2 months ago - HelloGamesTube - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
1s introducing no man's Sky Omega version
10s 4.5 Omega allows the whole world to play
13s together for free whether they own no
15s man's sky or
20s not skim across worlds with a unique new
27s starship the Omega Expedition challenges
30s all players to work together across the
35s universe the atlas path has been
37s Revisited and travelers can honor it
40s with a new staff and
54s armor new planetary missions are now
58s specific to NPC's local climate and
62s personality defeat pirate Freighters in
64s combat and board them to demand
67s control the new Expedition system allows
71s players to bring Provisions with them
73s and return with
77s rewards our journey
89s continues
91s oh