about 1 year ago - Luxendra - Direct link

If you run the game in Admin but Steam isn’t run in Admin, that may cause the issue as well.

about 1 year ago - Luxendra - Direct link

So here are the things I can think of if you aren’t seeing the Steam Overlay pop-up but you’re seeing the “Transaction in Progress” screen.

  1. You have the Steam Overlay disabled both in-game and Steam
  2. You have the Steam Overlay disabled either in-game OR Steam

If that’s the case, you’ll need to have enabled both in-game and Steam. You can find the instructions to enable them here: Steam Support :: Steam Community Overlay

  1. You have multiple monitors and maybe the Steam Overlay appeared there?
  2. You are running Admin on Steam but not New World (or vice versa). In that case, you’ll need to run both with Admin enabled or disabled but they need to be run the same way.

If you’re seeing the Steam Overlay but it’s blank:

  1. Try refreshing the screen since it’s essentially a web browser

Unfortunately, I can’t really think of any other situation why it wouldn’t appear. In the case none of the above work, I would recommend reaching out to Steam Support.