Hello Everyone!
It’s been such a thrill to see players enjoying our most recent major update,
OUTLAWS[www.nomanssky.com]. Whether it was hunting down pirates for lucrative bounties, becoming an intergalactic smuggler yourself, seeking the treasure of The Blight in the most recent expedition, or just stylishly exploring space in a cape - it's been a delight to watch you all take to the skies.
Today, we are very excited to bring you No Man's Sky's latest expedition: Leviathan. We aim to give every expedition a unique character and style of gameplay, but we think Leviathan feels especially different. Full patch notes can be found
The Leviathan Expedition Our seventh expedition traps Travellers inside a time loop, and offers a taste of roguelike gameplay. Difficulty is tuned to survival-mode settings, and every death means a reset of the loop.

As players explore the loop, they will recover Memory Fragments, lost remnants of previous loops. These manifest as procedurally generated technology, meaning each reset of the loop may play out very differently.

Faced with such difficulty, players across the world can collaborate with each other to even the odds. Alongside their personal efforts to break the loop, Travellers can help Specialist Polo as they research the loop's peculiar manifestations.

The more Travellers that participate in the research, the stronger the Memory Fragments become, manifesting in better upgrades, more inventory space, and stronger Multi-Tools and starships.
Expedition Narrative As players seek a way to unbind the time-loop curse, they will find a story-driven adventure at the heart of the expedition.

Follow the trail of your previous iterations, absorb memories, investigate significant sites, and work together to escape from the curse of the loop. Shattered memories all point towards an encounter with an ancient space creature, The Leviathan - but will Travellers succeed in reshaping history, or are they doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?

The Leviathan expedition begins today, and will run for approximately six weeks. Begin a new Community Expedition game to enter the loop, and earn a generous assortment of limited-edition rewards. When the Leviathan expedition concludes, your progress will be converted to a Survival Mode save. Phase rewards can be redeemed across all save games from the Space Anomaly’s Quicksilver Synthesis Companion.
Leviathan Expedition Rewards Remember your time in the loop with a trio of base decorations - the Leviathan, Loop, and Timesplice Posters.

The Temporal Starship Trail can be fitted in your ship to modify propulsion energy, and leave a visually mesmerising streak of temporal disturbances.

The sweeping Whalestalker Cloak was once worn by an ill-fated Traveller, obsessed with their quest to capture a cosmic leviathan and doomed to repeat the chase for all eternity.

Rehome an Organic Frigate Calf in your base. This mysterious creature is enclosed in a chrono-preservation field to ensure it remains eternally young, playful, and a manageable size.

Finally, the space giant itself - The Leviathan - may be recruited as an organic addition to your capital ship’s frigate fleet.
Development Update We hope you enjoy the Leviathan expedition as much as we enjoyed putting it together! Alongside the expedition, today's update includes a number of improvements and bug fixes. Full patch notes can be found
here[www.nomanssky.com], along with community highlights and information on a special new merch item, the Traveller's Deck, designed by a member of the community, Christopher C. Castillo!.

The team is continuing to work on even more features and content for No Man's Sky, and we will have more news for you soon.
Our journey continues.