

13 Mar

29 Jan


This will likely reduce over time. We've seen in the past that adding an additional new highscores where an existing variable exists can cause the highscores to struggle which affects players who rely on pulling that data themselves.

So over the next few months we'll likely reduce it bit by bit to help ease it.


Originally posted by Justanotherstick

is there any chance we will get a reworked CA interface then? Also can we add a "quest" section to CA's. Any CA thats quest related is a huge pain to find. That being glough, seren, tds, galvek...might be missing some but thats the jist of it

I'd love to do it at some point, but "at some point" probably doesn't give you a clear answer. It seemed like a cool pokedex like UI when we made it initially but it's got some clear UX issues that have become clear over time.


Originally posted by JagexGoblin

Perhaps Husky can speak more to this but I'd imagine it's because those higher tiers are the only really 'competitive' tiers and if people want to compete then it makes sense to keep up with the curve, but for people lower down it's nicer to have fixed goals to work towards and know that you'll definitely get them!

During the Game Jam, Husky shared a Twitter poll asking what people preferred between static/percent and results were super split - this felt like a compromise that might suit both approaches at the right time.

What Goblin said.

We didn't have a clear consensus, there were two conflicting goals from player feedback:

  • Static thresholds give nice clean goals to aim for. Hitting 500 or 1000 for example feels like an important milestone that should be rewarded.
  • Dynamic thresholds have more longevity, as more slots get added we won't have gaps between tiers or need to make additional ranks.

Ultimately we've settled on a compromise, so that Gilded over time isn't going to get significantly easier as easier log slots get introduced over time (It will still slightly, but less than if it was static) while at the same time we'll reward significant milestones.

It's not perfect long-term but we can always add steps inbetween Dragon/Gilded if it becomes a massive issue. I've no clue when this would be though and player feedback will surely guide that.

I personally don't believe that the current system has an issue even at 2000 log slots (180...

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Originally posted by Isthatyouson

How is the collection log menu when you actually go into the headers? Is it similar to the combat achievement system that is an absolute nightmare to actually use and awful to actually see anything?

This new interface is just an "Overview" interface. You can still directly open the old one, you need to go out of your way to see this one.

When you click on the header "buttons" it just takes you to that tab of the existing collection log, exactly how you'd expect it to look pre-update

I didn't want to do what CAs did and make you go through this everytime you wanted to see the log and just create additional clicks

11 Dec


Originally posted by Kukoshima

I feel with sailing we should be able to get higher quantities of fish, we gotta unlock the fishing level for a certain fish first, then the sailing level. Put together you catch fish at an accelerated rate, no more drop click. You actually get your monk fish and save some GP.

I completely agree!

We have some designs yet to be shared for an activity called Deep Sea Trawling that I expect us to poll and blog in the future.

(We've mentioned previously that secondary activities relating to other skills would require a separate poll)

It just wouldn't be a sea expansion without introducing some new fish. I'll save what those fish do for then but I'm genuinely excited for the acitivty, it's one particularly close to my heart.

25 Oct


Originally posted by JagexNox

mb bro

Damn, you're worse than me!

27 Aug


Originally posted by BJ_hunnicut

I once gave a player advice in hallowed sepulchre... it was an npc

LOL, thanks, this just made my day.

I remember coding all of those NPCs and having a lot of fun doing so


Originally posted by JagexArcane

I'm ready and here for it.


23 Jul


Originally posted by reed501

Thanks Husky. I really appreciate your thoughts on collection log "stretch goals." Luckily the minigame tele exists so the amulet tele doesn't really matter.

Do you think an imbued binding necklace could be retrofit into GOTR rewards or would you think new reward from something else? Maybe Varlamore? Sailing?

Ultimately, it's a game, we could go either way with it. I think I'm always cautious of retrofitting rewards into content that players might already feel like they've completed but that doesn't mean that's a hard and fast rule either, just something to be, well, cautious of.

In general when it comes to game design I'm usually a fan of having the problem and the solution come from two different pieces of content but I'm aware that can be difficult when content releases can be so far apart, I will say, I'm not aware of any plans for this reward imminently so perhaps that's another way of answering your question.

I will re-iterate though, I do think that the biggest pain point is the need to get more amulets coupled with losing your spot because the game filled up more so than the number of charges being a problem.


I'm not opposed to an eternal binding necklace existing as an item, or some variant increasing charges which is where I think the heart of this suggestion is coming from due to the frustrations with using the existing one but I am strongly against it being the amulet of the eye.

I understand the thought process though, this content rewards an amulet item, it's on the log, let's use this item but the rarity of that item was not set for it to be something meta-defining and more of a nice way to tell a little story and to create that exciting experience of getting something strange and rare from the abyssal rift, it also provides a collection log stretch goal. I really am a big fan of being able to include these rare niche rewards without worrying about the sentiment that it needs to be useful.

Honestly I wish we hadn't even included the teleport on the amulet and just left it as a neat cosmetic. I'm also hopeful that if the scaling changes pass the current poll it'll ...

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15 Jul


Originally posted by Early-Wishbone496

Holy moly let me use fragments to repair broken barriers instead of essence at GOTR. This would save so many games where I beeline straight to strengthen the barrier after crafting my first runes only for it to lose its’ last hp just as I arrive and no one will sacrifice their essence to save the game.

That's in the blog! :D


Originally posted by ScreamingEnglishman

My apologies i must have completely misinterpreted and missed that! Foggy head after last night

After a re-read it sounds good. Am I reading it correctly that the first 20 players won't be impacted by proposed scaling and only players that join thereafter will? Or do the changes apply to everyone in the game but are triggered after the 20th?

On the scaling thing, currently the game scales up to 200 players linearly, adding a fixed number of essence required to finish the game. I can't remember the exact number but for the sake of roundness let's say 100

So 20 players requires 2,000 essence and 200 players requires 20,000 essence.

This model assumes that players are expected to all contribute effectively but we do know that larger groups have higher numbers of players who are not participating at 100% efficiency.

So instead we're suggesting that we could be lenient and only scale by 80% as much after the initial 20 players. So for example:

20 players still require 2,000 21 players is 2,080 (instead of 2,100) and scaling up to 200 would instead be 16,400 (instead of 20,000)

01 Jul

29 May


Originally posted by Gorzoid

I wonder what would occur if you hopped worlds, traveled to some distant island, and then hopped back to the original world within 5 minutes. Would you teleport to the original boat or would it spawn a new boat and leave the original boat to be disabled after the 5 minute timer. Teleport behavior would likely result in alt-scape being used to teleport around the place on the boat, spawning a new boat avoids that but might be a bit clunky behavior having multiple active boats.

By making a new boat on a new world you'd have invalidated your access to return to one on the original world


Originally posted by snailord

What was the thinking behind granting XP based on facility interaction versus passive xp for travelling a certain number of tiles?

I worry that needing to interact with your sails too often will introduce a level of tedium that is counter intuitive to exploration and traveling.

A good metaphor would be like needing to tie your shoes every X time in order to run to a destination. (Don’t get any funny ideas, now!)

Thematically we've opted for the definition that your skill in Sailing is indicative of your capability to operate a Ship and it's facilities.

We really didn't want players to just gain XP passively, that feels like something that wouldn't feel like a skill, whereas using a tool to do a job very much so does, in this case, the ship and it's facilities are a tool and you're increasing your knowledge/expertise of these while using them.

We're aware of the sentiment of interacting with Sails too frequently perhaps getting a bit too tedious but that's where we have multiple avenues to affect this throughout the skill progression, for example: - Higher level sails could need trimmed less often, or be more effective when trimmed. - NPC crewmates (or other players joining your ship) could take on that tedium for you so you can navigate yourself.


Originally posted by Thosepassionfruits

you will appear on an island we've temporarily dubbed "Limbo island

If there's not an ongoing limbo contest between two NPCs named Slim and Hermes, I'll be very disappointed in Jagex's pun department.



Originally posted by trek5900

So, there will be level restrictions on quest reward XP for specific skills?

Yes, if we add retroactive Sailing XP we'd want to make sure the level was appropriate for that XP reward instead of everyone starting Sailing on launch day at, for example, level 30.


Originally posted by chillymac

Is riding someone else's boat going to be a POH/accept aid sort of thing that's not allowed for ironmen?

We're currently going to allow irons to sail with other players but with restrictions, those restrictions are currently unclear but we are aware of a sentiment with iron accounts needing to be responsible for their own account progression and we're looking to uphold that.

Currently anyone can join anyone's boat as long as it's at a port but we definitely want you to have more control than that for launch, such as only allowing friends, having join requests or just being able to kick people from your boat.


Originally posted by gophineas

Hi! A while ago it was stated that Sailing will be integrated into existing content. Can you tell us in what extent this is gonna be?

For example, will the sailing part in the quest Bone Voyage receive a whole overhaul where you actually will be Sailing (like the skill) to Fossil Island? Or are you planning to keep it like it is and simple reward it some Sailing xp?

Other examples include Fishing Trawler, Dragon Slayer (I & II) or the canoe network. And will charter ships be replaced by Sailing?

Hey, I answered a similar question here https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1d3a4gh/comment/l66gddw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

but I appreciate you're being a bit more specific, so I'll try to answer as best as I can!

With regards to existing content, we're not looking to overhaul existing quest completion methods in the game world but we are interested in changing the framing of some quests and dialogue in them to account for the fact that Sailing exists.

A good example of quest integration is DS1 where the isle of Crandor is this massive big mystery but realistically we all know ...

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