Greetings Adventurers,
We will be holding downtime 2021-11-22T05:15:00Z (in your local timezone) in certain worlds in EU-Central to address the time skews that the worlds have been experiencing with a new fix.
Downtime is expected to be approximately 2 hours long (~120 minutes). We will be watching these worlds closely to ensure that the changes address the issue as expected.
Please see below for the list of worlds:
Asgard | Glyn Cagny | Slavna |
Duat | Saena | Tupia |
Eurytheia | Urdarbrunn | Opar |
Finias | Penglai | Pointland |
Hades | Carcosa | Wonderland |
Takshasila | Alfheim | Albraca |
Diana’s Grove | Saba | Learad |
Hellheim | Vainola | Ganzir |
Ekera | Ophir | Silpium |
Gaunes | Bermeja | Utgard |
Abaton | Aaru | Aiolio |
Argyre | Gladsheim | Vagon |
Ismarus Eta | Pyrandia | Annwyn |
Harpinna | Vaikuntha | Hyperborea |
Harmonia | Panchaia | Sanor |
Eridanus | Nastrond | Rocabarra |
Gorias | Avalon | Zerzura |
Montes Serrorum | Ramaja | Damalis |
Hippotae | Nysos | Nowhere |
Ismarus Theta | Nexdorea | Antillia |
Alastor | Noatun | Styx |
Fae | Suddene | Ravenal |
Jansenia | Thrudheim | Vimur |
Amenti |
We will update you when we are ready to deploy the changes to the rest of the worlds.
Thanks for your patience and understanding!