over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by RebelOSRS

Fixed an issue where Galvek’s waves were killing safe players as he changed phases.

Good news for Mod Zuko!

Wow.........No idea how that ended up in this weeks' update.........No idea at all.........

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by itsmecoolguy72

If an iron man deals the most dmg to maledictus does he receive the loot/buff?

Just confirmed with the devs and we'll update the newspost with the information accordingly. From what was said in the game update call, iron men can't get loot but they can get the buff. The buff is purely determined by your damage but the loot is determined by everyone's damage if that makes sense.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Nikusson

Chance to spawn a cursed revenant. very cool. Died once in rev caves lost maybe 50k, never going back

It's a cool idea imo, can't wait to hear more feedback on it. Feels a bit like a world boss but on a much smaller scale.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Phantomonium

Does everyone who attacked the boss get three rolls of loot?

Just asked the devs - nope that's not the case. The drop table just rolls three times for the MVP - one of those rolls is reserved for a low-level Ancient Relic. The other people attacking (up to a certain amount), will get the buff described. :) Hope this helps

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Rickerddddd

Will these updates also be on the leagues worlds? or just on the maingame?

Yes I've just asked the devs and these updates will be also applied on Leagues worlds. :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Armthehobos

Homie was packing so much schmeat in his concept art they put DIC in the name

He's actually really shy about it so could we not omg

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by _Brian-Lefevre_

not sure how i feel about the Amulet of Avarice being needed for the buff, i usually roll with a regular skull/glory combo

Give it a try and let us know your feedback! We'll be discussing feedback tomorrow morning so would love to hear about your experience if you do give it a try.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by surprisedropbears

Thoughts on issues with the Rev Caves

  • The original Rev cave rework blog included unique mechanics for Thammaron's and Viggora's against certain Revenants. Why was this not included?

I've been playing OSRS from the start and have seen the steady irrelevance of polls - but even this was unexpected. Straight up saying you would do something, failing to do it and then completely ignoring people asking about it. The same went for 5x-ing the rate of Rev teles. There was no consultation, no clear reason for it - just didn't make sense. It would be like you just deciding one day to 5-10x the Zulrah tele rate for no real reason.

I'm actually in favour of way more active balancing of PVM drop tables - but it needs to be done in consultation. This was not - and I doubt future ones will be either and that is what really troubles me.

  • Was there a reason that you pumped Blighted drops onto the Rev table and now the slayer table? The same goes for boosting the Rev teleport drop rate 5x. What were the reasons behind these? Blighted drops on Revs decreases the potential profit of doing LMS or Soul Wars. Revs was already rewarding enough.

  • Slapping a 10x then 5x increase of Rev teleports also makes no sense. What was the reasoning for it? It turned a nice drop, into trash - as supply now massively outpaces demand.

  • Additionally, is there a reason there couldn't be the original Rev cave area be left multi and then the singles plus throughout the cave? The multi Rev cave areas were some of the funnest PVM and PVP encounters I've had.

Feel free to answer any of these. Or just ignore them.

Hey there apologies for the longer reply I was just chasing up this information for you:

  1. Was there a reason that you pumped Blighted drops onto the Rev table and now the slayer table? The same goes for boosting the Rev teleport drop rate 5x. Blighted drops were intended to be a lower-cost alternative to standard supplies to help reduce costs for players in the Wilderness. They are also a fitting drop to have included in the new loot tables whilst avoiding simply adding alchables or Skilling supplies.
  2. What were the reasons behind these? Blighted drops on Revs decreases the potential profit of doing LMS or Soul Wars. Revs was already rewarding enough. Same answer as above!
  3. Slapping a 10x then 5x increase of Rev teleports also makes no sense. What was the reasoning for it? It turned a nice drop, into trash - as supply now massively outpaces demand. We've increased the amount of teleport drops so that fast access to the caves would become more affordable.
  4. Additionally, is there a reason there couldn't be the original Rev cave area be left multi and then the singles plus throughout the cave? The multi Rev cave areas were some of the funnest PVM and PVP encounters I've had. While multi-rev caves were fun for many players, they were plagued with various issues. The main one being how the area was easily abused to amplify the gold/hr far beyond what was originally intended.

I hope this helps with your questions but if you do have more feedback or concerns, please raise them with me and I'll make sure to flag it to the team when we discuss tomorrow. Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We hope you'll try out the content and let us know what you think after trying it out.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by CortexAlpha

Was excited til I realised the new boss is just superior revs. Doesn’t even drop a pet??

I really don’t like slating jagex on reddit but as a pvmer who enjoys wildly bossing I was really looking forward to another pet hunt, will probably never even see this boss in game now.

If it had a pet it’d a much more enjoyable update, I still don’t really have a reason to go to revs

Hey there! So I just asked the developers about this, since I'd agree with that myself (I'd personally be far more willing to do this kind of content myself if there was a cute pet involved!)

The reason we decided to not go for a pet in this update is that it would've needed to be polled first. Maledictus is technically a Superior Revenant and not a boss - even though it looks very scary! The devs are open to the idea of adding a pet to this content if there was significant demand in future. Could be something we might see polled but we don't want to commit to anything yet.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by BenSimmons3Pointshot

If we log out with the buff, and come back in two hours, does the buff remain?

If you log out (world hop) it will reduce the timer by 1 minute each time. However on logout the timer will freeze/pause. You have to ensure you're wearing the amulet though when logging out.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by appleandplum

wait hang on need urgent Jagex mod reply before I waste my time going there.

If an ironman solely kills this superior rev without anything else touching it, would they get the drop?

I'm in a GIM, if 2 of my GIM kill this boss, without anyone else touching the superior, do we get the loot?


It works the same as other bosses, so if an Iron solely kills the superior rev without any help, you will qualify for the loot. The same for GIM. But it has to be without anyone else touching the superior.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by appleandplum

Hi Mod Light, thank you for replying.

I just had a superior spawn in my world and it was swarmed with pvm’ers and pk’ers due to the large massive arrow.

I feel for an Ironman, there is going to do be no benefit in attempting this content. May you discuss with your team please a way to implement something?

I will definitely bring up the concern, for sure, and thank you for raising it.

I do feel that we'll need to let players have some time to settle - the update only has just launched. We considered this during the design stage of this project but ultimately it was a goal to have some open-world content rather than something more traditional.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Practical-Muffin7627

Wow Jagex some "Pvp Update" you gave us!! What a joke

The PvP Arena Blog which is due to be published next week (not confirmed just an estimate), should hopefully help with your concerns about more PvP content, although I appreciate that's a blog and not the content you're looking for yet! I hope you can still have some fun with the Wildy related content though.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by SweatyBurgerWoman

Wondering if we can get Thammaron's sceptre to auto cast ancients? With the new addition of nechs and dust devils being in the wilderness slayer cave, I think it could be a great way to make Thammaron's useful for bursting/barraging these mobs. It gives people a way to farm ecumenical keys more efficiently, as well as giving potentially more XP than traditional bursting methods, although with much higher risk do to it being in the wildy.

I think we've discussed this before potentially, somewhere either on our livestream or internally. I have seen this come up several times from you guys. It's not currently on our agenda for Poll 76, however, I've (re)-added it to our player suggestions sheet, which we review weekly.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by KBD_OP

Mobile beta when

The Android Open Beta looks like it's going to be around 21st February but this has not been confirmed, it's just an estimate as far as I know.

I am aware that the news post says we had it scheduled for the end of January, but January has been a busy month and that was just an estimate from last year.

We'll give you some more details a bit closer to the time, hype it up on our livestream and newsposts etc! :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Rjm0007

Hey why not let us have a wilderness slayer task and a normal slayer task at the same time. People always complain the wilderness is inactive and I think that would be a nice way to get more people in the wilderness. If You’re grinding a very long task like hydra or sire it would be nice to take a little break and do some wilderness slayer without losing your task. There would be the rare occasion where both tasks are the same monster but it’s not like that could be planned.

I'll bring it up with the team tomorrow as feedback, and also pop it in our player suggestions sheet which we review weekly. It's likely something that would need to be polled if the team considered it appropriate. Thank you for the suggestion! :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Requiem_for_you

"Enemies in the Wilderness Slayer Cave now also have a chance to drop items from a new loot table containing consumable blighted items and items from Justine's LMS Rewards Shop."

I wonder what items from Justine shop it can drop. Just supplies or it can drop lets say rune bag/pouch (whatever it is called)

Hey there! I brought this up to the developers and they've kindly told us that the answer is: Trouver parchments, looting bag notes, RoW/MSB imbues and teleport tablets. I think the intention was to let players explore this on release day but we definitely don't want want to frustrate you. I hope you enjoy the update :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Master_Willem


I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but in the blog it states catch of the day should now work with personal banker. I am currently fishing with catch of the day and personal banker equipped the RDT items are sill being placed in my inventory rather than the bank.

Hey there, I asked the devs what was going on here, they investigated and said that it should work correctly but the newspost was slightly vague. Rare items should be going to your inventory as normal. I've edited the newspost to confirm.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Master_Willem

Thank you for the response.

Apologies, I had assumed that it meant RDT items were supposed to be sent to the bank. Could you clarify then how catch of the day and personal banker interact and what was changed with this patch?

So this change was actually a hotfix made last week but then a cold fixed version went into the game for the game update. The hotfix was made because it actually wasn’t working before at all, I think.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by sixteenfours


Pretty pathetic that you don't know who Thammaron is.

Thammaron?? Of course I know that dude! We go way back. What a lad! :P

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by cheeseman2k

so you have to be wearing the avarice to get the buff, does that mean it stacks with avarice? The amulet already gives a flat 20% boost against revenants. This gives "30% damage and 15% accuracy" but it isn't clear anywhere whether this is ontop of the avarice or if it replaces it. /u/jagexlight any insight? thanks.

Yep they both stack together, neither replaces the other but if you remove the amulet you lose the buff if you had it.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by cheeseman2k

thanks for the response. so you could be looking at a 50% damage boost against revenants, that's nutty. could be fun.

My maths is terrible but I wiki'd the amulet at 20% damage and accuracy and the newspost says it's 15% damage an accuracy, taking the total damage and accuracy up to 35% with both on. I'm not sure where the remaining 15% is coming from unless there's an extra part here but just wanted to flag that?

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by MortgageDry241

Are we getting the poll 76 blog tomorrow?

Mid next week I think it's scheduled for! Please note this is an estimate and not set in stone!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Gamer_2k4

Posting here so a mod can easily see. The message for the Seedy Business fragment incorrectly calls it a "Seed Saver" relic. Not a huge deal, but if correcting "read" to "reach" is worth doing, maybe this is worth a fix as well.

I'll make sure to add this in my game update review report. Thank you!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by AlternativeAge2

Cutting Sulliuscep is in leagues is bugged.
Firstly if cutting with Personal banker and Greedy Gatherer and Mother's Magic Fossils active you do no longer cut anything other then fossils (they are also not send to your bank, idk if this is intentional). Without Mother's Magic Fossils you do cut 3x the loot and it does get send to your bank, with Mother's Magic Fossils this stops. I had everything at max lvl, so (3) for the set effects and level 3 for Fossils.
Secondly, the xp gained is not tripled, as greedy gatherer should do.

I'll make sure this is passed on to the team to investigate tomorrow! Thank you for raising and apologies if there is a bug there that we need to sort. I'll know more by tomorrow.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Molesandmangoes

Since we're updating banks, yesterday the bank outside trouble brewing didnt let me swap fragments. Very minor, of course, just thought Id mention it though

I'll make sure to flag this to the devs - thanks!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by NaAlOH4

Hey, the bank chest at Blast Furnace doesn't allow fragments swapping. Can we get a fix next patch? Thanks :)

I'll make sure to pass this on to the team - thanks!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Invisisniper

To remedy an issue where Group Ironman leaders could not leave their group if their teammates were inactive, leaders no longer need to wait until they have abdicated to leave the group. They will, however, have to wait the usual seven days for their leave request to be processed.

Is there any chance that this change may have removed players from a group inadvertently? One of my friends got removed from our GIM group about 12 hours ago even though none of us requested it and there was no 7 day warning. Have you heard any similar reports like this?

Hey guys! Thanks for raising this. I haven't heard of this before but I'll raise it with the team tomorrow and see what they think. If you have any examples of this happening please do tag me or link me so I can pass on to the appropriate devs!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexLight

Hey guys! Thanks for raising this. I haven't heard of this before but I'll raise it with the team tomorrow and see what they think. If you have any examples of this happening please do tag me or link me so I can pass on to the appropriate devs!

Hey, u/Invisisniper! Sorry for the wait on this. I've talked to a dev about your report, and it looks to be due to a separate issue so not what happened in the game update.

There was a short window of time when the hiscores were down (not to do with the rollback) and players shouldn't have been able to make groups because the hiscores were down, but yet some still were able to form.
The game later detected they weren't made correctly and kicked them out again, which is why some players may have been removed from a group inadvertently. We're investigating this and putting in the correct fixes so that this shouldn't happen again. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.