New World

New World Dev Tracker

01 Apr

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for your feedback on this!

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for surfacing! And to everyone adding on your own experience with this issue. We’re looking into this!

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re currently looking into this! We want achievement hunting to be fun. :smiling_face_with_tear:

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re happy to spread the information as much as needed as we understand the frustration this has caused. It’s a huge priority for the team not only to fix it, but to make everyone aware their concerns here are our priority! :blush:

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re aware and the team has made this a priority!

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is currently the #1 priority because we absolutely understand your concern! We’re working hard to make sure the fix is solid and thoroughly tested before implementing!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please reach out to Twitch’s Support team here for additional support: Customer Support

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

This has been fixed! Let us know if you encounter any additional issues for this quest.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

This has been fixed! Let us know if you encounter any additional issues for this quest.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

This has been fixed! Let us know if you encounter any additional issues for this quest.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

:tada: Super glad to hear it!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report! The team is currently investigating the issue.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

[Dev Blog] Problemas de dessincronização

Agradecemos a todos pelas informações e feedback sobre os problemas de dessincronização que estão impedindo que vocês aproveitem o New World. Com o lançamento de Heart of Madness, fizemos algumas correções importantes para resolver esses problemas de dessincronização sobre os quais gostaríamos de falar um pouco.

A dessincronização acontece quando os dados do cliente não correspondem com os dados no servidor. Isso pode causar problemas como animações incorretas ou falhando, o posicionamento do personagem ser diferente de sua localização atual, ou a falha na ativação de efeitos importantes (visuais ou funcionais) no momento correto. Por exemplo, o cliente pode tentar executar uma animação, mas o servidor pode corrigi-lo se estiver em reproduzindo uma animação diferente. Neste caso, o jogador verá a animação piscar, ou pular de maneira estranha para uma nova posição. Devido à dimensão do New World, a frequência com...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

[Blog des dévs] Problèmes de désynchronisation

Merci de nous avoir signalé les problèmes de désynchronisation qui vous empêchent de profiter de New World. Avec la sortie de « Heart of Madness », nous avons implémenté des corrections importantes visant à rectifier les problèmes de désynchronisation dont nous aimerions vous parler ici.

Une désynchronisation se produit lorsque les données du client ne correspondent pas à celles du serveur. Cela peut se engendrer divers problèmes, comme des animations incorrectes ou saccadées, une différence entre la position d’un personnage et son emplacement réel, ou des effets importants (visuels et fonctionnels) qui ne se déclenchent pas au bon moment. Par exemple, le client peut tenter d’afficher une animation, mais le serveur peut la corriger s’il est en train d’en afficher une autre. Dans ce cas, vous verrez l’animation clignoter ou adopter abruptement une nouvelle position. En raison de la taille de New World, la f...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

[Entwicklerblog] Probleme mit Desynchronisation

Danke für eure Meldungen und euer Feedback zu den Desynchronisationsproblemen, die euch daran hindern, New World voll zu genießen. Das „Heart of Madness“-Update bringt einige wichtige Fixes, um Desynchronisationsprobleme zu lösen. Darauf möchten wir kurz näher eingehen.

Desynchronisation tritt auf, wenn die Daten auf dem Client nicht mit denen auf dem Server übereinstimmen. Das kann zu Problemen führen wie dass Animationen nicht korrekt abgespielt werden oder abgehackt sind, die Position eines Charakters nicht seinem tatsächlichen Standort entspricht oder wichtige Effekte (sowohl grafische als auch funktionelle) nicht zur richtigen Zeit ausgelöst werden. Beispielsweise kann der Client versuchen, eine Animation auszuführen, wird aber vom Server korrigiert, wenn dort eine andere Animation abgespielt wird. In diesem Fall würde die Animation für den Spieler flackern oder auf unnatürliche Weise in eine neue Po...

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    Dave_NW on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for all of your reports and feedback about the desync issues that have been hindering your ability to enjoy New World. With the Heart of Madness release, we have put in some major fixes to address desync issues that we’d like to take a moment to talk about.

Desyncing occurs when the data on the client doesn’t match the data on the server. It can cause problems such as animations playing incorrectly or stuttering, a character’s position being different from their actual location, or important effects (both visual and functional) not activating at the right times. As an example, the client may attempt to perform an animation, but the server may correct them if the server is playing a different one. In this case, the player would see the animation flicker or jump unnaturally to a new position. Due to the scale of New World, the frequency that we share this data between the client and the server is limited, which can cause cases where this data could be mismatched.

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    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

:heart_eyes: That looks… sooooooo good. Someone read my intro hahah.

Thank you so much for the welcome, @Hiply! I’m excited to work on making your experiences in game amazing!

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for that information! I’ll bring it back to the team!