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I have a mid game HCIM and a early late game normal Ironman, was considering making an UIM just for the trifecta, but it would really be for novelty sake.

I understand the incredible burden that comes with no bank, does the satisfaction come from that change in gameplay, or just the accomplishments of the account despite the restriction? If it's the latter I think I'll pass due to having my HC and ironman already, but if the gameplay change itself is the reward per se, I may give it a go.

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7 months ago - /u/JagexNin - Direct link

It adds an extra layer where you don't just need to do everything yourself, but you need to learn the quickest ways to get the items you need, like the nearest knife spawn to a teleport, quickest way to get decent food, and so on. It also means you need to be ruthless in what you drop or decide not to keep, and especially towards the end-game you need to get really really picky. You can't switch between activities too easily, you're best just committing to whatever your current goal is without distraction. 10/10 good game mode.