about 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by assholes_and_weed

Darn, my question about imbue prospectors armour with varrock armour was missed yet again.good q&a summary though!

I’m sorry to hear that! So we actually discussed this as part of feedback from GOTR and decided that different outfits should have different purposes and uses, combining them both may be quite OP also, but if this is something that the community want us to reconsider, we can do so

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by moopsh

Except he’s completely backed off all of his controversial stances and is now echoing exactly what the “manbabies” have been saying all along. Which I respect, for the record. I’m glad he’s coming around.

I've not changed my stance on anything related to PvP in recent years, I think its just that most of what makes up my entire opinion isn't covered in a single question.

Take some of my previous takes in Q&A's for example - I specifically mentioned in the last one about how we really only want to incentivise those that want to go into the Wilderness, or something along those lines.

This is the exact same stance as I had in last week's Q&A. It just feels like sometimes very specific parts of what I say are being focused on, rather than the full picture. I'm trying to work on making myself clearer when it comes to the streams now we have the transcripts though.