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Reason: I have just returned to runescape after a long break. No one ever really quits...

I stopped playing after finishing my dream of having a max PoH

The last thing I did before I left was spend millions on marble portal frames and scrying pools...

Just returned and this was a complete waste of money as there is now a Nexus Portal and my 5 portal rooms can be combined into one...

I would really like to be able to Salvage at least one marble block from each portal frame I destroy.

Just feels like I've thrown my money down the toilet, which I'm not impressed about.

Does anyone feel this idea would be viable?

It wouldn't be used to level up construction for free, because you'd still lose 2/3 of your money. Would just be nice to have some of it given back as you spent so much on it originally.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

I think Construction was always intended to be a money sink.