over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by SEND_ME_UR_DOOTS

Geodes, bottles and nests containing clue scrolls are no longer automatically banked by the Arcane Courier Relic.

I thought the dev philosophy was to avoid balance changes, as minor as this is, it's still removing a downside of the relic.

A fair comment. The thought process here is that these are not 'resources' in the same way logs, ores and fish are so it's more of a bugfix.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by i_have_groot

I'm really not a fan of these changes for ironmen in bounty hunter. There is no reason for ironmen to do bounty hunter other than to boost points or emblems(which we have seen happen a lot more since the bh changes). The couple of ironman accounts that people create for novelty pking should NOT be a reason to damage the integrity of the game mode for everyone else.

While it is possible to boost bh with alts/paying for kills ironmen should be entirely excluded from participating in bounty hunter. Gaming the system for resources should never be a thing, stop destroying the integrity of the gamemode.

We haven't seen any Ironmen boosting emblems because they don't have access to them. The resources Ironmen can access from these crates are limited to what they're able to obtain through skilling.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by bulletbrainsurgery

An unnecessary message has been removed from player owned house storage.


A game changer.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Verzik_Vitur

I think the percentages for the t5 relic shows just how much DPS trumps defence in combat. A defence oriented relic would have to be really crazy for it to be competitive to a DPS relic.

Agreed. The 5th tier in particular was be a big learning point for balancing future leagues.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Skellyhell2

The stat I want to see is how many Twisted League players want a unique chat helmet. I'm expecting it being very close to 100%

We've had a look at this idea and it'd require (you guessed it) engine work. It may come in the future, but is not happening any time soon.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Hogiecookiez

Are you playing twisted league Mod Gambit?

Here and there :) I just unlocked my third relic.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexGambit

A fair comment. The thought process here is that these are not 'resources' in the same way logs, ores and fish are so it's more of a bugfix.

What Gambit says here is right. I wouldn't count a clue scroll as a resource so in that way it was not doing what the description said it should

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by bitesizedrs

Still no Sire changes?

Not this week I'm afraid. They're still coming soon, but our testers have had to focus primarily on the Twisted League this week.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by resizeabletrees

I know this will be engine work too, but how likely is it we'll ever have the ability to multi log? I just want to play my iron in the main game while I'm playing Twisted League...

That's really hard to say. It'd require a big change in the way accounts and profiles work so I don't see this coming in time for the current league.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by FixerVoid

How do I check if I am in the top 1% of Twisted Leagues players for the trophy? Is it based on Total Level or based on League Points? Will you be adding Hans to Kourend Castle? I want to check play time.

We're working on calculating the bandings for each trophy range. The percentiles are based on League points rather than total level. We like the idea of an account-age feature for the Twisted League and may add this when the more important fixes/changes are done.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by jimmyfeitelberg

If it is something you're able to do it would greatly be appreciated by a lot of us who only play on one account, especially irons. I'd love to give twisted league a try, but don't want to stop all progress on my account for 2 months. If I could afk something while playing twisted league there would be a lot more incentive to give it a shot.


over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Dont4Get2Eat

Can we expect to see another league right after Twisted ends? Or will there be down time?

There'll be some downtime since these take a long time to design/plan and then lots of development and testing.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by dexamen

would love to see the team be more spread out efficiently so they can push mixed updates out not just pvp/pve/leagues strictly updates would accompany all types of players other then content that would benefit people that don't partake in some of these things being held back EG: this update is mostly useless if u dont play twisted or enjoy pvp.

and no i'm not complaining because no pve updates this would work both ways meaning pvp updates would come in with pve when available.

We're doing our best! You'll notice we had a PvP focus the past couple of months with LMS and Bounty Hunter, but have a poll running right now that targets PvM and Skilling content. It usually makes sense to do things in turns/batches rather than try to do a load of small changes to cover all the bases at once.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by RedditRandom9000

But do you know that LMS and Bounty Hunter are practically dead content? Specifically BH and it's only been out 2 weeks. Like is the team aware of this or are we going another few years before they are touched again?

You say that, but the two BH worlds consistently have hundreds (sometimes touching 1k) players on each. This is a big increase from maybe 300 or 400 on a single world that we saw pre-rework. We're aware of the issues and are working to fix them.

For PvP as a whole, we'd like to give it more regular attention than we have in the past.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by resizeabletrees

Yes, exactly what he said. The Twisted League is incredibly fun, I don't want to stop playing it, but I am missing out on huge gains on my main game iron in the mean time. And I don't want to use another account, since I want the rewards on the same account. I hope this will be considered for next Leagues! Maybe a workaround could be that you can buy the rewards for a different account, after which it becomes untradeable? Thank you for answering, by the way :)

We had a lot of talks about a system like the one you describe, which would allow players to transfer rewards over. There doesn't seem to be a solution that won't result in a black market of these items being earned for other people.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by RandomlyBroken2

Players will now be notified how many resources exist in the Bank when the Arcane Courier Relic sends those same resources to the Bank.

Geodes, bottles and nests containing clue scrolls are no longer automatically banked by the Arcane Courier Relic.

Biased towards the courier gang while we, the gatherer gang, are left in the dust.

It is what it is, walker.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by Upvote_Responsibly

Any plans of doing a “group” league in the future? (Similar to the planned group Ironman mode)

The mechanics of the next league aren't determined yet, but this sounds like a great idea!

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by xfactorx99

Stone chests.

This. Such a relief after the Master Farmer and fruit stall.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by jimipops

Relic idea - Xeric's memories, remembers one item from the previous league to use in the next league.

Meta. I like it.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by IAmNocturneAMA

How long of a downtime? weeks? months? I know you obviously can't be specific/may not even know at this time, but any idea?

It's too early to say, sorry.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by BlackMagicChart

Endless Endurance gang has been officially recognized


over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by AffectionateNorth60

Look at the data on players using high tier emblems in BHv2. Other than boosters, I haven't seen anyone with a tier 3+. Imo the emblem system needs a rework badly.

We're open to design suggestions.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by the_web_dev

Just curious, why isn’t this purely a client side cosmetic change since you can guarantee every player on a twisted world is 100% a twisted player?

If (playerIsOnTwistedWorld()){
     Player.chatIcon = greenIcon.jpg

I understand if not, it just seems so trivial. Reminds me of the run elite plugin that gives your Ironman symbol back.

Not being a programmer, I don't know the technical details but my understanding is that the game pulls that image (icons next to player names) from a number that's stored somewhere engine-side. Which would mean adding another one there rather than client side.

over 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

Originally posted by AffectionateNorth60

I think something between the new system and the old system would be best.

The upgrade requirement of having the same or higher tier as your opponent is a big part of this. Maybe the emblems could upgrade no matter what, after 3 kills. "Your emblem absorbs your opponent's power, it is now 1/3 of the way to an upgrade" or something like that.

Thanks for still checking feedback with twisted league out :)

We could have them upgrade every time you kill an opponent with any emblem, as long as they're no longer doubling in value. To keep them from being boostable, it'd have to be something like gaining a flat 75k in value while the other disappears. But then they could be upgraded almost indefinitely (doing away with tiers), regardless of which kind your opponent has.