about 6 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

We've just hotfixed some changes to Kebos:

  1. All Runes, Yew logs and Crystal keys have been removed from Konar's table.

  2. Pure essence has been reduced from a weighting of 5 to 1 on Konar's table, meaning it'll drop less often.

The two changes above significantly increase the average value of the drops on Konar's table.

  1. The Alchemical Hydra now accesses Konar's table.

  2. Players who meet the requirement to enter the Farming Guild now teleport inside rather than outside.

  3. The Farming Guild Spirit tree now counts for Master clue challenges.

  4. The Dragon hasta no longer deals full damage to the Corporeal Beast.

  5. Drake Slayer task quantities have been reduced (50 fewer) are now assigned.

  6. Ferocious gloves can be reverted into Hydra leather using the machine in the Lithkren vault.

  7. Lizardman Shaman spawns in the Lizardmen Temeple now have a 3x3 explosion radius down from 5x5.

  8. The Lizardman Shaman Caves for Konar Slayer tasks have been replaced with a Molch area. The caves are now covered by the Lizardmen Settlement area.

  9. A bug where the Bonecrusher necklace couldn't be made even if you had all the parts was fixed.

  10. Filling a Bottomless compost bucket from a Compost bin will now correctly give two charges.

A poll blog can be expected in the coming days with further suggested changes. In the meantime, we'll continue to gather data and listen to feedback on Konar's table to make more informed changes - you can give your opinions on what should be done in another thread that'll be up shortly.

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