about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

Neitiznot Faceguard

What do you think about the Serpentine helm?

Blowpipe & Twisted bow

You're happy with where the tbow sits, but not where the bp sits. Is this because of the price of a tbow? It feels like you're really nerfing the bp much harder than other things.

The main reason we're okay with the Twisted Bow is that it's easy for us to limit where it's powerful, whereas it's not so easy to balance out the blowpipe against other normal effect Ranged weapons.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Mercy_CC

Worried about rebalancing the BP and inferno a little. Why not keep stats/make it more expensive to use?

The Inferno can be completed without the blowpipe, but it will definitely impact completion speeds. We can't really keep the stats of the blowpipe if we're ever going to look at adding new Ranged items in the future that don't have effects like the Twisted Bow does.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by TheCivilYoshi

Fine with most everything proposed except for the changes to BP. You've shown you're able to create a ranged weapon for certain cenarios where the BP is worse (DHC, Twisted Bow). Rather see scenarios that punish high attack weapons specifically like the BP than straight up nerfing it.

There are only so many unique effects we can add to weapons though, which is part of the problem explained earlier in the blog with introducing niche items. The blowpipe in its current form makes it impossible to add new normal Ranged items without powercreep becoming a bigger probem :(

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Redarrow210

I understand if it's not something you can discuss, but what unique effects can be added to range weapons that would make them compete with the tbow/current blowpipe, without also having excellent stats

I missed out an "only" in the start of that sentence, the point was there aren't many rather than we have loads. Sorry for the confusion.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by elicik1

I think the neitiznot faceguard doesn't need a nerf at all. It's fine exactly where it is.

The blowpipe doesn't need THAT strong of a nerf, it's still a 3.6m weapon with upkeep costs. Maybe consider nerfing the bp or the darts, but not both?

The d'hide nerf is too big as well, with the proposed black d'hide Melee defense lower than today's green d'hide Melee defense.

Love all the tier changes and all of the other changes, especially the metal armours section. Great ideas!

Quick clarifying question u/JagexAyiza - will the blessed d'hide parts be nerfed too, or are those going to remain at current black d'hide levels?

It would include blessed d'hide too yeah.

Thanks for the rest of your feedback :)

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by PowerPanda555

Can anyone explain me the logic that changing the requirements of any of the high end pvm items does anything in terms of balance?

I literally do not see how moving rapier from 75 to 80 attack or especially twisted bow from 75 to anything has any impact on high level pvm (99.99% of the uses these items have).

Especially a twisted bow could have literally no requirement to wear and the only thing it would change is that high level pvmers can wear it on their lvl 3 alts to show off in w2 ge, since it takes hundreds of hours of purely grinding gp on a high level account to even get one, which is much more than the time it takes to get the gp for chins and actually train range.

Just seems like an excuse to open up another tier of items that will eventually be filled, which will create powercreep.

The stat rebalancing is mostly because they have requirements much lower than their perceived or actual strength. We don’t have many options when it comes to equipment 'tiers' in Old School, so changing the levels to better reflect their power is our only real option. Plus a lot of the levels are rather inconsistent.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Cheeseman1018

Neitiznot Faceguard - wait why is this in the nerf table? This is one of the bis helmet. I think for the current stats its decent and not to OP. I do agree, Baslisks Knight is a tough slayer monster but I would rather see it increased higher slay level?

Second - d hide armour, I feel it lacks magic defence and is already avilable to most players. Decreasing this will force players to spend more on a decent range armour. This should remain or increased for magic defence. Everyones opinion different

The Neitiznot Faceguard is more about it representing the content it comes from rather than anything else.

A good alternative to D'hide for Magic defence is Void Knight armour if you didn't want to opt for more expensive gear. It also brings Karil's armour forward a bit more as an option to use.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Unusual-Patience3643

Nerfing BP so heavily when you've built so much content around it is a big big big big mistake. Increase reqs for use or don't nerf it by ~40% damage in one go. You can't have a meta and then completely take it away when it is used in so many different areas of the game. Also is this going to be a recurring theme in OSRS? " We accidentally didn't think enough about an item when we released it, so we're now going to nerf your meta's that we've created so that we can bring in more powerful weapons in the future".

Also the face guard, again, it looks like you guys are just trying to hit the reset button and push the good equipment down so you can release new items with new content. I get power creep is a thing, but there will ALWAYS be a BIS in something regardless. And going back to my point above, you can't just hit reset and lower the stats of the equipment to make room for new equipment to come out. It will destroy the game. Is the new equipment you bring out with Raids 3 going to be BIS in melee (for example) and then in 2-3 years "yeah guys we want to release new content so we're going to nerf all the gear we just brought out". Completely ridiculous.

BP nerf is WAY too much. And these are the types of things that SHOULD be polled as BP is used by i'd say about 85-95% of the players in this game.

Not a good move OSRS staff.

I'm not going to disagree with the fact that the blowpipe nerf is the biggest one in the blog, but it's not a 40% nerf to damage.

Using Dragon darts, its approximately:

~9-14% dps nerf on 0 defence targets
~18-20% dps nerf on decently tank targets
~24-26% dps nerf on high defence targets

The gear used varies based on the defence of the target (more Ranged accuracy the higher the NPCs defence)

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


I don't think that would be a good place to store feedback.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by Warbags

Just to clarify, will 3rd Age Range + Karil's Maintain their higher Melee defense.

The nerf is meant to be a pvp nerf (rag gear being too effective) but I think Karils (especially if they don't get nerfed) and 3rd age will have a high enough risk associated with them that it is no longer ragging.

The only planned changes are the ones listed in the blog, so 3rd Age and Karil's would stay as they are!

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

Yeah, it's a bit annoying to see u/jagexayiza dodge that question over and over. I wonder if u/JagexHusky would reply.

Sure I can answer about the serp helm/faceguard.

The issue with the faceguard is that it is the BiS melee strength helm (and general tribrid/prayer helm) yet even though it's a master quest it's honestly not that hard (master quests are like roving elves anyway not things like SOTE/SOTF) and the creatures are only 60 slayer.

Despite that the creatures are statted like they're slayer creatures in the 80s so it's kind of all over the place.

We could've either nerfed the helm or buffed the creatures and given the tier of quest it felt more applicable to balance it around level 60 slayer instead of higher, I can't remember the exact reason why but that was the teams consensus between the two

The faceguard is still going to be a fantastic item to have. It'll equal the strength of a serp helm, have more prayer bonus and be better in tribrid situations whereas serp will be better for things like ToB where you want to poison, or just generally when you want to have more tankiness or poison resistance.

I hope this makes sense, I can clarify if I've missed something