about 1 month ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s hello everybody and welcome to this very
5s special live stream on what I can say uh
8s is after a very long and exciting day
11s yesterday for for the whole team and and
13s hopefully all of you at home uh I am
16s your host modani and I'm joined by the
18s wonderful mod rice how you doing rice
21s how's it going I'm doing pretty good I
23s think I'm a little bit tired it's been a
25s long couple of days but definitely worth
28s it it's been a blast seeing everybody
30s finally get to get their hands on all
32s the stuff that we've been uh working on
35s uh yeah it's just great it's a really
38s special feeling to see people playing
40s something that I've worked on for the
42s first time yeah and and I was going to
44s say one of your first pieces of content
45s ever what a what an amazing thing to be
48s chucked into how's how's that been for
51s you overall I I mean I can't complain I
54s it's such a unique opportunity and like
58s I've been given all of the support I
59s needed the help I needed but I've been
62s given sort of Freedom also to do
65s whatever I felt was right uh so yeah I'm
67s just I mean I love the video game and
69s the fact that the video game that I love
72s now has stuff that I've contributed to
74s in it you know that's there's no price
78s can be put on that it's not even a
79s little bit of
80s contribution yeah it's pretty big
82s actually a little bigger than we
84s initially intended but that's a good
85s thing I think so I think so so yeah for
88s anyone that hasn't clocked uh for what
90s it's worth I'm going to stress this at
92s the start of the stream this is quite a
93s new setup for us in terms of like
95s cameras being on all sides most of the
98s like stuff we've done online especially
100s since I've been here through Co you know
103s uh using the the glories of uh the
105s internet but now we're in the studio
107s we're going to try and do some more of
108s these I don't know what camera I'm
109s looking into this one this one excellent
112s there's like four cameras around this is
114s all new and exciting five cameras around
116s there you go um so yeah now I'm on this
118s one and this one there you go you can
120s see there's a lot of lot of cameras
122s around um so yeah essentially bmore came
125s out yesterday if you weren't aware The
127s Shining Kingdom and part one which is uh
131s a massive new area there's so much to do
133s in it and not just in terms of the
136s content we've spoken about but there is
137s definitely a ton of unexplored and uh
141s extra little goodies I think the the
142s players can find um so so if you haven't
145s been there yet go and do it go do
147s children of the Sun in varac it's a nice
149s easy Quest to ease you into to get into
152s valmore and then you can hop on quel and
154s head over to The Shining Kingdom itself
156s which I mean gorgeous yeah let's start
159s off with that I mean amazing the art
161s team never miss they never miss they
163s never miss and the fact they had this
165s whole area to do and still came out of
167s the gate swinging so I'm very excited to
169s see what they do with uh with the next
171s part of the expansions um so yeah we're
174s going to do something a little bit
175s different we were going to do a normal
176s Q&A um but we decided how about instead
180s cuz we want to see there's a lot of
182s things to go through in terms of
183s feedback there's so much so much content
186s that we wanted to take a bit of extra
188s time to to com through your feedback so
190s we can go in and properly address uh
192s everything you've been saying so instead
194s we are going to do a bit of a Q&A but if
196s um if modre you want to bring
199s up this on screen what's on my Center
202s screen yes you can we are going to be
205s doing a little playthrough of of one of
207s the pieces of content in uh in volore
210s perilous moons and obviously the
212s wonderful mod rice is is is one of the
215s uh the mods that worked on it so yeah
217s this is this is the content yeah I mean
219s and you can see here a little bit of
221s spoilers you know there's been time
223s nobody's really figured out I present to
225s you the best in slot gear for perilous
228s moons you have the Sunfire fanatic armor
231s the verx flail the dragon um gloves the
235s guardian boots and the legendary Obby
237s Cape nobody knew but there special check
240s for every single piece of gear when you
242s go into a boss sees that and it just
244s sort of cowers in fear you do like
246s 300,000 damage yeah that's uh how it
249s works it sees the trip the the trip the
252s drip and it's an instant KO essentially
254s for all the bosses so you know bring
256s your best drip basically that's what you
257s want to do um so we're going to be doing
259s that you can come and join us on world
261s uh
262s 521 um and join join along with the fun
265s uh we don't know how how how long we're
267s going to go for but we'll we'll see how
269s it goes you know we'll hopefully we can
270s do at least one one successful run
273s hoping um but yeah before we get into
276s that uh let's go through some things
278s that I've got to read out in the script
281s um so I think mod did you pull up where
284s you can start uh where you can go to
287s valmore excellent so yeah for anyone
290s that hasn't done Children Of The Sun uh
292s and started valmore yet after you
293s complete that Quest this is where you
295s can find one of the Glorious national
297s birds of valmore the quel you can on
300s that uh and head over to the Glorious
303s region itself um so yeah make sure you
306s do that and head on over this will be
308s the only way you can get to vmore uh the
311s first time there are plenty of other
312s transport methods you can use after but
314s this is the the only one you can use to
316s start with um it is in the north uh the
319s the East Gate of varac so just outside
322s by some lovely trees it's nice nice
324s little Nest setup it's very cute very
326s cute um and also we've worked with some
328s incredible creators to bring you a taste
331s of Life on vmore and uh as you can see
334s this is a wonderful brochure made by the
337s amazing gentle tractor that we partnered
339s with uh before uh and had a little uh
342s had a little little preview on uh part
345s two at the summit he came in especially
346s for us which was very very lovely of him
349s um so yeah check this out it's
351s fantastically well done like it's so
354s good it's just so good looking it is I I
356s was blown away it's like a it's like one
357s of those theme park things but it's in
360s like an old schooly style I love it it
362s looks it looks clickable as well like
365s crazy clickable like I want to just like
367s spam my clicks on it
371s um there you go I don't know if stream
373s heard that but mod did say that the
376s general tractor is goated so there there
378s you go um and not only that we worked
380s with the amazingly talented Falco AJ uh
384s to create this fantastic
389s cinematic
395s [Music]
412s [Music]
435s so if that didn't get you hyped it was a
437s fantastic trailer and I remember seeing
440s the early drafts and getting super hyped
442s so seeing it fully flashed out is insane
445s so again big thank you to Falco for that
448s amazing trailer and how'd you feel about
450s it right I I loved it I remember seeing
452s it for the first time and just being
454s blown away like it's so easy to lose
456s track of what you're working on cuz you
458s know for for so many months we've just
460s been working on making the content as
462s good as possible one little piece at a
464s time and then someone takes a trailer
466s like that and just presents it in front
468s of you it's like oh yeah I'm working on
470s like a bigger thing um and yeah that was
473s that's just fantastic exactly exactly I
475s couldn't I couldn't put it better myself
476s you know couldn't put it better myself
478s um all right before we get into into the
480s the goodness of the content let's go
481s through some announcements so of course
483s exclamation mark valmore vmore part one
486s is out now you can explore old school's
489s shiny new region packed with fresh
491s quests Skilling methods pvm counters and
495s so so much more even if you're not
497s around honestly to do any of the content
499s just go and have a Wonder there's some
501s really nice little bits in there I'd
503s highly recommend go into the uh the
505s western region of the uh Savannah
508s there's some uh nice NPCs you'll be
510s familiar with but not with their new
512s redesign so it's uh that's what I I'll
515s just leave it at that uh and exclamation
517s mark trailer if you want to watch the
519s the the trailer again or you want to
521s share it with some friends uh you can
523s tune into the cinematic trailer with
524s that command uh and not only did we
528s partner with gentle tractor and Falco
530s but the wonderful jeop right uh the norn
534s U yeah you know with his fantastic
537s series if you haven't checked that out
538s go and check it out but before that uh
540s exclamation mark video you can see
542s what's happening in Valore je right even
544s though he can't cross over to Valore
546s he's had plenty of rumors so uh he's
548s giving us a Lowdown on what you can do
550s there can I just say as well his read he
552s nailed the pronunciation the jeel maqua
555s whistle there are people in this office
558s who have looked at that name for like
560s five months and still can't say it it's
562s just the Big Mac I mean the amount of
564s time I came to you when I was doing the
566s the audio reading and I still struggle
568s to date so you know go and check it out
570s it's a fantastic uh fantastic video and
572s let you know all all you need to know uh
575s and then finally exclamation mark poll
577s 81 poll 81 closes tomorrow so make sure
580s to have your Say by then you can check
582s out the blog uh for the set of proposals
584s aimed at reducing a common frustrations
587s with a mage training Arena uh something
589s we've seen uh spoken about a lot
592s especially after the most recent league
594s so what better time to address it than
596s now so go and vote if you haven't
597s already uh let us know what you want in
600s game okay that is it I think we can move
603s on to the the actual reason why we're
605s here this perilous Moon's playthrough so
607s I'm just going to read read through some
609s some more script stuff and then we can
610s jump in uh I I do want to say uh
613s recently we have hot fixed uh something
617s so the chance of getting relevant items
620s uh from Hunter rumors will be increased
622s for various creatures meaning the rumors
625s won't take as long uh most creatures
627s will see an improvement uh so hopefully
631s that will work we'll still keep an eye
632s on it uh and make tweaks adjus inly uh
635s but you know we'll start here and and go
638s forward with that uh I also want to say
640s before this we are going to have a big
641s meeting tomorrow to talk about
643s everything volore um so you can expect
645s to hear more from us soon um chat's
648s already enjoying that so good start I
651s think um cool okay so if you didn't know
654s what part perilous moons was uh awaiting
657s you in valmore you can travel beneath
659s the surface of Cam tum to the perilous
661s moons dungeon which holds threee deadly
664s Demi bosses and play through this uh for
667s midlevel combat that's that's that's
669s what it's say that heavily inspired by
671s the iconic Barrow Brothers uh so I think
673s we're going to try and defeat them and
674s get some exciting loot hopefully along
676s with all these lovely people I already
678s see a quzo pet so jez whoever got that
681s um since this Quest pvm content is aimed
683s at mid-level Players we recommend
685s tackling the dungeons with a combat
686s level of 75 or more uh the most exciting
690s thing however is that you can take on
692s the bosses at the same time with other
694s players without them affecting your loot
696s potential so essentially each uh player
698s will have their own uh boss Health but
701s the boss will attack you all
702s simultaneously so uh you might find when
705s you come into an encounter with a boss
707s uh there's already a tax flyting so you
709s want to be quick on your toes uh as you
712s enter on mass uh and we've also gathered
715s up some questions so we'll be running
716s through the paradise Moon dungeon as
718s well as answering like several questions
720s about different content in valmore but
721s as I say we will be coming back soon
723s with some uh some more information and
725s some changes probably I imagine over the
727s next week or two for sure um so yeah I
730s feel like we should get us started I
731s think rice is probably going to take the
733s lead and I'm going to follow my okay
735s I'll do my best semi newbie setup I
737s think uh probably going to make a fool
739s of myself but you know that's what we're
740s here for yeah well you know with uh with
744s the lack of practice I've had in recent
746s days just uh sat fixing things we'll see
749s how I do
750s um yeah I think we're going to go uh get
752s some supplies to start with um cuz if
756s you've got a good fishing level and
757s you've got a good cush cooking level um
760s you uh you can sustain yourself entirely
763s within this dungeon you don't even need
765s to uh buy anything off the G um if you
768s haven't played the cooking mini game
770s Sorry the fishing mini can you tell I'm
772s tired um the fishing Min game yet uh I
775s highly recommend it it's one of my
777s favorite parts of the dungeon actually
778s you know whatever the boss is that's
780s pretty cool I guess but um these fish I
782s mean come on look at
785s it it looks great the dungeon itself
787s looks fantastic as well like just feels
790s good running through you know um I will
792s say before we dive into anything else is
794s one thing I missed out on the script but
796s uh one worthy noting thing uh we did
799s deploy a hot fix earlier today uh to
801s Soul heredi uh meaning his shield slam
804s and spear strike extend further when
806s used but don't worry if you've already
808s got comple
810s and got yourself the qu we're not
811s removing them we just wanted to make
813s that clear uh so yeah let's let's just
816s let's just crack on let's just crack
820s on so much Focus I can't talk at the
823s same time what was the I I tell you what
826s I can I can prompt you a bit go ahead I
828s know that this fishing uh mini game
830s might have been inspired by a uh little
833s bit byy another game you want to talk
835s about that yeah any Jack and Daxter
837s enjoyers out there um um hasn't been
840s around for a long time but uh great game
844s and one of the first things you do in
845s that game uh is you hang over a bridge
848s with a little net and you try and catch
850s some fish and I was like you know what I
851s can do this in old school
852s RuneScape um yeah I've got a full
855s inventory of fish how you okay we'll
856s wait for you listen yeah I I was I was
858s script reading uh I'm also very tired
862s but you know I'm not going to blame my
864s skills on me being tired for what it's
865s worth my my skills are weak uh and
869s you'll see that as we go through the
870s stream so but I'm going to I'm going to
873s have a good time regardless by the way I
875s am terrified of seeing this many people
877s in one room I don't know what is going
879s to happen to um the bosses I really hope
883s it's uh it doesn't have a meltdown yeah
886s I don't know I don't know if we've had
888s this many players in one dungeon yet
891s maybe maybe we have I don't know I don't
892s know how many players are actually here
895s um but we will we will
897s see am I am I am I do doing well rice
900s probably not I think so yeah yeah you
902s catching the fish I'm catching the fish
904s slowly at least the cooking time is it's
906s really quick really quick so that's the
908s benefit of this uh this dungeon yeah and
909s the the first invent is definitely the
911s one that takes longest cuz it doesn't
913s really take a full inventory of food to
914s kill any of the bosses so you can just
916s sort of resupply a few at a time exactly
918s exactly but we want that we want that we
920s want that extra XP as well you know um
924s yeah do we want to get any any pots or
927s we just going straight in with the you
929s know what that's a good point sorry guys
930s you're going to have to wait a little
931s longer let's get some pots uh yeah so
934s for what my inventory for what it's
935s worth uh I'm I'm pretty sure R already
937s touched on it but just to make sure
939s everybody knows you can be very
940s self-sufficient in this dungeon you
942s don't have to leave the gear the the
945s items are required doesn't leave with
947s you like all the fish and the the the
950s potions you make but um you don't need
953s to you can just come back here resupply
955s when you're ready and take on the bosses
956s in any order you really want so make
958s some Moonlight potions
960s and we are good to go oh yeah I should
962s set up some quick prayers I'm on a fresh
966s jod account fresh Jame oh yeah why am i
968s setting that there we go there we
973s go did you catch your Moonlight I'm just
975s going to I'm just going to want to come
978s wrong way wrong way where am I going
979s you're going right to
981s South yeah I was going to set there you
983s go there you go I don't need the potions
984s you know I don't need the potions I'm
985s going to take the gear in all right
987s everyone at the same time no one going
989s early yeah I'm going sink up sink up how
992s to do this now three two ah suckers I'm
996s going in oh wait no I got a
999s prompt okay oh this is one of my
1001s favorite phases I love this I remember
1004s what I'm doing now
1005s okay we're going there we're going there
1008s we're going there so hopefully we're not
1010s going to sort of talk too much about how
1012s to do it we want you to sort of maybe
1013s watch and take a take a little in bit of
1016s inspiration but uh where's the where's
1018s the boss at my god there so many people
1020s I can't see the boss oh my
1023s god well this is going to be a problem
1026s yeah it's all right I've already damaged
1027s the boss a little bit so it's um well
1029s the good thing is that it automatically
1031s sort of takes damage as the fight goes
1034s on so oh also retaliate that guy's a
1036s genius yeah that guy oh there we go oh
1038s I'm I'm
1039s very oh my God oh God I'm already I'm
1043s already done I'm already gone all right
1045s see you later son U I'll talk a little
1047s bit about uh the boss
1051s um so a lot of the bosses were aimed at
1054s teaching mechanics that people encounter
1055s elsewhere in the game um Blue Moon and
1058s blood especially uh but Eclipse was sort
1061s of like a pet project I mean obviously
1062s this has some stuff in common with um
1066s Inferno wall but you know not a
1068s tremendous
1069s amount um and uh yeah the the eclipse
1074s was the one where I tried to sort of
1075s like warps uh the eclipse was the one
1077s where I tried to sort of like try some
1080s new stuff and uh that's where the the
1083s sort of facing attack came I realized we
1085s don't really have that many things we
1086s have some Quest bosses where you have to
1088s face the right way but we don't use that
1090s mechanic a ton let's give that a go and
1092s uh hopefully people are find it fun
1094s really appreciate any feedback that
1096s people may have on um you know whether
1099s they want to see more of this or not
1101s same thing with the Skilling aspect like
1103s resupplying within the dungeon trying to
1105s integrate Skilling into um the combat
1108s Loop a little bit more CU that's sort of
1110s the promise that we make on tutorial
1112s Island we say like oh you're going to
1113s chop trees and make fires and cook food
1117s and then you're going to fight enemies
1118s and then you're going to do and you
1120s don't really do that you just uh go back
1122s to your bank and get your stuff uh which
1124s is fine find way to play the game but
1126s maybe in some other areas we can uh we
1128s can do stuff like this yeah exactly
1131s think I'm almost done I was going to say
1132s don't wait around for me I'm I'm clearly
1134s doing my own run by myself all right I'm
1138s out peace
1139s that's it that's it good stuff boys look
1143s at those teers let that get that
1146s Brew okay so you know what should we
1148s should we answer some questions we're
1150s going to the next uh next well well
1152s you're going to the next eron while I
1153s fish uh are there any plans for an
1156s achievement diary for this region rice
1159s um so I think it makes sense right it is
1161s a new region we do have uh achievement
1164s diaries for existing regions I think at
1166s some point someone is going to want to
1168s make an achieve achievement diary for it
1170s the question is you know do we uh do we
1173s do that now instead of making stuff like
1176s the agility course or do we leave it for
1178s later batches I think it'd be better to
1181s do it when the region is fully fleshed
1183s out um so my opinion we should you know
1187s wait until batch three maybe even post
1189s batch three make sure that the content
1190s is good and then we can give you some
1192s achievement Diaries uh to get you
1194s to um engage with that content in
1197s different ways um but yes the answer is
1200s most definitely at some point you will
1202s be getting it yeah I think it would feel
1204s so weird right coming into an area and
1206s doing let's just say x amount and then
1209s finding out oh actually I've got to come
1212s back here when the content releases do a
1214s whole other lot of uh of achievements
1217s when when we are ready to
1220s uh have when when volore is in its uh
1223s full then we can just go ahead and and
1226s give you everything that you uh that you
1228s want so yeah all right awesome uh will
1231s with all these new items being added is
1233s Bank space going to be increased uh we
1236s haven't discussed it it will probably
1237s come up in tomorrow's meeting I imagine
1240s but uh maybe potentially a little boost
1242s but you know if you want more Bank space
1244s you can just buy more Bank space so
1246s there is that option y literally just GP
1249s guys yeah exactly not hard just Al some
1252s stuff out out yeah Al some stuff you'll
1254s be you'll be fine you'll be there in no
1256s time um all right love the vmore quest
1260s sorry can I just say for it right gang
1262s right gang you know whatever going left
1264s imagine going left on this phase right
1267s right gang right gang is
1269s correct I'm a right gang I'm a right
1271s gang member it's the right one it is
1274s it's the right it is because it's the
1275s right one oh The Shield
1278s time um yeah what about quests uh Rice
1282s have we got any more uh quests planned
1284s for vmore definitely I mean it's so nice
1286s to see that people have resonated with
1288s the quests we put out so far uh and the
1290s plan is definitely to give you more of
1292s them because you want more of them and
1293s we like to make them and we like to
1295s deliver them so yes the quest the answer
1297s is absolutely yes and not only that but
1300s we're not just doing quests with volore
1301s well Gothic sleeps is on its way we're
1304s hard at work on making it uh fun and
1307s nostalgic but up to scratch with the
1309s Polish that we expect of modern quests
1313s um so yeah look forward to that yes you
1315s can indeed it's going to be it's going
1317s to be good stuff I know I saw a lot of
1319s comments about one quest in particular
1321s being very well received um I think the
1324s plan is uh I know I saw some questions
1328s about like oh the quest being unpulled
1329s and stuff which I feel like a lot of
1331s players were were happy about these you
1333s know a few more surprises which is nice
1335s to see I will say for anything
1337s significant we will always be
1340s polling um the rewards Etc like anything
1344s that's going to change the game no
1345s matter big or small we will be polling
1348s that it's for the quest themselves
1350s however um we might try and Chuck some
1353s extra ones in there I imagine for our
1354s next poll that's volore related we're
1356s going to have a general question about
1358s um more quests in vmore full stop so if
1362s that's something you want to see make
1363s sure to vote on that uh when it comes
1364s out um oh misclick there this is uh you
1369s know what
1370s streamers this is this is this is hard
1373s work you know oh behind behind the orb
1375s behind the orb I'm glad my my viewers in
1379s being uh being watched this is oh no
1382s okay this is going to go so bad uh shall
1384s I continue with some other questions
1387s yeah you can continue some other
1388s questions yeah so how will the perilous
1391s moons bosses work with group Prestige so
1394s because these are effectively solo
1396s bosses that you can just do with the
1398s gang um then you uh it doesn't really
1402s count as being helped if there are many
1404s people in fact as you can see here when
1406s you've got 600 people in the arena it's
1409s particularly helpful um and uh yeah so
1413s it won't affect your your prestige at
1415s all in a similar vein if you're an iron
1417s and you want to do with the content with
1418s other irons or you want to do it with
1419s mains you can still do the content uh
1421s it's all individually tracked for
1423s everyone um so yeah that's that indeed
1428s we're all I think after this special I
1430s think we're going to we're going to be
1431s clearing my first
1436s boss good to see some people have
1439s figured out this phase there is a very
1440s tight window to step back to avoid all
1442s damage uh or you can step back early and
1445s take slightly less damage
1447s um it's a pretty fun attack once you get
1450s it
1453s down oh God where am I going okay yeah I
1456s saw the circle for like half a
1459s millisecond okay I think I only need one
1462s more uh one more bit of damage and then
1465s we're good good good uh next one is the
1468s player limit for perilous moons going to
1470s return well given oh congrats um given
1474s what you're seeing right now uh this is
1476s sort of the initial motivation we had
1478s for maybe introducing a limit to the am
1480s amount of players is that oh that's so
1482s fun seeing everyone bounce around that's
1485s man makes you makes you want to leave
1487s the play Lim off but yeah you can see
1488s the boss is like flickering out of
1490s existence because people are walking
1491s over it and stuff like that probably
1493s makes sense to introduce some sort of
1495s cap but if it does come back it will be
1497s a high number you will be able to do
1499s this with you know plenty of people more
1502s so than you'd usually run into so um
1505s yeah it shouldn't stop you from doing
1506s your full runs yeah indeed indeed um I'm
1510s having a great time though even though I
1511s died so quick I'm having a great time
1514s it's about you know you learn by dying
1515s uh sometimes you die by not being able
1518s to see the boss and clicking through it
1519s and taking 16 damage because you stepped
1521s out of the safety Circle but you know we
1523s learn we learn right I'm going to I'm
1524s going to go back and get some fish I
1525s think good stuff um I'm going to open
1528s the chest oh first bit Lo there a get in
1532s line not you can't be you can't be doing
1535s that I want an orderly Que in like the
1537s next five
1538s minutes or
1540s [Laughter]
1543s else oh look at that oh well done I love
1546s our that was that that is a that is a
1549s truly British queue honestly honestly
1551s I'm so
1553s proud all right while you're doing that
1555s Rice while you're waiting in in line you
1557s want to get some more questions up um
1560s why doesn't perilous moons have a pet oh
1562s boy so the reason for this is that we
1564s were trying to follow the formula of
1566s Barrow um barrows has remained like a
1587s semi-predictable
1589s um so there is a discussion to be had
1591s about whether um we we do introduce a
1594s pet um I personally think that it should
1597s be tied to some sort of challenge mode
1599s so that means we might have to wait but
1601s like the people who are going to be
1602s hunting the pet here are high level
1605s players so I'd want to introduce some
1606s sort of like maybe the friendly NPC that
1609s you meet during the quest stops
1611s providing you as much protection and the
1613s fight becomes very very hard and that
1616s gives you a role at the pet you know
1617s that that's something that I can see in
1619s the future um so yeah definitely
1620s something we'll be discussing um as as
1623s we go forwards yeah definitely will
1626s definitely it's it's I think it's on the
1627s cards I know I can see people in chat
1630s and and I've seen for a long time that
1632s bars pet is wanted uh I'm not going to I
1636s I don't think we're going to do a bars
1637s pet at this point I can't just going to
1640s call out a comment in chat there fight
1641s all three at once if I find a way if I
1644s find a way I've been thinking about it
1646s you know but it is it is a tough
1648s challenge to make it like annoying and
1652s confusing um should I continue yeah go
1655s for it go for it any chance on the moons
1659s app Peril armor sets being storable in
1660s the P like the Sunfire fanatic set or
1663s anywhere else in Vol so there is
1665s currently a stash unit for the blue moon
1667s set so if you get that you can store it
1670s there if you're a uim that should make
1671s you happy um but yeah there is there is
1674s no there are no plans to make it P
1676s storable um we may stashes in the future
1679s that allow you to store the armor sets
1681s away um that's where we're at right now
1684s uh do make your your feedback heard
1687s though if if somebody feels there's a
1689s really good reason why it should be
1691s storable in the P by all means uh let us
1694s know yes indeed we want to hear all your
1696s feedback just cuz we're having this
1698s meeting tomorrow does not mean we're
1699s going to stop uh with the feedback for
1702s um for volore as a I'm going to sneak
1704s ahead I'm sorry I I skipped the queue
1707s whoa whoa you well no I was always here
1710s um sunk his bones wa 7 72 water RS do
1714s you know how much crafting XP that is
1716s it's a lot of crafting right there right
1718s right right side right side it is yes
1720s right side good St always right side
1722s okay uh I'm going back to the eclipse I
1724s I'll resupply on fish and uh continue
1727s yes I think that's a good shout I think
1729s that's a good shout Druid you know what
1731s throughout my game play you know what
1732s why
1733s not I'm already in there I'm going to
1736s see if I can just tank those hits yeah
1737s there we go
1739s easy peasy we don't we don't need should
1741s I continue with yeah yeah go for it go
1743s for it uh I'm just going to you know
1745s what I'm there is an AFK way to do this
1746s you can just sit here and so you know um
1749s you can just do that uh let's see why is
1753s the quiver so small can we make it
1755s bigger or more epic we've seen this
1756s feedback people want it to look slightly
1758s different something we can look into
1760s we'll be discussing it but these things
1762s do take time volore was not made in a
1764s day um and uh yeah we'll we'll be
1767s looking to um
1769s to continue taking your feedback in very
1771s impressive if it was was made in a day
1773s definitely um now that you can teleport
1775s to cives Il foris and also add it to the
1778s portal Nexus there's now 31 available
1780s teleports to choose but only 30 slots to
1782s use on the max portal Nexus are you
1784s aware of this uh we definitely are now
1786s because I just read the question it's
1788s possible that someone else in the team
1789s is already looking into it I'm one small
1791s part of the machine that made this uh
1794s great uh area expansion uh we'll
1797s definitely be discussing it and will
1798s definitely be looking to implement it if
1800s it looks like change that people want
1801s and one that we can make happen I will
1804s say uh I have seen like some messages in
1807s in from some other J mods but I think we
1809s are potentially going to look into the
1811s charg version anyway of the quiver um
1814s making it a bit more grandiose so uh or
1817s the maxcap variant I can't remember
1818s which one I saw but I think there are
1820s already discussions happening so uh yeah
1822s I just thought I'd I'd let you know okay
1825s everybody ready for the eclipse boss
1827s other than
1829s okay you don't have to call me out like
1831s that
1832s bro right we're going
1835s in
1838s um let's see oh this attack is hard to
1840s do while reading questions did the
1842s glaive of Ros name get changed to tona's
1845s tick of Ros that is correct you may be
1848s wondering why turns out that thing it's
1852s not a glaive not a glaive a glaive is a
1854s big two-handed pole arm um and it was
1859s yeah it's just not a glaive so we went
1861s to our resident lawm and we asked what
1863s could this be called our resident lawm
1866s made up a name and uh now that is what
1868s it's called um there you go that's the
1872s answer there you go okay we've done
1874s we've done the second we've done the
1875s second boss we've done the second boss
1877s I'm getting there I'm getting there guys
1878s I'm I'm going to be doing some more of
1879s this this evening probably honestly on
1880s my own on my own
1882s account uh i' I've thoroughly enjoyed
1885s testing perilous moon so far hell yeah
1888s um all right all right what question we
1889s on uh the why is the death cost so high
1892s why is the death cost so high all right
1893s I need to I need to roll down to here
1895s okay cool all right why is the death
1897s cost so high mod well uh the Coliseum is
1901s not for babies um and it is a risky
1904s piece of content you despite the fact
1906s that most people are going for the
1907s quiver right now eventually people are
1908s going to get the hang of it our players
1910s are just too cracked at this game they
1912s will eventually be really good at it and
1914s they will grind the content and when
1916s they do we want them to be valuating
1918s risk reward when they see a juicy reward
1921s we don't want them to just mindlessly
1923s click through it we want them to think
1925s like okay I'm going to pay 500k if I die
1927s here and if I cash out I'm getting 800k
1930s that's a net 1.3 mil um so we want them
1933s to making to be making those sorts of
1936s uh choices um now if it does feel like
1940s it's too high again we'll look at it
1941s we're always listening to feedback we
1943s always want to know what you um are
1946s interested in seeing next um
1949s so yeah we are listening my personal
1951s opinion though if you could do the
1953s Coliseum you can afford 500k a death
1956s yeah I I think you can I think you can
1958s that's that's not to say we're not going
1959s to discuss the death fees I'm definitely
1962s not going to try and promise any of you
1965s that that that they will be decreased or
1967s decreased by a lot uh but we will be
1969s talking about it tomorrow like I say a
1971s lot of the there's going to be a lot of
1972s discussion tomorrow about a lot of the
1974s content because there is a lot of it uh
1976s and it needs to be needs to be be
1978s discussed uh within the team so again
1981s just look forward to hearing from us
1983s very soon about a lot of things I
1985s imagine um yeah so just because that is
1988s my opinion does not mean it is final um
1990s we have a big team and a great team and
1992s if they disagree with me they're
1993s probably right
1995s [Laughter]
1997s um uh should we go next yeah why not I'm
2001s enjoying are you enjoying yourself yeah
2002s I'm having fun it's a bit of a struggle
2004s getting I feel like you know people are
2006s watching me get the mechanics WR like
2007s this is my content can't be doing that
2009s but I'm trying to read at the same time
2010s it's hard
2012s um will the ornament kit from TOA work
2016s with the new quiver uh no it's an
2019s ornament kit for the assembler it works
2021s for the assembler um yeah that's it
2024s that's the answer yeah I think that's
2026s that's pretty straightforward pretty
2028s straightforward I'm sure we'll get
2029s ornament kits for even more challenging
2031s Co if you can imagine more challenging
2033s content in the future uh there will be
2035s ornament kits to attach to your quiver
2037s for when we do that
2039s yes that would be that' be that' be
2041s Wicked be Wicked all right let me cook
2044s some fish I'm going to make some pots
2045s and then I'm going to go to my final one
2047s I if I get something good on my J mod
2049s account and not my actual account I'm
2050s going to be really sad really sad um
2054s let's just drop some fish for a
2058s minute how how have you found it though
2060s rice generally the the reaction and the
2063s feedback and again you were in your
2064s first update call yesterday how was how
2066s how was that I'm just happy that like
2069s seeing people play this stuff guys
2071s seriously there's nothing like it like
2075s oh now I just walked into I walk into
2077s two tornadoes okay everything's falling
2079s apart there's nothing quite like it like
2082s I I do genuinely love the video game and
2084s I love the people that play it for
2085s playing it and seeing people play it on
2089s stuff that I've worked like it yeah I I
2091s will say as someone who initially game
2094s jams scaras yeah working on so many
2097s projects is is one thing but working on
2100s a project that gets made then gets made
2104s and seeing it go into the game is
2105s insanely good um it's a really good
2108s feeling so I'm glad I'm glad I think you
2110s know what I want to give a big shout out
2111s to the team actually cuz like this was
2114s such a ginormous
2116s effort and across the whole board the
2119s team just pulled out all the stops like
2121s left right at Center like you can tell
2123s from like every member of the team that
2126s worked on this did a fantastic job and
2127s like I can't stress that enough such a
2129s big team effort like I think that was
2131s stressed yesterday in our in our calls
2133s and our little mini celebration we had
2135s after which was really lovely so yeah I
2138s can't I can't say much more really like
2140s we all of this content was seen by the
2142s whole team we discussed it we went back
2144s and forth on it um Everybody contributed
2147s that's the thing that you don't realize
2149s right you look at this and it's like
2150s there's been so many eyes on this um and
2153s everyone's so helpful and supportive
2155s it's great it's honestly great love it
2158s yeah it's been such a good it's just
2159s been such a good good vibing time you
2161s know yesterday seeing so many people in
2163s the office and just around and watching
2165s so many people the the the sheet of
2167s beige I saw on the twitch homepage from
2170s all the content creators doing for us
2172s yesterday was insane crazy I think I had
2175s four different multi streams up at once
2179s so what 16
2182s streams just cycling back and and forth
2185s between things so uh yeah it was uh
2188s it's just been great man like honestly I
2190s can't I can't I can't stress that I say
2192s as well like you know everything kind of
2194s went right you know no roll backs and
2196s nothing in perilous moons all this like
2199s stuff where like there can be 60 people
2200s in the room fighting their own version
2202s of the boss I was terrified that was
2203s going to break cuz it's we haven't
2205s really done it before and we do have
2207s some uh great designers who have looked
2209s over the code and made sure that it was
2211s robust and stuff like that there's
2212s always that fear that you've missed
2214s something right but uh no it's just kind
2216s of uh worked out and uh yeah that's good
2218s I think the fact it was such a big
2221s update as well and and again we didn't
2224s really have any big in terms of game
2226s breaking bugs on issues we didn't really
2229s have that many which is like just gives
2232s props again to the team and how much
2234s amazing work they done um so yeah it's
2236s been it's been insane I don't want to
2238s get attacked by you what's oh someone's
2240s got jubly pet and they just just oh poor
2242s j poor jubly been left by itself oh wait
2244s are we sinking up oh wait I'm I'm going
2246s oh my God we're going to the same place
2248s if you la you nearly La me I I think I
2250s might have all right get ready lapped
2252s you with a verx flail mate I know you
2254s got I oh that's a bad feeling listen
2256s listen you already said the drip the
2258s drip matters more than the drip does
2260s matter to look at your drip and be like
2262s okay how dripped out is this guy and if
2264s if you're dripped out the boss just
2265s gives up yeah I'm not mad I'm not mad
2267s about that at all oh no I've come into
2268s the Jaguars oh no this is not good I
2271s need to I need to get ready Pro tip for
2274s people who may be struggling um the
2276s audio is really helpful on this one if
2278s you click as the uh as the Blood Moon
2282s audio or the blood rain audio finishes
2284s up you pretty much always step back at
2286s the right time I was doing all right I
2288s was doing all right with that bit
2289s actually you know what I'm proud of
2291s myself good stuff proud of myself
2294s thanks um should we do some more Quest
2296s rooms I think so I think so I'm going to
2298s be a bit uh I want to get my first lot
2300s of kills done and then after that
2302s um I want to prove I can do the content
2304s you know that I've been preaching about
2306s for for so long um but yeah it's been
2310s it's been fantastic just all around I
2313s think um I will say I did see a comment
2315s about uh Hunters uh Guild bugs from
2318s yesterday yes that has been fixed I'm
2321s happy to say that is fixed um we fixed
2324s hot fixed it yesterday should be on the
2326s game update news post that says it was
2328s hot fix so Herby B and uh I can't
2330s remember which kbit it was but one of
2332s the kbits uh I know some people were
2334s finding that uh it's a bit hard getting
2336s those those drops but that has been
2338s fixed alongside the changes we made
2340s recently um hopefully you can see that
2343s it's uh worked out come on we got this
2346s we got this for
2349s sure um yeah so first question I guess
2352s I'll ask you so um oh God during the
2356s Jaguar phase yeah this is going to be
2358s fun all right let's see uh okay I've
2360s completed seven rumors I don't have a
2362s quitzel whistle why is that uh you won't
2365s get a quitzel whistle at uh that amount
2368s of rumors you will get a quel whistle at
2370s 10 rumors uh I will say now I believe in
2374s the video we did with jeop right we we
2375s give him a little bit of wrong
2377s information um so that's that's on us
2381s but yes I can say that it's 10 uh rumors
2384s you need to do for the whistle and I've
2385s seen a lot of people talking about um
2388s you know not being able to track your
2390s your um you know your your rumors you
2393s can track them on the whistle so
2396s something to keep in mind there um have
2399s I done it have I I've done it there we
2401s go finally so you get the whistle quite
2404s fast and it's great quality life cuz you
2406s can you know actually you don't need
2408s like NPC contact you don't need to
2410s teleport back there you can just right
2411s click your whistle and check what you're
2413s on so if you've logged out or whatever
2414s uh definitely worth going for
2417s immediately it won't say um it won't say
2419s how many you have like hunted um during
2422s that time to like a tracker on there but
2424s that is definitely something we're we're
2426s going to be talking about um for those
2428s of you that if you go upstairs in the
2429s hunters Guild there is an NPC up there
2431s talk to them they will give you a
2432s blueprint you'll get the whistle from
2434s that so um yes so hopefully the rumors
2438s are too extremely too long yeah at the I
2440s don't know if you were here at the start
2441s of the stream but we did address that we
2442s made a hot fix to hopefully balance that
2444s out so they shouldn't take as long now
2447s um we'll keep an eye on it of course but
2449s um yeah should be should be the case uh
2452s rope yeah the up rope I like that up
2456s rope yeah rope you got up a rope you
2457s don't go upstairs there's no stairs in
2458s there no stairs going up in the in the
2461s guild all right she see what I get
2462s should see what I get yeah if you can
2464s win the PID Wars if I can win yeah
2465s that's true oh you didn't oh my god oh
2470s no oh oh my you should have said
2472s anything you shouldn't have said
2473s anything oh my RNG is all gone now yeah
2475s tonight's going to be a a mess I'm going
2478s to get nothing tonight now tragic there
2480s you go all right if you didn't believe
2481s you couldn't you could you could get it
2483s first Casey there you go I did it not
2486s rigged I see some rigged there's no
2488s rigged I was hoping I wouldn't get
2490s anything cuz I don't want to spend my my
2493s guys I am I am legally not allowed to
2495s tell you whether s rigs things or not uh
2499s he made me sign a contract I can't tell
2501s you I are you understanding me I cannot
2505s tell
2506s you hope that's clear very clear very
2510s clear we'll have words after it's
2513s fine uh yeah I think then we should move
2516s on to some more hun girls questions I'm
2518s I'm I'm so gutted that's not on my main
2520s I'm so gutted that's not on my main
2523s unfortunate um all right and it it
2525s doesn't even go into the the community
2527s either it doesn't even go into the
2528s economy do you want to do a a quick
2530s thing here use that item this one yeah
2533s no zoom out zoom out you want to use it
2535s on the NPC in this room this one yeah oh
2540s okay get some dialogue there
2543s oh shall I ask a question while while
2546s you're doing through that
2549s um some of these rumors seem to be
2551s taking forever actually you kind of
2553s addressed this already oh are we
2556s gambling oh I think we might be gambling
2558s it was just processing I suppose I could
2560s allow another chance obtain a piece of
2562s equipment but it won't be guaranteed H
2565s interesting should we gamble should we
2567s gamble chat is that what we should do
2569s players I don't I don't want to call
2570s chat chat anymore you're not chat you're
2572s players you're real people I did the one
2574s thing I
2575s hate we can get yeah yeah there we go so
2579s if you didn't think perilous Ms was
2580s already popping off so for all you
2583s cloggers out there clogging up the AC
2585s the economy don't sell your stuff on the
2588s G bring it here you'll get your clog
2589s done sooner always risk it here we go
2593s yeah that sounds good are you certain I
2595s could you could end up with nothing we
2596s want to stress this could end up with
2598s nothing yeah of course we
2601s do oh yo you have no idea how rare that
2605s is you have no idea how rare that is
2608s I just got the same piece yeah you keep
2610s keep space
2616s baring that's
2620s wild okay uh again I am legally not
2625s allowed to say where the mods rigs
2627s things I really wish we had now that's
2630s so good that's so good yeah for what
2632s it's worth I didn't even know that could
2635s happen so we're going to of course we're
2636s going to go again go again I don't want
2638s the same thing I don't want the same
2640s thing oh if you do it
2645s again okay there we go all right there
2648s we go got
2649s you do it again maybe I've got J mods
2653s maybe You' got jives on maybe it's
2655s because you do maybe it is rigged maybe
2657s it is rigged it might be rigged moment
2659s of pan the contract's over the
2661s contract's busted it's apparently it's
2662s rigged all right we'll do it again we'll
2664s do it again see if it's
2666s rigged okay okay here we go yes I I kind
2670s of want it to be destroyed
2673s now okay it's I think it's rig mind it's
2677s not rare
2678s guys oh what a
2681s shame okay it's not rigged okay that's
2683s fine at least I know though that this
2686s isn't my my actual RNG and this is just
2688s jod luuck so on my main hopefully can do
2692s the same thing how rare should it be uh
2696s I don't want to give exact numbers yet
2697s you can go on on a scale I feel like um
2700s it's about as rare as uh killing one
2703s boss and getting an item for it so it's
2707s like a an extra boss that you just
2709s killed okay there you go there you go I
2711s love when stuff like this happens live
2713s man it's so good just yeah right where
2717s were we at in the questions I feel like
2719s now I've now I've been exposed I feel
2721s like we should uh yeah we we sort of
2723s addressed the rumors taking a long time
2725s that's been yeah um is a reason tier
2728s three rumors expert ones are giving tier
2730s 2 loot sacks uh I think the sacks are
2732s currently called basic one
2735s two yeah basic Tier 1 tier 2 tier three
2739s so it doesn't go 1 2 3 4 like the
2741s Masters do it goes basic one two 3 um
2745s which you know if you feel really
2746s passionately about let us know we're can
2748s look to change it yeah so basic basic uh
2752s sacks you will get from basic tier uh
2755s tier one you'll get from a death
2758s tier two you'll get from expert and tier
2760s three you'll get from master so if you
2761s are receiving a tier 2 one at uh expert
2766s that is correct uh if it's not intuitive
2769s enough yes please let us know we are we
2771s aren't against changing the name just so
2773s it makes sense um so yeah I don't think
2776s it's a hot fixable thing though I think
2778s we'd have to cold fix it I'm pretty sure
2780s yeah yeah um yeah I think so so hence
2783s why we won't be able to do it today or
2785s tomorrow because it is cold fixable so
2787s we'll probably be with the next game
2788s update if we do that so just yeah I'm
2790s sure you guys twitch chat notoriously
2793s the smartest people on the planet um I'm
2796s sure you guys will manage for another
2798s couple days with basic
2800s 123 um any chance you can add a tracking
2803s system for Hunter contracts I keep
2805s forgetting what my task was wow do we
2808s have something for
2809s you we
2811s have whistles which you can right click
2814s to do exactly that yeah so go and do 10
2817s rumors you will have to remember those
2819s 10 rumors but once you have a whistle
2821s there is a right click up on there to
2824s track what uh task you was what I was
2825s saying at the start of the stream as
2827s well it won't track how many things
2829s you've killed on that current task um we
2832s might maybe introduce that at some point
2834s but yeah it's uh 10 rumors go and get
2837s the whistle then you can track what task
2838s you are on not the number so just just
2841s just to
2842s clarify uh cool all right I think that's
2845s I think that's good for that question
2846s yeah I didn't expect us to get through
2848s so many questions honestly rapid fire
2850s just enjoying them you you've been
2852s smashing it honestly I've been I've been
2853s a way spending my J mod luck can we get
2856s some just while we're sat here doing
2858s nothing can we get just your favorite
2860s emote just Spam your favorite emot for
2862s the chat give us give us some Flex give
2864s us some Flex guys come on we already see
2867s two two quzo pets there we go damn
2869s someone's rocking out at the back here
2871s we go hell yeah I was like who's this I
2873s was like spin respect spin emote is on
2876s there um um there should we do more
2879s questions I think so while we're while
2880s we're chilling out um all right where is
2883s the NPC that could train the immature
2885s teu salamanders I can't find it there is
2888s a reason you can't find it and that is
2890s that it does not exist um you can you
2893s can't really train a teu Sal salamander
2895s to suddenly be mature they're either
2898s young or they are old um so when you're
2901s catching them there is a small chance
2903s that you will get a mature teu
2906s salamander that you can actually use in
2908s combat this gives them extra value on
2910s places like the GE and it also means
2912s that ragging the Wy with them going to
2914s be more expensive um so not going to
2917s happen as often with teu salamander
2919s specifically yeah exactly so yeah
2921s there's no NPC anymore we we made that
2923s change um you will just need to get
2926s lucky and uh get a mature one are they
2928s called mature is that the right correct
2930s I think so yeah or it might just be te
2932s Sal I see here somebody saying that they
2934s don't age confirmed uh actually they do
2936s age uh in
2938s 2072 uh I they they will transform all
2941s of the immature um teos in the game will
2944s transform into uh mature te so you know
2946s make sure to stockpile those make sure
2948s to is there a is there a date in 2072
2951s that they will let me do some Mental
2952s Math uh carry the three divide by six
2955s multiply by potato y uh 13th of March
2960s there we go 13th of March uh 2072 you
2962s heard it here when everyone you know
2965s what we throw in game event put in your
2966s calendar te salamander Gro somebody if
2970s the game's still around somebody's going
2971s to have to deal with that somebody's
2972s going to raise that we said this yeah
2974s when I feel like I've created a
2976s problem when we're hosting this stream
2979s from the the old AG people's home uh as
2983s jods we will we will throw a party we'll
2986s throw a big party of the uh the te's big
2989s uh grow up grow up day yeah um all right
2994s only one dead for at a time uh feels too
2996s slow can we increase this um I'm just
2999s going to I'm just going to say out the
3000s front this isn't a hunter Guild question
3003s and I think there has been a lot of
3006s questions surrounding hunter in general
3009s and maybe has been highlighted more with
3012s the introduction of the hunter Guild so
3013s this isn't Hunter guill specific but I
3015s think it's probably worth talking about
3016s yeah um CU it is I can I can it's good
3020s feedback listen um the I think the
3022s problem is that the hunters Guild uh did
3024s exactly what we wanted it reconnected
3026s people with all of these like old
3029s training methods and then everyone did
3031s the training methods and we're like wow
3032s these training methods need some love
3035s they are so old uh and that's true um so
3038s you know keep the feedback coming and
3040s we'll look into making them better um
3042s Dead full traps one at a time no idea
3045s why that's that way we can ask the um if
3047s we can find them I don't think they're
3048s working here anymore um Hunter was a
3050s really ambitious skill at the time that
3052s it was made there was so many there's so
3054s many animations so many behaviors uh so
3057s many different things uh but it does
3059s make it difficult to expand the the code
3061s that sort of underlies it is uh really
3064s specific and bespoke and so yeah uh
3068s getting it to be different can be a bit
3070s of a struggle but if you guys want it if
3072s you guys really like Deadfall traps and
3074s want to do more of them we can do that
3077s uh or we at least we'll discuss doing
3080s it yeah I think it's definitely worth
3082s discussing at the the very least again
3084s it is uh part of this the quite
3087s spaghetti code that we have but um
3089s wouldn't change that for the world but I
3092s believe that code has literally not
3093s changed since 2006 yeah even all of this
3096s all of this content that you're seeing
3097s now has been pre-programmed ahead of
3099s time to be implemented slowly one by one
3103s really we're just the faces of it
3106s yeah um all right this is probably the
3109s biggest question maybe the most
3111s important question we've had on this
3113s list um any chance we can see a cppy bar
3116s pet in the future and you know what I'm
3117s going to call some players out actually
3119s I saw some comments yesterday talking
3122s about hunting caparas what are you doing
3124s who are you where are you at and why are
3127s you wanting to hunt them down they are
3128s adorable they need to be left alone also
3131s I don't think you could hunt down a
3132s capibara they would they' take you
3134s they'd take you they're powerful
3136s creatures all right so you I'm I'm going
3139s to say it now we're not they're not
3141s being hunted not on my watch anyway now
3144s the question of whether they get a pet
3145s though is different you don't have to
3147s hunt them for the pet I think a Capa
3150s would be an absolute top tier pet we're
3154s talking Triple S pet so we need some
3159s aspirational content to lock that and
3161s I'm going to I'm just going to say it
3163s right now Coliseum you think that's
3165s hard not hard enough for the capy bar
3168s pet yeah you guys are going to need to
3170s get way better at the game so that we
3172s can start making some harder content and
3175s you can get the capy bar pet yeah I know
3177s there's hidden law somewhere that talks
3178s about the first champion of the Coliseum
3180s it was it was the the capibara yeah I've
3182s read the law dos exactly we we we've
3185s read the Bible it's it's in there it's
3187s in the law Bible um so yeah so until you
3190s could defeat a capibara in combat I
3193s don't think anyone deserves a capar pet
3196s so there you go you
3198s know I just see facts in the in the chat
3201s yeah too right it is facts um all right
3204s let's frog boss call him by his name
3208s cber yeah if you haven't honestly if you
3211s haven't done uh the quest I'm trying to
3213s remember the full name of the the quest
3215s the labor God dispute of the riting
3220s labor dispute of the the ribbiting tail
3222s of something something the the lily pad
3225s labor dispute I think is the full title
3227s little bit little bit there we go ribit
3228s and tail of a lily pad labor dispute do
3230s it do it do not space bar read the quest
3233s it is fantastic like I don't think you
3235s can get much more old school than little
3237s bit of Dev law as well I'm pretty sure
3239s we can't have a quest name that is a
3242s single letter longer than that I can't
3243s confirm that for sure but I'm pretty
3245s sure the reason it is exactly that
3247s length is because it cannot be longer so
3249s you telling me we can't have the ribet
3251s in oh wait no I can't scroll up on this
3253s chat oh number two yeah number that's a
3255s problem that is actually a problem we
3256s can't put a two on the end we would have
3258s to modify the interface yeah I also saw
3261s uh some posts about teaming up the uh
3264s the Penguins and the frogs at some point
3267s for a bigger bigger story line you know
3269s so going and do the quest honestly it's
3272s fantastic I can't stress that enough it
3273s was such a nice little surprise we could
3275s add in there yeah uh I believe it was
3277s moded I'm pretty sure it was mod made
3280s the quest so big shout out to mod moded
3282s there um cool all right is the bird in
3285s varac the only way to get to valmore um
3289s yes technically kind of uh when you're
3292s first going there yes it will be the
3294s only way so go and speak to the the
3297s the is it the guy outside of varok yes
3300s yeah it's EA varac guy next to a quel
3302s pretty obvious because the quels are
3303s pretty colorful and varro is not yes uh
3307s so once you have uh entered volore for
3309s the first time you unlock a pleer of
3312s other um transport methods including
3315s chter ship uh you can teleport there and
3317s when you do your T rumors to get your qu
3319s whistle you'll be able to yep fly over
3321s there there's fairy rings and there's
3324s also for cam torum there are I think
3327s calcified moths that you get from the
3328s mining activity so there's quite a few
3330s ways um yeah the ribbiting to return of
3334s the cokers is what the I'll pass the
3336s feedback
3337s on uh all right uh we only got like a
3341s few more questions to go right should we
3342s just just Blitz it Blitz it I think so I
3345s think so all right uh am I right in
3347s thinking you cannot walk from Ken to
3349s valmore uh yes yes you are very correct
3352s there's these uh voids uh that take up
3355s the map that are like I want say like I
3358s don't even know what to call them like
3360s as in terms of a they are the fog of the
3363s unknown yeah the fog of Fate I want to
3366s call it the fog of Fate so the fog of
3367s Fate doesn't want to allow you to walk
3369s there but I imagine uh once we release
3372s more pieces of aramore you will probably
3374s be able to walk there in some fashion at
3377s some point uh don't guar don't don't
3379s hold me to that but imagine the way the
3380s map Works probably uh
3383s probably s I've just seen a question
3385s there is RuneScape flat um we have our
3387s best scientists in game working on that
3390s question uh hoping to deliver you an
3392s answer in the next 20 years yeah maybe
3395s maybe by 2072 we'll have yeah maybe
3399s we'll have the answer we'll have that
3401s answer um all right uh the last question
3404s we have from our like predetermined list
3407s before we answer some chat questions uh
3409s when can we expect the agility thing
3411s thing I like the agility thing I've been
3413s locked out uh I oh wait that's fine
3415s that's fine it's fine we can look we can
3417s see all your lovely lovely characters in
3419s game anyway uh when can we expect the
3421s agility thing to be released or at least
3424s the news post for it uh I think I said
3427s this to a couple of people online
3429s yesterday but we can't give a concrete
3431s date uh we wanted to spend some more
3433s time working on it to make sure it felt
3435s right uh for the game um it is coming um
3440s I I just can't give you a date hopefully
3441s we'll be able to announce soonish uh
3444s what's happening with it um we don't I
3446s don't think we're planning no to I think
3449s the thing is right is that we've got a
3451s lot of content here we want to make sure
3452s it's up to scratch you've given us so
3454s much feedback and we're going to be
3455s acting on everything that we can and
3457s it's just about evaluating like you know
3460s we are going to do the agility course
3461s it's just finding a time where
3464s everything else feels like it's in the
3465s right place and we can move on to it yes
3468s yes and so whoever put that in chat the
3470s Boneyard dragon skeleton yes that is
3473s that is what the agil where the agility
3475s horse will be should I say uh I can't
3477s imagine that changing to be fair no no
3479s don't think so um awesome all right
3481s let's you know what should we try and
3482s speed through these these chat we did
3484s start a little bit like so we can speed
3485s food yeah uh all right do you want to
3488s yeah let's do it all right uh any plans
3490s to adjust blood moon healing I've seen
3492s this a lot people feel that it is uh
3494s hitting quite hard and healing quite a
3496s lot
3497s um I am tempted to say GO train defense
3501s this is maybe one of the only reasons in
3502s the game to train defense right now uh
3505s because these bosses do hit hard and
3507s defense does matter a lot the way that
3509s the hits work we explored this in a blog
3511s if the first hit misses the second and
3513s third hit Miss if the second hit misses
3515s the third hit automatically misses so if
3518s you have high defense levels it makes a
3520s big impact that said if people feel like
3523s it's too much um and it needs to be
3525s toned down we'll look at it yeah yeah
3528s again again it's not going to be a case
3530s if we have this meeting tomorrow and
3532s then everything we decide from there is
3534s it like vmore is massive it's probably
3537s going to take a few weeks of feedback to
3538s go through everything so just just bear
3540s that in mind um all right how do we use
3543s the Eagle Transport Network at the Hun
3544s The Guild sources make reference to it
3546s but there are no Eagles anywhere in the
3549s guild I think we discussed this right
3552s yes um it's okay so yeah we we did look
3556s into this um if you've actually used the
3558s eagle Network you'll notice that in all
3560s of the eagle locations there are three
3563s eagles um you might notice that it's
3565s looking a little tight to fit a fourth
3567s one it's a tremendous uh amount of uh
3570s resources to fit like a fourth Eagle in
3573s there we have to like remap the whole
3574s area so when the question is do we do
3577s all of this stuff or do we do like more
3580s significant improvements to Hunter then
3582s we obviously pick the latter um but if
3584s people do really like the idea of being
3586s able to tie in these Niche transport
3588s methods then yeah uh sure we'll discuss
3590s it again it's all about getting you
3592s guys' feedback and being able to take it
3594s back to the team and saying you know
3596s what do people care the most about what
3598s should we make happen I'm seeing people
3600s in chat like Eagle Network in p and quel
3603s quil's in the
3604s P maybe maybe who knows who knows really
3608s let us know if you care about it because
3610s it is really important that we do not
3612s spend like time doing stuff that people
3614s don't care about it so just keep you
3616s know posting giving us your feedback um
3619s makes our life easy when it comes to
3621s figuring out what we should do next yes
3624s yes exactly um all right uh how do
3627s uniques pop up in the Coliseum for
3628s example will you see what you get uh if
3631s you complete the next wave I'm pretty
3633s sure that is that exactly how it works
3635s yeah so if you're on wave 11 and you see
3637s a glaive and you've never killed the
3638s boss before not only is the quiver on
3642s the line it's also the glaive so if you
3644s thought Jad hands were bad prepare
3647s for Hera hands I don't that was
3652s bad I respect the effort I tried the
3655s delivery I tried
3657s um yeah so uh I will say the uh the yeah
3660s the glaive the GL the glaive sorry guys
3663s the tonals ticks yeah there we go the
3666s soul shakes I like that the soul shakes
3668s is good uh so yeah you will see
3670s everything and it does mean maybe a
3671s little bit uh more added pressure uh but
3675s Tre can I quickly pick up that question
3677s there are hit Splats at the end of the
3679s perilous moons bosses what do they mean
3680s so this was a little bit of flavor as
3682s you know from the quest you've got that
3684s friendly MPC in the in that is sat in
3686s the the reward room uh helping you
3688s throughout the fights what's happening
3689s at the end there is that you've annoyed
3691s the bosses enough that they've stopped
3693s focusing on all of the other people and
3695s they're coming for you when they fly
3697s into you that that Shield hit spat sort
3699s of the flavor is that um you're being
3701s protected by this NPC as she pulls you
3704s out of the Arena um into safety um so so
3708s that's why you see like a massive hit
3709s spot it's just flavor doesn't mean
3711s anything yeah you're safe you're safe
3713s don't worry um what happened to the move
3716s Terrain in the fors
3718s Coliseum um Moval terrain uh this was an
3721s idea that we were really fond of for a
3723s long time but we just sort of realized
3725s that it didn't make things fun it
3728s sounded cool but it didn't make things
3729s fun um and that's not to say that it
3731s couldn't be fun in different piece of
3733s content if we do more wave based content
3734s in the future we'll definitely explore
3736s it again but when we designed the other
3738s monsters it wasn't fitting in and at the
3740s end of the day what was most important
3742s for the Coliseum is that it was fun so
3745s you know we had to sort of kill our
3747s Darlings give that thing up and um yeah
3751s make sure that we were delivering good
3752s content before content that we sounded
3754s look or thought sounded
3756s cool yes indeed all right I think we'll
3759s do like two or three more questions cuz
3762s I know we're running a bit over time and
3763s I don't want to keep everybody uh so any
3766s plans on adding more Hunter creatures to
3768s the rumors uh I we probably will look
3772s into it I imagine there I don't know if
3774s there maybe will be more creatur with
3777s any future expansions we do with Vol War
3779s but like I said it's going to be
3780s something on our list um you might just
3783s have been very unlucky and gotten yeah
3785s five creatures from that list I know
3787s pretty sure the list are a little longer
3788s than five I know some of the I know some
3789s of the lists are a bit smaller than
3791s others so maybe if you're on that
3793s specific list it could be that you're
3795s just getting a little bit unlucky um
3797s yeah so there's an incentive to train
3798s Hunter there you want better list GO
3801s train hunter in fact you already are cuz
3803s you're doing the H SK yeah there in it
3806s that's all in it so uh probably be
3808s feedback I know the the the waiting and
3810s everything is uh already been addressed
3812s but we're going to we're going to keep
3814s an eye on just the hunters rumors uh as
3817s a whole because there's been plenty of
3818s feedback around it um I kind of like
3821s this question can you add a onetime fee
3823s to the falconry area I don't I think
3826s that's why are we doing this I don't
3829s know it's probably easier way you pay a
3832s fee all the time yeah I think that's
3834s what I thing for for Content that's like
3836s new we like to avoid that but for old
3837s content like you paid that fee a million
3839s times you don't need to pay a million
3840s and one uh just give you a big old cash
3844s injection and uh yeah that sounds
3846s sensible to me exactly exact exactly uh
3849s I don't know uh why is the new whistle
3851s cap 5 charges uh because it can be
3854s upgraded yes there is a better whistle
3856s that you can get by doing more contracts
3858s uh and an even better whistle that you
3860s can do by getting I think it's guys old
3863s school is about progression if we gave
3865s you everything that was good good
3866s immediately you wouldn't even be having
3868s any fun the grind is the game go and
3871s grind the better whistles you know if we
3874s you give you if we give you the easy
3875s stuff what's the point anymore you roll
3878s up to the hunter Guild and NPC says o
3880s you over there here's an amazing whistle
3882s get out and you're like great I never
3884s have to come back here what's the point
3886s uh engage in the
3887s grind yeah I I love how I love how the
3891s the split of responses you get when you
3893s go like pure pure rice mode yeah yeah um
3898s awesome all right I think I think we're
3900s going to wrap up there I think I think
3901s it's time this again this has been a bit
3903s of a new setup for us we're doing we're
3905s going to try and do some more in-house
3907s streams where what camera are on this
3908s one guess in the middle one this one
3910s okay um yeah so hopefully we can do some
3913s more uh in-house streams I like this
3917s doing this was a chill time I want to do
3919s some more fun streams obious honestly
3921s some more like daroff ones they were
3923s good they were good um I can hit the
3926s buttons and change the camera you know I
3928s don't feel like I should have that
3929s responsibility mod Druid but thank you
3932s um so yeah I think I think I think this
3935s has been a good time I know about you R
3936s but I've enjoyed it hopefully chat has
3937s enjoyed it oh my god I've done it again
3939s hopefully you guys you guys at home
3941s watching lovely individuals have have
3943s enjoyed this um so yeah I think we
3946s should probably wrap up yeah sounds good
3948s yeah awesome it's been a lot of fun yeah
3950s agreed agreed all right exclamation mark
3952s valmore valmore part one is out now if
3954s you couldn't guess us doing parous moons
3957s wasn't a big enough hint uh explore old
3959s school shiny new region packed featured
3961s with fresh quests some fantastic quests
3964s in there so go and do them all uh
3965s Skilling methods pvm encounters and more
3968s you can check out all of that uh with
3970s that command exclamation mark trailer we
3972s teamed up with the Fantastic Falco to
3974s make a beautiful beautiful cinematic
3977s trailer uh to get you super hyped for
3979s Vore so go and check that out with
3981s exclamation mark trailer and that's not
3983s the only video we did we have another
3986s video with a fantastic uh jeop right uh
3989s that takes you through everything you
3990s need to know about vmore uh just a note
3993s if you do watch the video it is 10
3995s rumors not five okay 10 rumors feel
3998s whistle uh just to make that clear so go
4000s and watch that video it's fantastic jeit
4002s delivery is insanely good I think we'll
4004s have to get him back to do some more at
4006s some point sure for sure crisp voice
4008s very crisp voice very relaxing uh and
4011s finally exclamation mark poll 81 poll 81
4013s closes tomorrow uh make sure to have
4016s you'll say by then you can check out the
4017s blog uh for a set of proposals aimed at
4019s reducing common frustrations uh with the
4021s Mage training Arena so you can find out
4023s about all of that and more with
4025s exclamation mark poll 81 that is it I
4028s think we're I think we're wrapped up mod
4030s rice any final
4033s words I'm going to
4036s sleep yeah you know what I think it's
4039s been a it's been a big long week for for
4042s all of us a great week I'm so thank you
4044s guys for being aw awesome Community
4046s playing all the content um it's so
4050s lovely but yeah I'm going to sleep yeah
4052s honestly I'm going to I'm going to
4053s second I'm going Echo that point I think
4055s I echoed it uh in some comments
4057s yesterday thank you all just for being
4060s just amazing like it makes our jobs feel
4063s so fantastic just seeing you all
4065s enjoying the content and all the
4067s feedback as well like honestly
4069s especially as a CM all the feedback
4071s you've been given is fantastic so please
4073s keep at it yeah and on the dev side it's
4075s it's great it makes it easier to know
4077s what to focus on so we love it when when
4079s you're vocal yeah so please please
4081s continue to be the the wonderful
4083s community that we we know and love you
4085s to be um and on that note I think we
4087s will finish up here uh I've been your
4090s host modani and I hope you all have a
4092s fantastic weekend uh and we will see you
4095s next week I imagine for a stream not
4097s sure what it is yet but we'll probably
4100s be there so yeah we'll see you then
4104s byebye