Transcript (by Youtube)

3s hello hello hello everybody and welcome
7s to today's live stream I am your host
10s modani and I'm joined by the wonderful
14s mod Mack how are you doing Mac how's it
16s going hello I'm real good I'm going on
19s holiday in one day so I'm pretty pretty
22s hyped you wanna you wanna tell us any
24s more about your holiday plans or uh you
27s just going to keep that sh no I'm right
28s that they'll track me down and find me
32s very wise very wise well for what I know
34s about where you're going I'm very
35s excited for you so I hope you have a
38s amazing
40s time awesome how you feeling about uh
43s the the herw blog stuff going down just
45s before we get into all the uh intros and
48s things I mean after seeing some comments
50s come through on Reddit today after the
52s post I'm feeling feeling pretty good
53s feels like people are feeling that it's
55s in a good good spot they're happy with
57s the feedback that came in
58s so yeah awesome awesome stuff yes indeed
63s so uh yeah if you couldn't figure out
65s what we're here to talk about today
67s there's a little heror activity we're
68s wanting to push out with valmore part
71s two um we put a Blog out on Monday and
74s then today we put out a nice little
76s updated blog I already did it I already
78s did it just just to to caveat a little
81s bit Mac has uh challenged me not to say
86s the HW throughout this whole stream and
89s the only time I'm allowed to use it is
90s when I'm saying the command so once I've
92s done that I'm going to try and avoid
93s that word as much as possible but I
96s think uh production in the background
98s they uh are going to tick off the list
101s so yeah if you didn't realize you know
103s exclamation mark herbl I'll just get out
105s of the way now uh in the chat if you
108s want to check out the blog there's been
109s an updated version of it with like a
111s nice little breakdown of all the things
114s we've changed I've even uh edited the
118s audio readings and given you a new one
120s for the feedback changes just for you
122s lovely lot um but if you you haven't
125s read it don't worry we're probably going
126s to be going through every little bit of
128s uh of the feedback changes in here so do
131s not worry um so yeah as I said new
135s updated version went out today pretty
137s good how's that uh how's the week been
139s for you Mac uh detailing that because
142s it's been pretty pretty full on with
143s feedback I think yeah it's a mix of
146s feedback um and in in in the downtime
148s I've had I've been uh doing a bit of
150s prototyping for this um so things are
153s things are moving uh just getting a feel
154s for for how it is in reality uh maybe a
158s few tweaks needed in hindsight but yeah
161s we'll we'll we'll
163s see we will see indeed and for those of
166s you who are wondering there there will
168s be a poll with this uh going over the
170s roads that will launch fairly soon uh
173s and we will be coming back with an
175s updated version uh of some sort of
179s updated news post that will go over some
181s of the progress we've been making so we
183s can keep you up to date on uh keeping
185s you transparent basically on on what
186s we're doing because we know that some of
188s the uh some of the things in this
190s content uh are going to need a little
191s bit of work and care to make sure we're
193s we're heading in the right direction in
195s terms of like uh potion storage I can
198s say potion potion storage uh the pre-ot
200s device uh and especially the new potion
204s which we'll touch on a little bit later
207s but I also want to mention that uh this
209s week and especially next week is uh our
212s game Jam our fifth game Jam I believe
214s which is crazy thinking like how long
216s it's been since we've started those um
219s so you can use exclamation mark not
220s exclamation mark hash osrs game jam on
224s uh Twitter or X or whever you want to
226s call that platform um and see what the
228s jods have been sharing uh and all their
230s ideas there some have already asked for
232s feedback um so you can go there and and
235s give your uh give your little takes on
237s there I'm sure the the J mods would
239s appreciate it so before we kick off
241s let's go over some announcements
243s exclamation mark game update this week
245s brings volore CA tweaks moons of peral
248s armor weight adjustments the start of
250s game jam and more so you can check out
252s all the patch notes with that and I will
254s say there will be no game update next
255s week uh there might still be some
257s downtime but there will definitely be no
259s game update next week so just bear that
261s in mind uh right finally exclamation
264s mark herblore as I can say it there
267s we've updated the News Post on vor's
269s proposed new activity following your
272s feedback uh check it out and let us know
274s your thoughts uh again there's a little
276s audio read but we'll probably be going
278s through uh everything uh in this live
282s stream so you can use it you can have it
285s on the side while we're chatting you
286s know it be a good time uh and then
288s exclamation mark rebalance we've made
290s some more tweaks to our combat Focus
292s project rebalance proposal based on your
294s feedback so you can check out the blog
296s for more details and let us know your
297s thoughts exclamation mark stages for
300s this specific activity uh myself and mod
303s Mac were on Discord stages only two days
306s ago uh discussing uh ideas for the
308s proposal for that so you can actually uh
312s hop on that uh that command and check it
314s out for yourself it is in the Discord as
316s well there's a little handy section with
318s a past uh stages vods so you can check
320s that out there too and yeah exclamation
323s mark Discord jump into Discord server
324s join it it's really really really good
326s in there lot of uh friendly faces uh
329s able to help out and you can uh keep in
331s touch with all the future stages to come
335s now let's go uh oh I've just seen the
338s counter as well for my my blunders
342s that's nice thank you thank you
345s production it's okay it's okay we don't
347s mind a bit of scuff here it's fine uh
350s right so yeah again let's just uh crack
352s on with the Q&A uh we've got some
354s pre-prepared questions uh that have been
357s asked by a lot of players across our
358s socials and we're going to sort of touch
359s on things that were asked on Monday's
362s blog as well as this blog because we
364s want to sort of like reiterate uh any
367s changes that we've made just for those
368s who haven't read the blog yet uh or
371s haven't had a chance to catch up uh so
374s if you've got any questions please feel
376s free to pop them in chat as always our
378s mods will be on hand to collect them and
381s we will try and get through as many as
383s we can I've been told there's a big list
385s of questions in this one yet I've just
387s looked there's 53 uh preset question
390s questions so we'll see if we can get
392s through Mac I don't know how you're
394s feeling but I'm feeling fairly
396s confident I feel like I don't have the
399s confidence you do but have a good go
402s have a good go hell yeah that's all we
404s need just a a good go you know so uh all
408s right let's let's crack on then so
410s question number one uh the current
412s miname proposal rep resembles Giants
415s Foundry and I'm worried we'll have to
416s watch the UI at the top the whole time
419s can you elaborate if this new activity
420s will also be like that or
423s not I think this is um largely in part
427s to maybe just us not quite communicating
429s quite clearly um how it going to play
433s out so really the only thing you're
434s going to have to look at is your bank
437s and um the orders that come in on the
440s interface so you you'll look at the
442s order you'll see which one you want to
443s do and then you'll run off and complete
445s it uh it's not like you need to be laser
448s focused on this bar make sure it doesn't
450s go over an edge or anything that's not
452s part of the gameplay here um yeah yeah
456s for what it's worth we had in our
458s feedback meeting we spoke about um how
462s we could also utilize in-game elements
464s to communicate that so you wouldn't even
466s need to specifically look at that uh
469s order UI even though it will be a small
471s feature like I think one of the Mac was
473s like um NPC shouting out the orders
476s consistently so you can just keep an eye
477s on like you know them
481s yeah I can see MPC screaming at you from
482s across the room being a bit annoying but
485s there might be some alternative we can
486s do that that would work here I quite
489s like it it's thematically fitting
490s considering they've had like the influx
492s of orders and they need to get you know
494s need get sh out on time give him a yes
497s chef back or yes yes yes Alchemist yeah
502s I like that I like that um awesome so
505s yeah you it won't be as focused as uh
508s like giants Foundry in terms of the UI
510s and also making potions in that whole
513s sort of process will be a lot quicker
516s like you'll probably be able to make
517s like multiple potions while like
520s comparatively to what you would as like
522s one contract in Giants Foundry so just
524s to to clear that up um yeah I think
528s we've done a better job explaining that
529s in the in the newest blog but you know
531s if there's any doubts you can clip this
533s and share this round
534s so um all right next question then uh
537s will we be able to use unfinished
539s potions in in place of
542s herbs can now we've changed it uh so
545s we've kind of rebranded what was the
547s herb Mill into the herb refiner so you
550s can now take your vials of whatever it
552s is herbs in water run it through the
555s refiner and it will kind of filter out
557s the the juice and you can go ahead and
559s use
561s that awesome awesome stuff yeah we felt
564s it was a bit unfair for the people that
565s have uh already uh made tons and tons of
570s uh unfinished potions that they they
572s wouldn't be able to use it there so you
574s know it's a nice I don't think it
575s disrupts anything it doesn't really
577s change the flow it's just a another way
579s of uh getting into the the activity
582s which is good am I allowed to say herb
584s by the way Mac in our little rule or is
586s that also off off limits the word was
589s herb law yeah you can't say herb okay
592s all right so I can't and does that mean
593s I can't say lore either no you're allow
596s lore you can say lore if you want okay
598s okay all right cool I just wanted to
599s check all right uh okay I need we needed
603s to clarify the rules the whad really but
605s you know it's fine um yes right question
609s number three then uh could you please
611s add more uses for tors stols above all
614s as uh they were definitely missing from
616s the
618s list yeah I think we just forgot to put
621s them on the list on the original post
624s they'll see a use in there they'll
626s probably be in the I think the light
629s here like the highest here maybe
631s somewhere
633s between yeah just to just to preference
636s the actual table in uh in the blog that
639s list all the greens that are available
641s uh to be used um that is just an example
646s now because we didn't want to like give
648s you we still need to spend a bit of time
650s making sure that that tier list is in
652s order um but that is just an example now
655s that is not like the actual list of of
658s tears and where herbs all sit so uh
660s we'll probably touch on that later
662s because I can see a question down there
663s which we'll come back to uh all right
666s thank you mod Mac uh next question then
668s is can you please clarify if the
670s mentioned low XP means XP gained per
673s herb will be low or just the XP gained
676s per hour how are the XP gained per herb
679s compared to traditional potion
683s making it's a tricky one and it's
685s definitely still kind of just subject to
687s balancing and we just need to look at
689s the numbers prop
690s um I see this as being the goal really
694s if we can get into the state where it's
696s more XP per herb but less XP per hour
699s that's kind of The Sweet Spot and if we
700s can get that great um if not it might
704s end up being lower on both uh and then
707s you kind of take the fact that you're
709s getting the rewards as your bonus you if
713s you like uh instead of the um the XP uh
716s but this isn't intended as um um a met
720s activity anyway
724s so yeah there's not many ways to train
727s herbl as it is at the moment so this is
730s this was more just giving us giving you
732s an
732s alternative um to do it we didn't want
734s to really change the meta too much and
736s it's exactly why we
738s didn't put the XP rates into the blog
741s because we still want to make sure that
743s we're taking the time and making sure
745s that it's balanced correctly because we
747s don't want to you know we don't want an
749s issue where we present rates and then we
750s actually get to balancing and go oh
753s actually those rates are
756s crazy so we at least want to like take
758s some time and in the you know the the
762s updated blog that we share at some point
764s in the in the near future when we go
766s over some sort of like of the more
767s details and our progress has has gone a
770s little further we'll probably mention
771s the XP rates in there instead for you uh
774s so don't worry it will come it's just
776s like you have to just give us a give us
777s a little bit of time hopefully
780s so awesome all right uh so question five
784s is the intention to use this as a space
786s to dump herbs you don't need for a
788s little less XP but you don't have to use
790s the secondaries or will this be like
791s giants foundary where you'll be getting
793s the best XP per herb so we sort of
794s touched on this
797s but
798s um yeah it's intended to be a little bit
802s of the initial point there um I imagine
805s a lot of players will have plenty of
806s herbs in their Bank this will be the
808s ideal place for them to dump into and um
812s in a way kind of get some value out of
814s your
815s pamin um which I imagine everyone should
818s like so yeah yeah yeah indeed I just
823s said it again as well that's another one
825s for the counter I don't know if it's
826s been updated but I'm not going to I'm
828s not going to cheat the counter I own up
830s to my
831s mistakes um so yeah I'm on
835s eight the production just told me I'm on
838s eight have I really messed up that much
840s no
841s way I'm no attention to be honest with
844s you I'm I'm calling rigged bro I'm
847s calling this is rigged
849s already um all right question six then
853s any chance the order of the herb
855s component list can reflect oh my God I
858s just did it again the uh level uh
861s instead of the grand exchange
864s value yeah we initially based it on GE
867s value because it just felt the most
868s natural like
870s more expensive herb is higher on the
872s list but uh in hindsight it it's not
877s entirely ideal because you might end up
879s with a situation where um a lower level
882s herb ends up going up in price and then
883s do we go back and do we like
885s retroactively change the value in the
887s mini game or the activity um so yeah
892s we've decided now to to base it on the
894s actual level of the herb that you
896s require for your herw um which just felt
900s maybe just a more of a natural way of
901s doing it and we're hoping in a way that
903s it will kind of self-correct the prices
906s on the G cuz people will start using
908s more of the lower TI herbs and then that
909s will go up in price and it will kind of
914s self-correct yeah we think this is a
916s better approach all around because it
918s will keep it like like Max said keep it
920s consistent so it means that you know the
922s herbs that you oh God the the greens
925s that you'll use uh at the start of the
928s when the activity comes out will also be
931s the same sort of ones you want to use as
932s you go along so that that shouldn't
934s really change too much um so yeah
937s awesome all right number seven uh we got
940s a little we had a few chemistry nerds
943s and again I mean that in the best way
945s possible because I'd also love to be a
947s chemistry nerd if I could but I don't
949s have the brain space uh saying
951s centrifuge doesn't actually make things
953s homogeneous it in fact does the exact
955s opposite of that any chance you could
957s come up with another term
960s yeah we've changed this the chemistry
962s nerds have won um I think we've renamed
964s it to the agitator now it might change
966s again if some other chemistry ner comes
968s out the woodwork and says that that
969s doesn't work uh yeah take take the names
972s with a pinch of salt names are subject
973s to
975s change yeah for what it's worth in the
977s blog we also say that we're going to
978s just like review all names to maybe just
981s like base them a little less in reality
984s and and lean more into the fantasy
986s element just to give the uh the idea you
989s know I mean this is a fantasy game after
990s all we might as well give him some funky
992s names I think there was like the mix
993s Atron 3000 was uh was one that was in
996s the the the blog that we we did so uh
1000s yeah who knows if you'll be seeing that
1003s saying that uh Mac I don't know if this
1005s in here down there but are we going to
1007s have Steve added in as like a uh little
1011s Easter egg so yeah we had this reward
1014s idea back back at the start of the
1016s project we had this plan of you have
1018s like mishaps happen around the lab like
1020s a fire would start or puddles would form
1022s that you'd have to mop up and you could
1025s purchase Steve who would come in and
1027s essentially fix all this stuff for you
1028s while you're working um he's been
1031s removed now Steve is gone but
1033s potentially he can come back as a pet or
1035s just a lab assistant who's
1037s chilling sorry a pet for the player as
1041s little Steve the the
1045s sweeper St the sweeper yeah that's
1047s that's uh we want Justice for Ste yeah I
1049s feel like Steve should at least have a
1050s place maybe just like in the corner
1053s maybe because there's no mishaps you
1055s know Steve just chills in the corner
1056s like he's just waiting he's just waiting
1058s for Saint to
1059s go
1061s yeah um awesome all right thank you uh
1065s the next question then is will the
1067s rewards be buyable VI via some kind of
1069s currency the activity offers or will
1072s they be RNG based akin to Hunter rumors
1075s or a mix of
1077s both um mostly buyable uh there is an
1081s element of of Randomness in the form of
1083s the potion packs but for the most part
1085s um everything is purchased using uh
1088s reward points that you acrew by using
1090s the three components so if you use lots
1093s of lie you'll end up with lots of lie
1095s points if you use lots of mock you'll
1096s end up with lots of
1100s mocks thank you Max sorry I just saw a
1103s really weird comment in chat and just
1105s sort of thrw me off a little bit um for
1108s what it's worth Hollow I don't think
1110s we'd be doing that uh just going to put
1112s it out there I don't know why that
1114s caught me off guard so
1116s much I think it's the Caps yeah I think
1119s it was the Caps yeah and and not
1121s actually at in us but kind of at in us
1124s which is
1125s interesting uh all right cool so uh
1128s question number nine then is what is the
1130s envisioned core Loop tradeoff for iron
1134s accounts when it comes to balancing
1136s using uh useful herbs to make potions
1140s RAR pray Snapdragon super restore quam
1143s avento irit for super sets and using
1146s Greens in this activity there's a second
1149s part you want me to read the second part
1150s Mac or do you just want to go on right
1153s will there be any incentive to use those
1156s greens in this activity such as potion
1158s packs rewards will at least get close to
1160s returning the same number of expected
1162s potions from those greens as I'd have
1166s gotten just training uh and Gathering
1168s secondaries normally
1171s cool so for the most part you will need
1173s to use um at least some amount of the
1176s whole herb Spectrum in order to get the
1178s rewards um so where the idea is that
1182s even for like the LI pack you will need
1184s to use some Mox and some ARA
1187s um in terms
1190s of getting back what you're putting in
1192s um we see this as being less resource
1195s efficient than just making the potions
1197s yourself um but I do see that what you
1200s what you're getting out of it to be
1202s reasonably close so you're not like
1204s completely losing out by doing
1207s this yeah yeah again we're we're we're
1210s going to go into this balancing phase
1212s like very um you know very mindful of
1215s all the feedback that's been coming in
1217s so and again it's exactly why we didn't
1219s put the XP per hour or XP per herb
1222s methods down because we wanted to make
1224s sure that it's it's we do the balancing
1227s correctly before we we're coming to you
1228s guys with those for those things so um
1232s all right question 10 is how will
1234s different greens weigh to different
1237s outputs uh example is if I dump Ras and
1241s get super stores out that's great but
1243s dropping in snapdragons to get prayer
1245s pots wouldn't be so
1248s great yeah um there will be an element
1251s of this uh that we intend to add waiting
1256s on the prayer pop on the uh potion packs
1259s so that you're getting out roughly the
1261s sort of stuff that you want to be
1262s getting
1263s out yeah I know there was talk as well
1266s about internally about some sort of uh
1269s waiting in terms of level as well so
1271s like you know you wouldn't be able to
1272s just like storm in as a level 20
1275s herblore um newbie and end up getting
1278s some uh saradan bruise out of it
1280s consistently I don't I we're not sure uh
1283s if that's going to be a case of like you
1285s just can't get them or just a very very
1287s rare chance but it's not going to be
1289s like consistent if you're a low level
1291s you're not going to be pumping out tons
1293s of uh Sarah brus at level 25 uh so there
1298s we go I know I said it again as well
1301s this question is messing me up this got
1303s two mentions of the words I can't say is
1307s the is the activity using your own
1311s items yes it's well there's a there's a
1316s side plan that that might take us in a
1318s slightly different direction but um yeah
1320s you you will be using all of your own
1321s herbs uh for produ during during the
1325s production during this activity there
1327s was an idea that came up of having
1331s um sort of herbs growing throughout the
1333s lab and every now and then if you've
1336s used enough of a certain herb uh there
1338s is a chance for one of the herbs to kind
1340s of come into maturity and then you can
1341s run over and collect a few of those just
1345s to sort of top yourself up and get a
1347s little bit back for what you're putting
1348s in
1349s um that might just be a small passive
1352s way of of of gaining some
1354s herbs um un decided yet if that's going
1357s to be a
1359s thing yeah I think that would just
1361s definitely go into some sort of like uh
1364s balancing again but a lot of this is
1365s going to come down to balance in I
1366s will'll just preface probably a lot of
1369s the questions that come into XP and and
1373s like balancing of rewards there's a lot
1375s of balance in this going into so we're
1376s going to be very careful and it's
1377s exactly why we've taking this approach
1379s of like giving you the rewards and
1381s giving you the base sort of synopsis of
1384s how the activity works and then we will
1385s come back later with the the extra
1387s information so you can get a real feel
1389s for the for the actual gameplay Loop and
1391s how things are going to be be utilized
1394s so yeah that's the plan we're trying to
1396s be very careful that's what that's what
1398s I'm trying to say we're not trying to
1401s overpromise and under deliver or o under
1404s promise and maybe we do want to under
1406s promise and overd deliver maybe that is
1408s that's never a bad thing I don't think
1410s so um we just want to be careful
1413s basically um all right thank you Mac the
1416s next question then is uh would we be
1419s able to use the uh sack for greens to
1423s load them into the Mills which is not
1426s the mill anymore it's called the
1432s refiner I don't see any reason why not I
1434s think it just it's just an added bonus
1437s for anyone who has the sack um it's a
1440s few less trips to the bank uh I was
1443s initially not too keen on this but I
1445s don't think actually now I have a good
1446s reason to say no so yeah I think you can
1449s use your
1451s herback there you go easy peasy you use
1454s your uh your sack I can't say the other
1456s word so
1459s enjoy uh all right uh question 13 all
1462s right I'm going to try maybe we should
1463s try and speed this up Max so we can wh
1465s through these questions but I think like
1467s Pac has been okay but uh all right if
1469s players are on the move a lot will run
1470s energy be a
1473s problem uh yeah but we can do something
1476s to fix that either we'll give you
1477s infinite run or we'll put like a some
1480s Barrel or a sink somewhere that you can
1481s go and take a swig from and it magically
1483s gives you your energy back uh because
1485s yeah it will just feel terrible if
1486s you're having to walk all the
1490s time yeah yeah awesome so we're going to
1493s make sure and again just going back to
1495s the Giants Foundry comparison the room
1497s is going to be much smaller in terms of
1500s scale uh comparatively to like the
1503s Giants Foundry layout because I think
1504s that has been the biggest
1506s comparison uh at the moment so uh yeah I
1510s think Mac was saying in the Discord
1511s stages that first prototype in the room
1513s was like a cupboard so it's been made a
1515s bit bigger um but not Giants Foundry
1518s level
1520s big yeah this is not to say by the way I
1523s know someone in chat was like oh some
1525s people running out uh of run at Giants
1527s Foundry no but again it's like the
1529s biggest comparison of
1531s like uh that you guys have at the moment
1535s for this mini game so I'm trying to like
1537s make the comparisons as clear as
1539s possible there's definitely more
1541s movement in this than there is in Giants
1543s Foundry just from having played the
1545s pro yeah yeah exactly but again we're
1548s going to make sure that it feels it
1550s feels good that's what we want at the
1551s end of the day this activity to feel
1553s good uh right okay question 14 then are
1556s the base elements stackable can we uh
1559s refine our stuff down then spend the
1562s rest of the time making pots or do we
1564s have to resupply and remil throughout
1567s the order
1569s list so currently it's um 100 points of
1573s each reagent you can store in your mixer
1576s so you can uh take your herbs out of the
1578s bank Mill them down into a stackable
1580s paste and then you can put that paste
1582s into your mixer up to 100 of each um so
1585s at some point you will need to come back
1586s and refresh them and you might need to
1588s bear that in mind if you're running
1589s really low and you see an order come in
1591s you might need to think oh do I have
1593s enough of this one to fulfill that order
1595s and that might play a part in your
1596s decision
1599s making yeah yeah indeed again I'm
1602s probably going to say this a lot but it
1603s will come down to mostly balancing but
1605s again it feels like an early prototype
1607s in that seems to be pretty pretty decent
1609s right
1610s Mac yep sick sick all right uh question
1615s 15 assuming there is a shop for rewards
1618s are the L A and M Points use solely in
1620s the mini game to determine some point
1623s value used for Rewards or will you be a
1625s rewarded points in each category at the
1628s end uh you'll just be rewarded points in
1631s each category um for each order you
1633s complete so if you complete an order for
1635s something that requires two L and one a
1638s you'll receive two L and one a points
1641s which will then be spendable in the
1642s reward
1645s shop there you go so hopefully that is
1648s cleared that up all right question 16
1651s then oh this has got an A caveat as well
1653s okay will there be a chance to mess up
1656s the potions during the grinding process
1657s or when processing with either the
1659s retort the alen Beck or the what's the
1662s new one agitator there we go and then
1666s yeah and then they say I hope not I like
1668s managing multiple processes at the same
1669s time uh agitate something while the
1672s retort does its thing but I don't like
1674s the anxiety of having to watch for a
1676s timer yeah I don't I'm not ready to ke
1678s on the idea of having like overcooking
1682s something
1683s um I think once it's it's finished it
1685s will just like sit there and wait for
1687s you to come and pick it up so yeah
1689s there's not going to be any uh ruined
1691s batches or
1692s anything I just feel bad yeah exactly
1696s again there was elements of like
1697s disruption before but found that just to
1700s be not as fun I think Mac um yeah
1703s exactly not that I think and I think we
1705s touched upon this in the stages before
1707s but not that that
1709s can't have its place maybe again num
1712s cooking as I'm looking at you um but
1715s that is a completely different thing for
1717s maybe a completely different time if at
1719s all so uh all right cool question 17
1723s then what if you already have we've
1725s already we' already touched on this I
1727s can I can ye that and not try and get my
1729s counter up again which is
1732s sick all right uh Divine super wait let
1736s me let me go back a minute that is the
1738s question 8 it's fine it's fine
1741s guys all right Divine super combat
1743s Divine ranging potion stamina and
1745s antivenom plus that be four potions or
1747s will Super combats not be allowed I this
1750s is talking about the preot device I'm
1753s I'm assuming we skipped ahead but we can
1755s we can roll with it
1758s um I see yeah that
1760s is four potions right it works on like
1765s which which potions you physically have
1767s in your your device so if you have those
1768s four potions in there coun four
1771s potions yeah yep and yeah it'll probably
1774s come up later but yeah potions are the
1776s key thing here this is a preot device so
1780s you know just just want to make that
1781s very clear um obviously this would
1784s matter in terms of like order you'd want
1787s to do them in but that is up to you how
1789s what you what order you want to put them
1790s in for um cool all right so uh next one
1794s is is XP rewarded upon delivery or just
1797s processing the
1799s parts um the moment XP is awarded at
1803s every stage of the process and it's just
1806s at the end that you receive your um
1808s Reward Points so it's consistent little
1811s bits of XP coming
1813s in agreed agreed all right cool I'm
1816s going to just jump in quickly and Mac I
1818s don't know what your thoughts are on
1819s this but I'm seeing some people and I
1821s saw it in in the friends before
1823s overloads overloads are a tricky reward
1828s space
1829s and I don't know if this is the place
1831s for them to come from that might be a a
1834s a personal take and I don't know how you
1837s feel about that Mac but I don't think
1840s this is the place for overloads if we're
1841s ever going to do
1845s them no um it's probably a bigger
1849s conversation to be had there uh but yeah
1852s this doesn't feel like the right place
1853s for
1854s it exactly they are a tricky tricky
1858s thing to do and if we're going to
1860s introduce them they're going to have to
1861s have a lot of thought put into them so
1864s for now overloads they don't exist
1867s they're not even in our thought process
1869s at the moment when it comes to this this
1871s activity all right so just want to make
1873s that very
1874s clear um cool all right uh next question
1878s then is do you lose points if your timer
1880s runs
1882s out um no uh you
1888s you never lose points uh but if the
1890s timer if the the orders change uh so
1893s like they do in uh Guardians of the rift
1896s you your when your portals change uh
1897s you'll no longer be able to fulfill that
1899s order uh and you can take your half-made
1903s batch of stuff back to the mixer and put
1905s it in and get your re agents back so you
1907s want to kind of balance your time
1908s carefully so you don't end up in that
1909s situation because then I guess you are
1912s kind of losing like effective Reward
1914s Points indeed indeed so managing time
1917s and and again it won't be it won't be a
1920s small amount of time it's not like You'
1922s got 30 seconds to make as many potions
1924s as possible unless I'm mistaken M but I
1926s feel like that would be very chaotic no
1928s it's definitely more than
1930s that yeah okay cool um all right next
1934s question then is an interesting one
1935s which uh I've not even thought about
1937s will the sack for your lovely greens be
1940s obtainable through the
1942s activity Noe no plans on
1946s that yeah so there we go okay all right
1950s so we're going to uh we're going to uh
1952s production telling me my I'm guessing
1954s this is me avoiding certain words you're
1956s enjoying very much because I can see you
1958s hovering over that counter button I can
1960s I just picture it in my head um all
1964s right uh thank you Mac all right the
1966s final question we have from the gameplay
1969s questions is do these Alchemist have
1972s internal orders for
1974s Greenery uh I.E a secondary uh activity
1978s for running around the island Gathering
1981s greens which you can use in the mini
1983s game but not tradable or usable outside
1986s of this mini
1990s game I don't know what this question is
1992s asking are they asking if there's a
1993s separate part to this mini game where
1994s you're collecting herbs no I I think
1997s that's what they're asking I think
1998s that's what they're asking yeah okay no
2000s you're using all your own herbs they're
2002s not like miname specific herbs they're
2004s they're your herbs yeah they're your
2007s herbs so oh God no I was doing so well
2010s for so
2013s long um yeah so no there's no extra bit
2017s we would have put in the in the blog if
2019s if there was that there so just uh just
2021s doing that Matt just on that point was
2024s there was there ever any thoughts for
2028s um using like
2031s a uh a way of using herbs that weren't
2035s your own even if it was like less XP Etc
2040s um yeah this came up I think in the chat
2043s we had the other day uh about having
2046s almost like a Giants Foundry like lowest
2049s level kind of thing where you can just
2050s run the the lowest level stuff through
2052s it and get something back um I just
2055s don't see a good way of doing it for
2058s this so
2060s no I mean there's goes Guam Guam are
2064s everywhere so just just make the mock
2067s stuff yeah
2069s gu be everywhere uh I'm yet to get to
2072s that point in my uh in our group High
2074s man's journey of uh the herb the the
2079s iron Journey for her is so much
2081s different to a Main's Journey so I'm I'm
2083s interested to see what happens there um
2086s all right let's go on to some reward
2087s questions I think we're we're already
2089s more than halfway here so um aggro pots
2094s let's talk about this do you just want
2096s to go over what this is Mac because this
2098s wasn't in the original uh News Post sure
2102s this is a new reward we designed this
2104s week um idea is you're you're out you're
2108s doing your Slayer you're killing dagger
2110s oths and the dagger turn off because
2112s you've hit the AFK timer you can drink
2115s this potion and that flicks your AFK
2117s timer back uh and then we also have a
2120s secondary effect where
2123s um we hunt for NPCs around you and we'll
2127s periodic
2128s sort of aggro them onto you deliberately
2131s rather than having them like naturally
2133s aggro um this also works for things that
2136s aren't naturally aggroed so if you are
2139s slaying uh dust devils I think aren't
2142s aggressive um it will make them
2144s aggressive for the for the duration uh
2146s which is I think six minutes at the
2148s moment and it's in an 8 by8 radius
2152s currently it works quite similarly to
2154s the RS3 version yeah not as not as wide
2158s radius though I will say because 17 by
2160s 17 radius is crazy big um so we wanted
2165s to like at least tone that down um I
2168s will caveat as well at saying like if
2170s something is already aggro to someone
2172s else you cannot use it to steal aggro
2176s because that would be very
2177s naughty um and we don't want that to
2180s happen uh and then in terms of making we
2183s haven't chosen a level or a a green you
2187s would use
2188s uh a base to use it and then the
2191s secondary would only be gotten from the
2193s activity itself
2196s so that's the sort of uh that's the sort
2198s of uh premise of that so I'm going to
2201s skip over um I'm skip over the next
2204s question just because we sort of
2205s answered that um and then I
2209s suppose will the aggro potion be a
2211s onetime use and Agro everything with an
2213s x amount of tires will consistently
2215s aggro so I think it's 6 minutes right it
2217s will start AG gring
2219s things yeah so the the effect remains on
2222s you for those six minutes and inside
2225s that area everything will be aggr onto
2227s you um not all at once but
2231s periodically yeah I will I will say in
2233s chat I see a lot of people speaking
2235s about I don't like them and that is
2238s absolutely fine if you don't like them
2241s then just vote on them if you don't want
2243s to see them in the game and if they do
2245s come into the game because the majority
2247s uh of
2249s players want them then you don't have to
2253s use them I know that's such a weird I I
2255s even hate saying that like you don't
2256s have to use them but they'll be there
2258s all right so just use your use your
2260s votes this exactly why the polling
2261s process is is here so you know vote use
2266s your votes you know voting is good all
2269s right it weird even saying that like
2271s don't use them that made me feel a bit a
2273s bit
2274s strange um all right here we go so uh
2278s next question will will NPCs unagro if
2280s going out of their normal aggressive
2282s area or does this potion bypass
2286s that uh if
2288s they if they leave their Normal area
2291s their normal aggressive area then yeah
2293s they would
2294s deago I
2296s think um it's it's it's all based on on
2299s your where you are it's an 8 by8 of
2303s that yeah yeah so again also
2307s unaggressive enemy
2308s uh in that as well which is which is
2311s kind interesting I think that's the most
2313s interesting aspect it's like the
2315s unaggressive enemies will turn and be
2316s like yo Lan fam and just rush you um
2321s which is interesting um all right so one
2324s question is will the aggr poot work on
2326s Jad
2329s healers uh no no that would be a bit
2331s silly um we've got we're going to go
2335s through and uh make a kind of a I guess
2338s a blacklist would be easiest um for
2342s Content that we don't want this to work
2344s on for the most part it will be it will
2346s generally work on anything that you can
2348s attack and then we will go ahead and
2351s make considerations around that
2353s similarly to how we did with throlls
2355s yeah again uh talk by the way anyone
2359s looking for the aggro pot it's called
2361s the potion of
2363s ging in goding goding sorry potion of
2367s goding
2369s build in Magic recently soing oh okay
2372s okay I see I see now um so yeah things
2376s like that things like tagging the
2377s nibblers in Inferno would be insanely
2380s powerful if you could just po up and be
2382s like yo over here come on mate uh yeah
2386s so we're going to we're going to make
2387s sure we address this carefully if it if
2389s it comes into the game we will make sure
2392s to uh to balance this correctly that's
2395s what we want um all right so next
2398s question then will the aggro potion
2401s prevent Iron Men from being elegible for
2405s loot um only if the person who goed them
2410s or made them aggressive towards them hit
2412s them the same how it the same way it
2415s behaves in game at the moment um if
2417s they've just agroed onto them then no
2418s you're
2419s fine yeah yeah exactly um all right and
2424s then finally uh last question on the
2426s aggro potion we're going to have to whiz
2427s through the these cuz we're not even
2428s halfway through Mac so maybe we'll just
2430s do like a quick fire um all right do you
2433s think aggro potions will benefit Slayer
2435s or be harmful for it in the long term as
2436s it lets you AFK even more
2440s Slayer I think generally
2444s um I like it I think it's beneficial uh
2447s we just released the uh Echo boots
2449s synergizes quite well with that I don't
2451s think there's anything wrong inherently
2453s with AFK Slayer it's quite
2455s chill um yeah I'd be interested to see
2458s what the community thinks in general
2460s about
2461s this yeah this will have at least a cost
2463s to it right like there'll be a cost to
2465s to to using this like in terms of either
2468s for a main buying it or an i and doing
2471s the activity and and making the potions
2474s yourself you know so that there's some
2476s cost to attach to it um so but we'll see
2480s again use use your votes if you don't
2482s like it then you can let us know and
2484s vote on it when the poll comes out
2486s please cuz that's exactly what there all
2489s right potion storage questions uh for
2491s the potion storage it would be great to
2493s have the potion stored in the P where we
2495s could access them via the bank what are
2497s your thoughts on
2499s this
2501s um this feels clunky I think we can do
2505s it better I think we can just put a
2507s button on the bank and then when you go
2508s to your bank you can grab your potions
2511s rather than having to like I know put
2514s them in this separate box
2518s yeah yeah I I I've definitely leaned on
2521s the side of the bank myself I think
2523s storing it in the P might feel a bit
2526s weird you run to P getting some pots
2530s going back to the bank or vice versa
2532s rather than having like everything still
2533s in your bank and using your P to just
2535s like Reet your stats and stuff um and
2540s then get back into the fight quickly so
2542s yeah Bank stuff is uh is definitely the
2545s way we went and it's the the the more
2547s popular answer we saw especially when it
2548s came to the survey and scouring like
2550s socials with your comments is definitely
2552s the the majority want for it um so the
2556s next question then is thoughts on
2557s allowing U IMS to access potion
2560s storage
2562s no um yeah it's a huge change I I
2566s mean by all means uh uims out there we'd
2570s love to hear what you think about this
2571s uh you pick the game mode um just feels
2575s like a pretty pretty massive change to
2576s be uh let you do
2579s this yeah agree I even said when we
2582s first put out the blog probably not
2584s going to be the way we go and then just
2585s being able to confirm that after our
2587s little feedback meeting was like cool
2589s good I think this is the the right
2592s choice I'm sorry any uims out there but
2595s like Max said you did pick the game mode
2597s this would be a crazy crazy upgrade for
2601s for you and I don't think it's yeah I
2604s don't think it's good so is
2607s Sam has spoken he says no there we go
2611s there we go one one uim speaks for all
2616s uim we got another one as well there we
2618s go and another one all right sick we got
2622s one that said it would be cool but like
2624s even just that small percentage it's
2626s like one to four that's that want it um
2629s so yeah all right uh about potions in
2633s our bank automatically being placed into
2634s potion storage does this mean we will no
2636s longer be able to keep potions in Bank
2637s tab layouts for quickly gearing for
2643s pvm sorry can you read that whole
2645s question again I was reading the
2647s chat basically basically are we going to
2650s stop players just storing potions
2653s normally in their bank with this no no
2655s you can still put potions in the bank uh
2657s it'll just be a separate
2659s um uh inventory I guess uh which you can
2663s choose between yeah yeah so like you if
2666s you really like say one potion I don't
2669s know I'm just picking things out the the
2672s air like four dose super Combat Four
2675s dose sour bruise for those super
2676s restores and you want to be able to like
2679s easily access them then you can just
2681s keep them in your tabs for whatever you
2683s know your bank tab layouts are and then
2685s everything else you could just pop in
2687s the potion storage to like keep them out
2689s the way but still available when you
2690s need them um all right cool so uh if you
2695s go the route of potion storage could you
2697s please to add the potions in not form I
2699s mean that sort of comes with the
2700s territory of being in a bank anyway so
2703s uh yes I suppose uh and then would the
2707s potion storage have a limit or could we
2708s literally have one type of every type of
2711s every amount and still have spare room
2713s for the mysterious potions like weapon
2716s Poison divines by R mixes and all future
2718s po potions
2719s Etc I think this really just needs to
2722s allow everything all the potions
2724s otherwise it kind of just loses its
2726s usability pretty quickly and it's you
2729s know how desirable it is for Saving Bank
2730s space I think yeah there's no reason we
2732s can't just let you put all of your Niche
2735s one Doses and three Doses and weird
2737s little potions in there it's fine
2740s exactly exactly so uh yeah if yeah like
2744s Max said it will kind of defeat the
2745s point of having like a thing that we are
2747s trying to
2748s combat the exact reason why you want it
2751s so there we go um viral blood coconut un
2755s unfinished po potions Max just I've seen
2758s it in the
2761s chat
2763s uh yeah
2766s yeah there you go there you go all right
2769s nice awesome right potion packs oh
2772s there's a lot of questions here I don't
2773s think we're going to get through them do
2774s you want let's let's just speed run them
2775s M let's speed run them all right unless
2778s we want to stay for another 10 minutes
2779s but it's up to you I know this is your
2781s like last day before holiday so I don't
2783s want to take up too much can run it all
2786s right sick all right so we might add an
2789s extra 10 15 minutes just just to
2790s everyone's uh you know awareness all
2793s right thoughts on potion pack scaling
2795s with your herblore level uh we already
2796s sort of touched on that yes I think
2798s we're thinking about that Ma please tell
2800s me if I'm
2801s wrong no you're right good job sweet uh
2805s are the potion packs a random potion or
2807s would you get to select your
2809s potion uh so the potion packs are are
2812s tiered between the three reagents um so
2815s the MOX pack gives potions that require
2819s the herbs that make mocks to
2822s use that make any sense maybe uh but we
2826s we'll also generally um wait the potions
2828s within the packs to to stuff that will
2830s be more
2832s desirable not completely random yeah
2835s exactly um sorry chat just caught me off
2838s guard again I've seen a comment that
2839s chat's on fire today like catching me
2842s off guard uh all right potion packs
2845s what's the potion to Herb sacrifice
2846s ratio you're going we sort of touched
2848s upon this earlier uh but Ma I don't know
2850s if you just want to like re Rego over it
2853s yeah I well you won't be getting back
2856s the same of what you're putting in
2857s you'll be getting back slightly less but
2859s we'll try and tread that line so it
2861s doesn't feel
2862s terrible um and then balance that with
2864s the fact you're also getting other
2866s reward potential alongside it and you're
2868s also not having to use
2871s secondaries yeah and it's a lab it's
2873s cool it's a change of scenery too don't
2875s forget is said of B standing you can
2878s come into The Labb with all the homies
2879s and just just rush around make it
2881s fulfilling orders you know so um all
2884s right free dose potion uh one green
2888s means is as as has that word been
2890s highlighted in the script uh just to to
2894s throw me off or all all the uses of the
2897s words I can't say I can see them
2899s highlighted so I see what you I see what
2902s you're doing production I see what
2903s you're doing um right one green means
2906s it's AET benefit since you don't need to
2909s gain gather secondaries and two free
2912s dose potion one green might be too
2918s good am
2922s I what what did I just read I don't know
2925s what this is should we leave this
2928s one yeah if anyone can like if anyone
2932s can like decode that I might just put in
2935s I'm going to put in chat if you can
2937s decode what this what this question is
2939s trying to say that would
2942s be yeah yeah I felt I felt that easy
2945s life I felt that I was saying it um
2948s right okay cool uh regarding the potion
2952s packs so you can use Ral weed and get
2954s prayer or normal defense potions
2956s question
2958s mark yes but more prayer than
2963s significantly more prayer than you would
2965s uh defense potions
2967s yeah yeah exactly uh awesome all right
2970s and finally is the intention with the
2972s Bible packs to profit from the amount of
2973s potions to have received here we've
2975s already we already touched on that so uh
2977s yeah we'll we'll just skip over that one
2980s oh I've messed the script up sorry guys
2981s I do apologize uh right reagent pouch
2985s question here we go uh will we be able
2987s to pull secondaries directly from the
2989s reagent pouch when making
2992s potions uh yes we yet to work out the
2995s exact um kind of flow for using it but
2998s um yeah when you're making potions it
3000s will pull po it will pull re from your
3003s reations pouch while you're
3006s making yep yep okay awesome stuff I've
3010s seen someone in chat I believe they're
3012s asking when you uh make the potion how
3015s many doses do you get they saying one
3018s herb gets one dose it's not
3020s worth okay I think that's about like
3022s General output that will be down to
3023s balancing just going to put that out
3025s there we're not going to put numbers on
3027s it right now um all right uh next
3030s question will the reagent pouch be like
3032s the
3033s herb the green pouch where you can store
3036s multiple types of
3040s items uh yeah current plan is that you
3042s can store I think the number was 30 of
3045s each reagent so yeah similar to the her
3048s pouch and we're hoping that this will
3049s make using it just a generally a bit
3051s nicer because you can go to the bank hit
3053s the refill button and just refill all of
3055s those slots rather than having to do
3057s like this weird juggling Act of moving
3059s stuff between your bank and your
3061s punction yeah I will say for those who
3064s haven't read the blog we are going to be
3067s looking at where this will be available
3070s because being able to create 30 new pots
3072s in The Inferno or the Coliseum is crazy
3076s and we do not want that to happen so
3078s just please bear that in mind uh when
3082s voting SL talking about this uh this uh
3086s reward all right uh 39 how will the
3089s reagent pack work at creature creation
3091s will we be able to empty it outside of a
3096s bank uh I haven't done creat creation
3098s you'll have to carry this one
3103s son uh
3108s oh all right we'll pass this
3110s one
3113s um yeah I don't know maybe we'll have a
3116s look into it uh I saw a few comments
3118s about creature creation to be fair um
3121s but I have never taken part I think I've
3124s done it it's creature creation the one
3125s way after Tower of tower of tower of
3128s life and then you go down you make like
3132s chicken fish thing is that it yeah yeah
3134s yeah I'm pretty sure that's the that's
3136s the one I've done it for the diary and
3138s that's and that's it I never I never
3141s touch it after that so uh yeah I can't
3143s even remember what how that works so
3145s it's used to get red Spide eggs quickly
3146s apparent
3152s uh I still don't know what the answer is
3154s to this the answer is it it will work in
3156s a way that feels nice there we go there
3159s we go so hopefully it will be to your
3162s liking uh maybe we'll touch on creature
3164s creation specifically when we come back
3166s with the with the updated
3168s blog um cool um let's
3173s go um to the next one then preot device
3177s how customizable will the pre-ot device
3180s be uh current plan is that you can kind
3183s of put the potions in you can click and
3186s drag around to set the order in which
3188s they proc um and we also have plans for
3191s adding some presets uh in a very similar
3193s fashion to the Rune pouch so you can
3196s have maybe four or five presets um you
3198s can preconfig for different
3202s encounters there you go yeah we we we
3205s saw that feedback uh a lot during our
3209s first
3211s um release of the blog so we wanted to
3213s make sure that that is there and I Max
3215s been looking at some other code uh that
3218s might be able to borrow some things from
3220s or look into how that works so we shall
3223s see uh where that goes uh all right
3227s question 41 why is the pre-ot device now
3229s changed to be
3231s tradable um it came along as a similar
3236s thing to the the new potion that we
3238s brought in um it's meant
3240s as some way of getting some GP per hour
3243s out of this uh previously everything was
3245s untradeable and this was the one
3248s standout thing that we didn't really
3250s think needed to be untradeable uh it
3251s seems like quite a cool thing to be able
3254s to just buy um everything else was it
3259s just felt very like account level
3261s whereas this kind of stuck out as just a
3263s nice piece of utility that you could
3264s just purchase for yourself um so yeah it
3267s might just help to keep the content
3270s uh alive in a way uh and profitable for
3273s a
3274s while I will say I'm going to cut in
3276s with a random question because I've seen
3278s it a couple of times is the preot device
3280s a single use
3282s item no it's like a a barrel that you
3286s put potions in and you can keep drinking
3288s them as long as there's potions in
3290s it yeah we said uh when we were chatting
3294s we said that it'd be so cool if it was
3296s like just a a giant keg just for like
3299s five empty vials wedged into the side
3302s that you just like chug down so
3305s hopefully that um that uh makes it in I
3309s don't know yet but I know the artists
3312s were very keen on that approach um so
3316s someone's said are you guys going to use
3318s the group drink SLK idea uh I think I
3321s say it was floated and we all liked it
3323s it's just a case of time uh and if if
3326s we're able to do it and do it in a nice
3329s way that doesn't
3331s feel [ __ ] essentially um so I can say
3335s that word but I can't
3337s say the H word
3340s so um all right so 42 will the preot
3344s device work with divines asking since
3346s the order of drinking potions matters
3348s with Mena fight
3350s remedy uh yes you
3354s can there you go easy enough
3357s all right uh question 43 preot device
3359s sounds awesome would it be similar to
3361s the room pouch with swap presets we kind
3362s of touch on that but uh Mac basically
3365s said uh yes to some extent at least uh
3368s because we want it to feel
3371s nice yep uh presets are on their way
3375s hopefully I don't have to code
3378s it just throwing it at another Dev okay
3381s I like it I like it uh all right uh next
3384s question then uh would the preot device
3386s have any interaction with the imbued SLS
3389s saturated
3395s heart maybe not
3400s um I don't really know what the
3402s interuption would be uh you can't put
3404s the heart in
3405s there uh it's not a
3409s potion so no yeah yeah again keep it in
3413s mind it's just potions that we'll be
3414s able to go into o excuse me the pre-ot
3417s device um because it is a preot device
3421s not a pre food heart pot Etc device so
3428s we we're trying to keep it to just
3430s potions um our Gothic rests a potion
3433s interesting
3436s question uh they're in a glass vile
3439s right I think they're in they're in a
3442s cup like a cup of tea right Cup oh man
3445s oh yeah of course they are yeah
3447s um I think technically they're a potion
3450s if you looked at the config there'd be a
3452s potion interesting
3455s interesting all right that's definitely
3457s one we'll we'll Circle back to
3458s especially when we're in the designing
3460s phase so we shall see uh if it's in the
3463s config already that it's a potion then
3465s it's a potion so uh all right cool uh
3469s next question then Amulet of chemistry
3471s imbued how many charges the amet of
3474s chemistry imbued have can you add
3475s charges with the am of chemistry uh with
3478s amulets of chemistry sorry or does it
3480s just have say 50 charges and is
3482s destroyed when the charges are
3485s gone um don't have a final number on
3488s charges yet it's quite
3490s a I don't know a careful number to
3493s balance uh so that the amulet doesn't
3495s end up being completely cracked um but
3498s the idea is that you can you you buy the
3502s impute amulet and then you can recharge
3504s it with the regular amulets um or you
3506s can just go ahead and buy another INB
3509s amulet if you
3510s want yeah that'll be a base number that
3513s you'll get I believe Mac when you
3515s purchase it for the first time and then
3518s if you you know you can keep that topped
3520s up or you know you can just buy Mel pool
3522s an chemistry imbued depending on how you
3525s want to how you want to play out um so
3528s yes and you can recharge them with baby
3530s amulets of chemistry I I'll put out
3532s there uh
3535s so next question then is can we combine
3538s I'm skipping one production because I
3539s see you hovered over that but we've just
3541s sort of touched on it uh can we combine
3543s the Amulet of chemistry and bued with a
3545s heror cape and then charge the cape with
3546s the
3550s amulets
3552s uh currently no plans for that it's
3554s something we could look into but yeah
3557s haven't really considered that
3559s yet awesome awesome uh I'm I'm fine to
3563s add this one answer this one but uh mat
3565s you can jump in if you want would you
3567s think about adding The Amulet of
3568s chemistry effect as a diary reward for
3570s valmore um I don't think so I don't
3574s think we do that I think the diary stuff
3577s is a while away as it is because I think
3580s we touched on it in another Q&A that if
3583s we do a valmore diary it will be after
3586s we've released the whole ofmore because
3588s we don't want to start putting out stuff
3590s and
3591s then um end up changing that with each
3594s part that comes out so uh I would say no
3598s but who
3602s knows oh yeah all right anything to add
3606s on that Mac or is it just like yeah no
3609s you did a great job son oh thanks thanks
3612s thanks man little cutie all right uh
3615s Alchemist set question this is a broader
3618s question but with the addition of
3619s another Skilling outfit could we look to
3620s add ways to store the benefits of the
3622s skin outfit into a ring/ quiver or
3624s something uh I don't know if you want to
3626s take this Mac and then I can sort of
3628s come in or what what you want to do
3630s sounds like you got something Brewing go
3633s go yeah I raised it in the in the
3636s meeting I definitely think and and I put
3638s in the blog for a reason I think there
3640s is space
3642s to explore and I don't know when this
3645s would exploration would have come um but
3649s I personally would like to see the
3652s clothes pouch from the forestry kit at
3655s least like uh uh a separate version of
3657s the closed pouch uh be equipable in like
3661s the ammo slot um basically and then you
3664s can add a uh Skilling set in there and
3668s just get the effects uh and then you can
3671s just wear what you want in terms of uh
3673s fashioncape I think I think the way the
3677s clothes pouch works in the forestry kit
3679s if I remember is you would only gain the
3682s benefits of the Skilling outfit while
3685s you have the clothes patch equipped or
3687s while you've got in the forestry kit um
3689s so if you were wearing graceful with it
3691s you wouldn't be able to get the effects
3693s of graceful and the Skilling outfit at
3694s the same time because that would be
3695s quite overpowered but at least this is a
3697s way that you can gain the benefits while
3699s still wearing some like epic drip
3701s basically uh Skilling with your friends
3704s so again that's not in the works or
3706s anything that's just something I think
3707s would be a really nice idea uh and I
3709s would like to explore maybe in another
3711s game Jam for a later part of volore who
3714s knows um cool all right so next question
3718s on this then is I'm assuming that while
3720s using goggles uh any secondary sves will
3724s remain in the secondary
3726s pouch assuming they're in there yeah um
3730s depends where it's attempting to use
3731s them from but yeah we're not going to
3734s like take them out and put them in your
3735s main inventory just to be annoying or
3736s anything
3739s yeah yeah yeah exactly so uh and for
3742s those who missed it the original pitch
3744s was that you would have two point 5% of
3747s the effect on each of the pieces like
3749s normal but we've opted to move the
3751s effect just to the goggles and then you
3753s can have the cool herblore outfit or
3756s Alchemist outfit or however we're
3758s designing that as a just unlockable
3760s reward if you uh if you want so that's
3763s that's how we're doing doing it now um
3766s cool do we want to go through do you
3768s want to check these chat questions that
3769s have been added just in case
3774s uh there's anything you don't want to uh
3777s don't want to
3781s answer
3784s um no let's go for it all right sweet
3787s I'm going to Chuck one in there though
3790s randomly M to PR off guard the first
3792s question is is this area instance can I
3795s drop stuff around the lab I'm guess is
3797s this an is this a uim asking
3800s that they're everywhere today um no this
3804s this this is not currently not in so you
3806s can go in there with everyone there's no
3809s like themed worlds or anything you just
3810s go in there very similar to blast
3813s furnace go in you do your thing you
3814s leave when you want there's no like
3816s rounds or separate instances for
3820s anyone yeah yeah uh awesome all right so
3824s first uh chat question can you use grimy
3825s herbs or clean herbs only oh my God
3829s backto back herb come on man yeah you
3831s can have that one you can have that one
3833s production
3836s uh you can only use clean herbs for this
3840s um if you want to use Grammy ones you
3843s need to clean them either make that part
3845s of your process or do it at your bank
3847s before you come in the choice is yours I
3849s did I I floated the idea of letting
3852s people use uh Grammy herbs and it like
3854s has a chance to gum up the system a
3856s little bit and maybe it like takes an
3858s extra tick to work but the chat freaked
3861s out when I when I mentioned that so that
3863s idea has been
3865s canned yeah yeah uh funders if you
3867s missed the start of the stream
3868s unfinished potions yes you can use
3870s unfinished potions now we made that
3872s change uh all right uh next question
3874s then will the new aggro potion be usable
3876s on bosses like veric to control her
3880s targeting probably not uh there will be
3883s a list of bosses that we go through and
3886s just general content that we want to
3889s Blacklist from being effective
3892s here sick sick all right uh all right
3896s next question then will we be able to
3898s store tors stols in the reagent sack for
3901s super
3904s combats nope it's a think I consider it
3908s more of a
3911s herb i' say so I'd say
3914s so um all right uh next question then we
3917s got two more and then we'll wrap up what
3919s other new pots were considered but
3922s eventually didn't make it to the final
3924s pitch
3930s um there was uh
3934s a I think it was a super ranging we were
3938s I had brein at some
3939s point
3941s um didn't really have legs uh reward
3946s space on potions is is kind of tight um
3950s and then this idea of the aggression
3951s potion came up and it just sounded like
3953s a nice utility thing to include uh
3956s that's that's where that came
3959s from yeah awesome stuff all right thank
3961s you m I will say I just wanted to check
3963s something before I let some
3965s unintentional information slip and tease
3967s something I shouldn't be but you can
3970s expect to see a new potion with
3973s something else we're talking about very
3975s soon so I will leave it
3979s there uh and you can have that as a nice
3982s little tease uh right final question
3984s then is why can't AR the not overloads
3988s not overloads it's not overloads all
3990s right chat just no overloads okay all
3994s right it's not
3995s happening all right uh and not a love
3998s potion either all right I see you in
4000s there I see you in there uh right number
4003s like final question then Mac uh why
4005s can't the Amulet of chemistry in view
4007s not be an amulet what you can charge
4009s with the Amulet of chemistry you can you
4012s can charge it with the Amulet of
4013s chemistries that's the that's the idea
4016s that's what we've changed it to so uh
4019s yeah chat's going mad potion of
4021s invisibility that would be Madness that
4023s would be Madness could you imagine that
4024s in PvP that' be chaotic as hell it's my
4028s kind of chaos but not for balancing
4031s reasons um nice all right we got through
4034s them all MC we did them all I can't
4037s believe it
4038s easy absolutely smashed it all right how
4041s are you feeling after that uh grilling
4043s you want to call it a
4045s grilling a pretty intense grilling yeah
4048s lots of lots of mixed opinions in the
4051s chat yeah overall overall feeling pretty
4053s good glad to get it all out there you
4056s know exactly exactly like I think we
4059s made some good good decisions in terms
4061s of changes but um I hope you all like
4066s the changes and again please let us know
4069s uh and please vote the way uh like
4072s that's why the polling system now I'm
4073s going to keep hovering on it you don't
4076s like something let us know via the polls
4078s you know because you have some
4080s conversations with people see how you're
4082s feeling like I know sometimes it can be
4084s a bit like when something comes out
4085s initially it is um be quite a Snappy
4089s reaction and that's it's not a bad thing
4092s at all but maybe have some conversations
4093s see how you feel about the conversations
4094s still feeling the same way cool then
4097s vote in the poll the poll will be out
4100s soon I have to just double check my
4103s dates but it will be out very soon so
4106s just stay tuned um when I say soon I
4109s mean in the next week or so so yeah just
4112s bear that in mind uh there will also be
4115s just to clarify two questions that we
4117s mentioned from the first Vore part two
4120s blog that we put out I think the start
4123s of this month for the last month about
4125s quests so there'll be two questions in
4126s there about quests about adding more
4128s quest of alore and giving us the freedom
4130s to do some more surprise quests like the
4133s lily pad labor dispute um one so if you
4136s haven't done that go and do it sit Quest
4139s really really good dialogue super old
4141s school so yeah go go go and uh when it
4144s comes out go and vote on that and
4146s hopefully you can let us do some more
4147s more surprises um all right let's wrap
4150s up then uh exclamation mark game update
4152s this week brings vmore CA tweaks moons
4154s apparel armor weight adjustments the
4156s start of game jam and more so you can
4158s check out the full patch notes with that
4160s and just to clarify next week there is
4162s no game update there might be some
4163s downtime still just to refresh uh uh
4167s worlds and stuff like that but I can't
4169s confirm that but just be aware that
4171s there's no normal game update next week
4173s while we are jamming away uh exclamation
4176s mark herblore I can finally say it we've
4179s updated the News Post on vor's proposed
4181s activity following your feedback check
4184s it out and let us know your thoughts uh
4186s exclamation mark rebalance we've made
4188s more tweaks to combat focused project
4190s rebalance proposal based on your
4192s feedback so you can check out all the
4194s details there exclamation mark stages we
4197s had a stages modcast on Discord
4199s discussing this very thing and you can
4201s check it out right now using that link
4204s or you can use exclamation mark Discord
4206s hop in the Discord there's a lovely
4207s little section around there for stages
4209s you can listen to myself and Mac ramble
4211s on about this before the changes came
4213s out uh and there's a handy little VOD
4215s section there you can check out all the
4216s old vods uh not just this one but uh I
4219s think there's another one in there we're
4220s going to be making use of that uh more
4222s so very very soon uh and yeah that that
4225s is it thank you all for sticking around
4227s I know this is a bit longer live stream
4229s uh but we wanted to get all your
4230s questions answered Mac how you feeling
4233s you feeling good you ready to go on
4235s holiday I'm very ready to go on holiday
4237s yeah I'm seeing a lot of happy vacation
4239s messages in the chat so thank you
4241s everyone appreciate a you you guys are I
4243s know you guys are cute you're all cute
4245s deep down like you put on this hard
4247s exterior but I I know what you like all
4249s right you guys are soft deel inside all
4252s right um yeah I hope you have a lovely
4254s holiday Mac looking forward to seeing
4256s you when you're back it's a shame you're
4258s missing some of the the jamming but uh
4260s it's for a good reason so you I'll
4263s happily sacrifice my
4266s jam I'll hold you to that I'll hold you
4268s to that if there's no if there's no Jam
4270s coming back from where you're going I'm
4271s G be very disappointed now
4274s so um yeah awesome all right and of
4278s course thank you all for watching this
4280s as always um it's always a pleasure
4282s doing these q&as um even if I can say
4285s some silly things sometimes you know
4286s it's still a good time I'm enjoying
4288s vibing me you a lot um so yeah I think
4291s we're going to go raid someone now
4292s because we're not forgetting about that
4293s again hopefully uh who is it Ali is it
4297s is it someone who's it going to
4304s be mol music okay all right sick all
4309s right they you put in the chat now oh
4312s sick our
4313s chat excellent so stick around we going
4317s to go some some you know raid some a
4320s stream uh send some love their way be
4322s nice chat as always because that's what
4325s we like to do here send some love uh
4328s send some support uh and we will start
4330s raiding them very shortly so again I've
4332s been modani your host and uh we shall
4336s see you in the next one there'll be no
4338s live stream next week either just be
4339s that in mind so probably when we come
4341s back after game Jam so have a lovely uh
4344s evening morning after afternoon wherever
4346s you are and I hope you have a lovely
4347s weekend too uh and peace
4351s goodbye see you