to be more open ended things you’ll naturally do in a play session, and you can get good chunks of Season XP for tackling those. How’s that feeling right now?
Past the activities card we do also reward passive season XP for the following activities;
- Crafting a Gypsum Cast
- Expedition Boss kills
- Outpost Rush wins
- PvP Arena Wins
- War
- Invasions
- PvP Kills
- Major Corruption Breaches
- Quests
- Faction Missions
- Aptitude Levels
I see you’ve suggested some other sources and we’ll keep those in mind, but in the meantime how does that current list stack up?