about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by osrs_nelsi

UPDATE: My account seems to be in my hands again. THANK YOU so much to everyone in this subreddit who helped me with this situation even with a simple up vote, I don't know if this could have worked if it wasn't for your help. Just want to thank Mod Stevew for his effort in this, and for his awesome customer support on this thread. If anything else happens to my account I will update further, but for now it seems to be secure in my hands again. :)

Original Post: My username is Nelsi, & my account was recently hijacked today. They were able to recover the account somehow & were able to bypass using my email to gain access, & somehow have linked their email to the account through the recovery system. I have authenticator, pin, secure username, pass, never clicked any links etc.

I have checked my crystal math labs & it seems that they’re using my account to stake. I don’t care about the money I lost I just need help getting my account locked and returned safely. Any help is suggested, I’ve submitted my own recovery request trying to get my account back. But I don’t know what to do if the hijacker is able to provide enough info to get my account recovered themselves, which is the only option I have myself at this point.

Please help

Edit: All other information regarding this situation is in the comments. I didn’t expect this much support, & I thank everyone who’s helping. I’ll update this post with any further information regarding my account. For the most part, I just hope this post can help others from this happening to.



I've had a chance to look into this unfortunate situation. The first thing to get straight is that this has absolutely nothing to do with any staff misconduct or similar. This situation was caused by a very persistent, motivated person who was set on gaining access to the account.

They have obtained various pieces of key information relating to the account, likely over a period of several months, sufficient to submit a credible recovery request. Information included log in, creation date, creation ISP, creation location, postal code and some passwords - with some of this information stretching back over a number of years.

This person also attempted to mask the location that they were submitting the request from and make it appear that it was being submitted from the owners location. That doesn't fully work and we are able to spot it, but it does also mean that the owners location is known, as the hijacker knows where to try and make the request appear to be from.

Now, we are not without blame here.

Although the recovery request was strong, we should have given more credence to the fact that the account was being actively played by the owner, had Authenticator set and was a very desirable account. It's always a challenge to ensure we help owners when they genuinely need to recover but also balance the judgement based on the amount and quality of information supplied. This challenge is made even harder when a really determined person who knows a lot of information about an account submits a malicious request.

The good news is that these incidents are thankfully rare, but in this particular case I think we could have done more and been more risk averse in processing the request. Clearly we have let this player down and for that I do apologise.

The gold removed from the hijacked account was immediately sold to black markets, our ICU team are currently tracking that wealth and have already perm banned 5 accounts linked to the RWT activity. We have also identified the main account of the hijacker, and that has been perm banned as well.

We can see that the owner has a pending appeal to recover their account, that will be processed just as soon as our anti-cheating team have cleaned all the known and compromised info from the account.

It's never a nice job to have to come on this sub and admit that we have let someone down, but when that does happen we will always own up and clarify, and I hope the honesty and good intent of this post is recognised.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by osrs_nelsi

Thank you so much. I just hope after my own recovery request they’re not able to consistently try to recover it with the previous information gathered. Once again, thank you so much for your effort in this situation. I can’t thank you enough for clearing this up, & I hope to have my account secure again. Much love

The cleaning of the account should ensure that malicious recovery is not possible again. If there is anything we can do to try and put a smile back on your face just let me know. I have added 1 month of membership to your account free of charge, I didn't mention that in my first post as I didn't want people to think I was attributing that value to your loss and I thought it would be a small 'pick me up surprise' for when you next log in.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by Roborabbit37

It amazes me that you guys can give people access to accounts like that.

I asked for my old account back where I had literally all the information available. I admitted to sharing the account with a friend back before it was openly accepted. I was told that they had enough proof that I had been playing on the account since creation and despite having all the correct information, I wasnt allowed to recover simply because the account wasn't registered by myself.

I fell out of contact with the friend who I created with and the account has been since lying dormant.

And they say it pays to be honest...

I wasnt allowed to recover simply because the account wasn't registered by myself

Unless I've misunderstood you, that is exactly how it should work, if you are not the account creator, you have no claim on the account?

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by great_soup_mrs_q

Dude could've bought 64 years worth of bonds with that money and gets 1 month membership as compensation.

Also while Jagex responded they somehow forgot to mention how the hijacker bypassed the pin. Hmmmmm.

Also while Jagex responded they somehow forgot to mention how the hijacker bypassed the pin. Hmmmmm.

I can't tell that, I can say that the hijacker had not logged in days before and begun a cool down, so they knew the PIN on the day they gained access, whether it was shown on stream, guessed, I don't know .. the info I can see on PINs is very limited