Originally posted by Blue Hasia:
Originally posted by Shurenai: I miss it too....But then I remember that in return for it's loss we no longer have to do the tedious process of converting 3/4 of our yield into seeds and replanting the entire field.
Replanting one or two plants per harvest due to mistakes > replanting entire fields every harvest, imo.
or if we press E on plants we planted it can auto plant also
the devs made a way to tell the difference between goldenrod that is world gen and what we planted because punching a worldgen golden rod does not auto re plant it also.
Yeah, They did. There's 'Goldenrod(POI)','Goldenrod Seed', and 'Goldenrod'. The former will just break when harvested. The middle and latter is a block that uses the Block Upgrade System to automatically go to the next upgrade level (when fully grown); And uses the same system to downgrade back to a seed when punched.
There's no functionality in the game engine to auto-plant upon using the E key, which is why they twisted the block upgrade system into working for growing crops. Essentially, Farming is currently just like upgrading a wooden frame into a wooden block, then damaging it back to a frame; Only that the grown plant has 1 hp and so instantly breaks under any damage source.