almost 3 years ago - Ardroz - Direct link

Hello @Oldy I think you might be referring to the change from 120 to 60 days cooldown. It doesn’t exactly relate like that to merging worlds. You can check this link for more information on that Planned List of Worlds Scheduled for Merge - Downtime. Sadly nothing is mentioned about the faction change cooldown being affected as well. Hope you can understand. Also to clarify a bit more. In this link [Notice] Server Merge: US-East, US-West, Australia, Central Europe - #5 by Kay you can also find there is not much specification for that unfortunately. Stay tuned to our forums, we may get soon more information about this issue.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

Yes, what we are discussing applies to everyone.

almost 3 years ago - Kay - Direct link

I’m not sure where you heard that. Only thing I can think of is that we had a bug back in Beta where persistence was borked after the merge and influence wasn’t saving, but that has been fixed.

After the merge, you are be able to push influence against opposing faction control, capture forts in the open world, etc. Does that address your question?

EDIT: I will ask on Monday though, just in case.