almost 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
almost 2 years ago - timdog99 - Direct link
Hello Everyone!

Only last week, we launched No Man’s Sky on a whole new platform, bringing the galaxy to Mac owners[] everywhere! 2023 has already been an extremely busy and rewarding year for the team.

Fractal[] brought full native support for PSVR2, alongside a spread of accessibility and quality of life features while the accompanying. Utopia expedition experimented with a unique twist on gameplay, and united players under the umbrella of a universal habitation project.

More recently the Interceptor[] update introduced a new ship to collect, a host of gameplay features, and began to peel back the first layers of a mystery centred around worlds corrupted by vivid purple crystals, abandoned “harmonic” encampments, and secrets whispered by disembodied robot heads…

Singularity Expedition
Today, we continue that story as we begin community expedition 10: SINGULARITY.

Explorers will begin their pilgrimage in a harmonic camp, nestled among the purple-hazed mountains of Ahei XV. Singularity is a narrative-heavy journey, and forms the second chapter of the story introduced in Interceptor.

We don’t want to spoil too much, but Travellers will be invited to unveil a little of the history and origin of the harmonic camps in a mystery that touches upon artificial intelligence, the will to exist, and the very nature of reality itself.

Nada and Polo will be there to support and assist Travellers with the assembly of a robotic construct, and with a communal goal that may shape the future of the universe…

Singularity’s mysteries extend into several layers, and players who are especially interested in the narrative can delve below the surface to uncover further clues to what is on the horizon for No Man’s Sky. We can’t wait for everyone to dive in and get started!

After completing Singularity, or when the expedition concludes, you will have the option to convert your progress to a Normal Mode save.

The exclusive rewards detailed below are registered at the Space Anomaly’s Quicksilver Synthesis Companion, and any earnt rewards may be redeemed across all save games.

The Singularity expedition begins today, and will run for approximately five weeks.

Singularity Expedition Rewards
Atlas, Atlantid, and Construct Posters
Decorate bases with these souvenirs of your Singularity journey – depicting the Atlas, the ethereal substance within corrupted Sentinels, and a possible schematic for a mysterious Construct.

Discordant Jetpack Trail
The jetpack exhaust is augmented with an atlantideum filter. When activated, its discordant effect is spilled across the landscape, a trail of dissonant reverberations that echo on an unknowable frequency.

Crimson Freighter Trail
A harmonic generation device converts the output of the freighter engines to Atlas frequencies, radiating a painfully crimson trail.

Living Fragment Base Decorations
This is a detailed replica of the Living Fragments that litter discordant worlds, the prismatic grains that thrust from the earth in a struggle for freedom from their geological prison.

Wayfarer’s Helm
Despite its aerodynamic appearance and advanced solar design, reliance on helmet-exclusive propulsion is not advised. For maximum safety, ensure all body parts are propelled equally.

Construct Customisation Set
Adopt the appearance of a primitive automaton with this full body customisation set.

A choice in the Singularity narrative will complete the automaton suit with the Atlantid or Crimson head.

Community Research
The Quicksilver Synthesis Companion has concluded their Geometric Cape schematic, which is now available for synthesis at their kiosk aboard the Space Anomaly. They thank Travellers for all the contributions towards their research, generated by the completion of Nexus missions.

A vintage garment woven from a star silk blend, bearing a classic geometric design.

The companion is taking a short rest from blueprint research, to contemplate their next project while Travellers focus on the Singularity expedition.

Community Spotlight
We're constantly marvelling at the community's creations and have highlighted some of our favourites here[].

Development Update
Today, we are releasing update 4.27, which includes the Singularity expedition, as well as a number of stability and gameplay fixes. Full patch notes can be found here[].

We look forward to seeing everyone exploring Singularity’s challenges and narrative – and we have many more surprises in store for this year!

Our journey continues.
