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Hey there, Jagex.

It seems that you're getting many complains and getting flamed for having horrible to no customer service. I have been interested in IT since I was 15 years old (currently 21, played rs since the age of 8) and have been working in the IT field as a Desktop Support Technician and Service Desk Technician for 4 years now. I am also working towards getting my Microsoft Certs. I am willing to be a US Based remote ServiceDesk/helpdesk/customer service agent for your company.

I believe my resume/interview would help the decision making process

how many reddit upvotes do I need to be hired in so we can provide excellent customer service to the RS community?

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about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Jagex Player Support Roles If anyone is genuinely interested :)

The roles are based with the rest of the team at the studio in Cambridge, UK. Our positions always attract a large amount of interest, shortlisted candidates generally match all the requirements in the 'what we need' criteria and the majority of the 'even better if' skill indicators.

We welcome applications from people who meet these requirements, but it's also worth setting expectations that we are heavily subscribed for any roles we offer. In our last recruitment round we had 231 applicants, we interviewed 24, invited 11 for an assessment day and made 3 offers. Those 3 have just completed their training and join the team from Monday.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by not-a-painting

28 day wait is pretty different from other game companies tbf

Well that’s the longest wait time and is only for people who have been banned , the vast majority of which are absolutely correct. We do agree that it is too long though and you will notice we have now halved that response time to 14 days at most

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by FrustratedLogician

/u/Mod_Stevew, how competitive are developer roles at OSRS team? I work in London in financial machine learning but want to know whether games studios are very popular. We hire around 10% of people invited on-site, many come from local Cambridge university. Do you have similar rates of hiring or are you even more selective?

Can't really speak for dev teams as I only hire for Player Support - we hire about 25% of those invited on site, and those invited in are about 5% of all total candidates from the initial applicant pool.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by MSLsForehead

you can expect a competitive salary

Could you give us an actual salary rather than your opinion on the salary?

No, individual salaries are negotiated on a person by person basis and relate to skills and experience offered by the candidate, within a framework we use to offer a competitive benchmark salary against similar roles in the industry.