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6 months ago - /u/JagexNin - Direct link

We have noticed a lot of inconsistent behaviour recently with the way that larger NPCs work in N/W directions vs S/E. It's something we've chosen to not fix for the time being (it's the kind of change that would randomly break 100 different metas and minigames), but it would be nice to fix for some things - gargoyles are similarly annoying.

6 months ago - /u/JagexNin - Direct link

Originally posted by Disastrous_Load2023

What about just making the models slightly smaller? Is the size the issue causing these problems?

The size of an NPC is defined in tiles (goblin is 1x1, kurask is 3x3), but their aggro range measured from their south-west tile. So nothing to do with the model, just some bad maths that's been around for a long time.