about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by tyl3nol_jon3s

UPDATE 2I want to give a huge thank you to Mod SteveW for taking the time to look into this, and anybody else who took this seriously and tried to help, and making me feel like I did the right thing. I very much would have regretted ignoring this whole situation. I Hope the very best for the player in question.

UPDATE1 He logged back on and told me he said he loved me and that he almost killed himself... I'm going to do my best to keep in touch with him and make sure he doesn't do anything he would regret...

ORIGINAL POST He is even saying he will live stream it. I dunno if this guy is serious but he's telling me his best friend just commited suicide 3 hours ago and he is going to do the same thing to be with him... I've heard of mods calling police on players doing this before. i'd like the same to be done somehow or something please??? He just logged out not sure if he will log back in but i'll send pics of his messages to whoever can help this guy... If he's serious he really needs help. If he's trolling he needs to understand that threatening suicide even by joke is not something to just dump on someone... f**k man.


Did you report this incident in game ? If you did we will already be aware of it. If you didn't please call your local Police to report it. Tell them they can contact us for details on the player and chat logs if they need them by emailing [email protected], we will respond within a few minutes of receiving a genuine request.

You can also send your account name and the account name of the person who may be at risk to that email address in this situation.


about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by Mod_Stevew


Did you report this incident in game ? If you did we will already be aware of it. If you didn't please call your local Police to report it. Tell them they can contact us for details on the player and chat logs if they need them by emailing [email protected], we will respond within a few minutes of receiving a genuine request.

You can also send your account name and the account name of the person who may be at risk to that email address in this situation.


OK I can update on this - we received the report in game at 07:16 UK time this morning, it was risk assessed and escalated at 07:52.

The account belongs to a UK user but the incident relates to an American user the account is shared with, and we are now working with the UK and American Police to arrange a welfare intervention check.

We have 3 people working on this trying to identify the details of the person we are concerned about.

OP - if you have any information that may help us identify who the person is please do email [email protected] urgently.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by tyl3nol_jon3s

Thank you so much for responding. Had to go to bed due to work in the morning, just waking up now. At this point all I have is his rsn and the fact that he is in the military. I tried to get more info out of him, even went to him in game just to chat be with him but couldn't get more than the fact that his ptsd has been really bad and that he was having a really bad night.

An update would be great hopefully we get to find out he agree's to getting help or something. Thanks again for doing what you guys are doing, really going the extra mile like I knew you most likely would once this was noticed <3

Happy to help. I haven't heard back from the Police although it is common to not hear anything further. I have supplied them with all the info they need, although I am guessing they will need the cooperation of the ISP in the US to identify the user, unless the UK owner is able to identify them.

Having read the full chat logs, the good news is that I don't think the person is at great risk, as there is some additional context in their full chat logs that you won't have seen which is a bit more positive. That said, we obviously want to make sure all is well.

We've also sent some professional wellbeing advice and offers to access professional support channels in a message to the accounts inbox.

I've made arrangements for our law contact email channel to be checked every 10 minutes or so over the next 5 hours, just in case the Police get in touch - I also have someone refreshing game access logs to see if the person identified logs in again/reads the concern message we have sent.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by LoreMasterRS

Would it not be prudent to have a way to specifically report high-risk situations like this?

I mean, the closest thing in the report rule-breaking interface is "breaking real-world laws".

That is the right route, response time for review on those reports is a few minutes

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by nxqv

This isn't a dig at you guys, you did a phenomenal job here, but I just want to point out that a lot could have happened in the 36 minutes it took to risk assess and escalate that report...is there a faster way to get someone at Jagex's attention? It sounds like the fastest way is to contact the police and have them email the lawcontact address. But I'm sure even that isn't monitored 24 hours is it?

It is monitored 24/7.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by tyl3nol_jon3s

UPDATE 2I want to give a huge thank you to Mod SteveW for taking the time to look into this, and anybody else who took this seriously and tried to help, and making me feel like I did the right thing. I very much would have regretted ignoring this whole situation. I Hope the very best for the player in question.

UPDATE1 He logged back on and told me he said he loved me and that he almost killed himself... I'm going to do my best to keep in touch with him and make sure he doesn't do anything he would regret...

ORIGINAL POST He is even saying he will live stream it. I dunno if this guy is serious but he's telling me his best friend just commited suicide 3 hours ago and he is going to do the same thing to be with him... I've heard of mods calling police on players doing this before. i'd like the same to be done somehow or something please??? He just logged out not sure if he will log back in but i'll send pics of his messages to whoever can help this guy... If he's serious he really needs help. If he's trolling he needs to understand that threatening suicide even by joke is not something to just dump on someone... f**k man.

Update: I was notified just before 3am today that the player we were concerned about had logged in again - a good indication that he/she is safe :)