over 2 years ago - NW_Mugsy - Direct link

Hello, I will investigate with the moderation team, but if you feel you have been wrongly banned you will need to use the Support appeal process. They are the only folks with the tools to review your account behavior and see the records on why a ban was issued.

over 2 years ago - NW_Mugsy - Direct link

It does sound like maybe you were netted for bot account behavior. What are some of the character names involved?

over 2 years ago - NW_Mugsy - Direct link

I hope folks can understand this behavior is very similar to how gold spammers behave.
Creating 10+ new characters, skipping the tutorial, and a host of other behaviors that don’t look like someone who plays will likely result in your being tracked as a potential botter/gold spammer.

I do understand there may be a very small amount of folks not doing this and you should submit an appeal and hopefully you can show you are an actual player on some server.

We won’t be able to help you solve this issue on the forums. We have escalated this potential issue to moderation and support.