over 4 years ago - /u/JagexImpact - Direct link

Originally posted by InsertWittyNameRHere

Great changes to the League there guys. Having a blast with the game mode!

Glad to hear you are having a good time. :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Dropping_fruits

Please fix Biohazard on league so you can still access West Ardougne without having to unlock Asgarnia. Sucks to have permanently ruined my league character by exploring.

I'm afraid I don't know what the issue is.

West Ardougne is in Kandarin not Asgarnia.

It is perfectly ok for quests to be start-able and progress to the point where you can't complete them because of the area restrictions, that's kind of the point of the league.

Biohazard is auto-completed if you unlock Tirannwn

If you want to complete Biohazard you have to unlock both Kandarin and Asgarnia as the quest takes place over both of those areas

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

I don't see why you'd move some tasks to "multiple" but not all.

Multiple is a filter which means "No region is assigned to this" as opposed to "Requires Multiple Regions"

We moved the Misthalin ones to the other area because everyone gets Misthalin and people are really annoyed they have tasks on their list they cannot complete.

However without going through the entire task list and making every task have the potential to have more than one area parameter assigned to it there isn't really a way we can do it.

The alternative would be flagging specific tasks as "Combination" or something similar but then players would have to work it out for themselves which areas they need because the interface wouldn't give them any help as it is.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


With production master there's so many potential things it COULD help with that we had to time-box the job lest we spend months trawling the entire code base for every single process which would've just been unrealistic to put that much time into a single relic.

So instead we came up with a shortlist of activities it should affect and then explicitly stated what it does and doesn't affect on the relic interface.

Making glass at a furnace is particular finnicky because it would've taken more time to account for it with combinations of both giant seaweed and regular seaweed so we decided against it in order to spend the time making it affect other things before launch and left it as a benefit of picking Fremennik to be able to process all your seaweed/sand instantly.

We did however make it so that blowing the glass itself is instant so production master will still work there!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Boredgamer1573

I remember reading about quick shots ammo save not stacking with ava's assembler. Has that bug been fixed or is it going to?

It was fixed last week!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Dropping_fruits

The problem is that you can access West Ardougne with Kandarn fine, but if you start Biohazard and progress it like I did you are now locked out from West Ardougne until you can visit the chemist in Rimmington.

I see, well that wasn't clear at all from your first comment. I can try to look into it for next week but I'm not entirely sure if we can fix it.

There's a chance that West Ardougne is intentionally prevented from accessing it at that point in the quest because of the state your character is in and just allowing you to go back in might not be a safe course of action.

IF however it's just for story reasons and none of the things inside West Ardougne would interact badly if your character is at that state in the quest then it should be fine, however I believe it only prevents you from getting an Iban's Staff and access to sell cats it seems like a fairly low priority fix for me compared to some of the other things I've got to work on

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexImpact - Direct link

Originally posted by Phil_Account_2

New bug introduced

Fishing spawns are resetting after <10 seconds continuously making fishing impossible,

Main game not leagues

u/JagexImpact u/JagexAyiza

EDIT: Resolved - thank you!

Thanks for flagging! This has been passed over to the devs. :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexOasis - Direct link

Originally posted by Phil_Account_2

New bug introduced

Fishing spawns are resetting after <10 seconds continuously making fishing impossible,

Main game not leagues

u/JagexImpact u/JagexAyiza

EDIT: Resolved - thank you!

Apologies! This should be hotfixed in the next few minutes.

Edit: That's been fixed!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by ChaoticRyu

I feel that Biohazard should have been an auto-completed quest for Kandarin. Also, Death to the Dorgeshun for Misthalin. But hey, there's always next time to learn from mistakes.

I don't even believe they're mistakes. I stand by the choices we made, it's very subjective to say that it is a mistake in this case. None of those quests are 100% required

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexImpact - Direct link

Originally posted by dudewherearewe

Did you nerf barbarian fishing? The fishing pools seem to move every 15 seconds, which was not the case before the update.

This was an issue that has now been fixed. :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by ixAJ

Fishing is bugged.. constantly interrupted fishing. And spots keep moving and changing constantly at inferno eels.

The team is currently looking into this, thank you for bringing this up though!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by RebelOSRS

I don't think the CoX update was implemented properly. I scouted a few raids and wasn't getting 5 combat 3 puzzles.

Did you have "Large raids" checked on the scouting board?

It's also possible third party clients haven't updated yet to handle the new maps and display correctly.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Dangwodgeer

just completed romeo and juliet and gertrude's cat and I did not recieve points for either

We're having a look into this issue currently. Thanks for raising it :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexSarnie

The team is currently looking into this, thank you for bringing this up though!

This should now be fixed :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Wtfmymoney

my question is,

Husky stated that not adding box traps to wildy was an unfortunate side effect of not choosing correct areas and insinuated it wasn't something they werent looking to add.

Whats the difference between adding box traps to wildy for content access to black chins, and adding the ability to get imp jars after you've made the mistake of losing the ones already given to you? You could make the claim that it's not right to lose access to something that wasn't neccesarily your fault, but I would argue you could make that same case to wilderness for box traps. Hypocritical in my opinion.

Because this isn't giving access to something you otherwise wouldn't have. This is a lapse in concentration and not realising you "lost your last one". More a result of human error more so than any planning in area unlocks

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by Wtfmymoney

Husky stated that not adding box traps to wildy was an unfortunate side effect of not choosing correct areas and insinuated it wasn't something they were looking to add.

Whats the difference between adding box traps to wildy for content access to black chins, and adding the ability to get imp jars after you've made the mistake of losing the ones already given to you? You could make the claim that it's not right to lose access to something that wasn't neccesarily your fault, but I would argue you could make that same case to wilderness for box traps. Hypocritical in my opinion.

Because Impling Jars isn't giving someone access to something they otherwise wouldn't have. This is a lapse in concentration and not realising you "lost your last one". More a result of human error more so than any planning in area unlocks

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by MrDestructoid

'Thorgel now appears in the Temple of Light, outside the Death Altar'

I'm right next to the death altar but can't see thorgel?


Open your task interface and he should appear!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

I've got a list already of all Tasks that require a different area in any way (plus which area that is). Would that help?

It's less about fixing specific ones and more about applying no second region to every other one for it to work correctly.

It's not a huge issue anyway whether I made the change or not, but I'll see what I can do for next week

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexImpact - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


This was an issue that has now been fixed. You should have been awarded the points. :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexArcane - Direct link

Originally posted by Ezra

Kraken, GWD bosses and most other boss related activities are all instanced. Is there a reason why Cerb hasn’t been given this treatment? It’s especially tough going dry at Cerb with people just walking into a world you’ve been into for an hour and taking the boss.

The bosses that were instanced for leagues were because the bosses would have been nearly impossible to do without them.

Cerb is definitely possible but I do agree it can be frustrating to get crashed, however the content is definitely still completeable without it.

Instancing things is quite a big job so I don't expect it to happen mid league, sorry but good luck on the crystals!

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by HCBuldge

I'm a little confused by what you mean about making glass with seaweed and giant seaweed? You can only make glass at a furnace with soda ash not the seaweed itself.

Ah sorry for that one I was mixing up superglassmake and the bucket of sand one sorry

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by IUseEllipsis

u/JagexImpact u/JagexHusky Can we please have a fix for tier 6 relics for mages discussed on stream? It's extremely unfair that draining strikes has a specific clause for the scythe to work with it, but not ancient magic. Why does it not trigger with barrage magic on the target we click and not the other targets in the exact same manor as the scythe? Nevermind that splashing damage is already built in to magic, and that there are zero special weapons until endgame. But I'm fine with those if draining strikes gets fixed because then we have a choice at least. Otherwise this is blatant melee superiority.

Hell I'd even give up 100% ice magic accuracy for this assuming all the spell accuracies were at least balanced to be brought in line with melee and ranged.

I understand where you're coming from but the relics are extremely explicit in their effects. The magic accuracy issue was an interesting case we had to handle differently but we never intended for draining strikes to work with barrage at all. It does however work with powered staves

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by IUseEllipsis

Man I like you on live streams when you discuss content... but when talking with players directly you seem really arrogant and refuse to admit fault or issue at many of the valid criticisms and issues.

I apologise if I come across as "very arrogant", I'm not trying to be, text communication just sucks for this kind of thing and I'm not very good at it.

I admit fault all the time and I'm willing to take criticism on anything, I was merely just trying to explain to the player in question why we decided to do one thing and not the other.

I hope to be able to provide more clarity on what we should and shouldn't action when it comes to Leagues in the future though if that's any consolation as I can understand why it can be confusing to the players currently

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

We've resolved a bug that was causing Ice Barrage to cast faster than intended for players with the Double Cast Relic when using an Ahrim's staff.

The newspost has been updated to reflect these changes:


over 4 years ago - /u/JagexHusky - Direct link

Originally posted by IUseEllipsis

To be clear I think you are an awesome contributor to the Old School team and I genuinely like you as a JMod. I just meant that is how it is coming across sometimes. I love your passion for the game and it comes across in the live streams.

Haha, thanks for the kind words!

I'll genuinely take on this criticism and try to get across what I'm trying to say in comments here without sounding arrogant/rude