Hello Everyone!
Over the last few months, alongside previous content updates like
Living Ship[www.nomanssky.com] and
Exo Mech[www.nomanssky.com], we’ve been busily working on something else in secret.
Do you have a friend on another gaming system with whom you’ve always wanted to explore the great unknown? A legendary base you’ve seen videos of but never been able to visit? A mission that you think would be great to play with friends on other platforms?
We are excited to be able to announce that, starting tomorrow, PlayStation 4 players, Xbox One players and PC players will all be able to explore, journey, survive, build, and trade together. Excitingly, No Man’s Sky is joining what is at the moment a fairly small group of games which support cross-platform multiplayer.

A tremendous amount of work has gone into this update and the underlying technology and systems. We’ve moved to an entirely new networking architecture, with more flexibility for the future, allowing players to play together regardless of platform. I’m very proud of the team that has worked so hard to make this happen.
Meanwhile we are continuing to work hard on new content updates, large and small for the future.
Making No Man’s Sky available to vast new audiences, and allowing those audiences to come together, has been something we’ve been building towards for a long time. We’re lucky to have one of the nicest and most welcoming gaming communities there is, and it’s a delight to be able to allow them to play together. The big question is, who have you always wanted to play with?
Full patch notes are available
Our journey continues.