over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Hey everyone, we'll be live at 17:00 GMT +1 on Thursday 28th April with a Beneath Cursed Sands (Lore) Q&A on our Twitch Livestream.

This week we're also joined by creators PoisonedPotion and A Cold One to add some more insights to the panel. Please do make them feel included in the discussion by directing some questions their way!

Since this panel specialises in lore, please note that most of the questions being answered will be related to the story and quest side of things.

Ask away! What do you want to know about Beneath Cursed Sands?

P.S - I'm aware of the complaints that we should focus on more general questions like the status of Poll 76 or PvP. I'll try to seek answers where possible and get an update your way. I imagine we can do this through a General Q&A or a Gazette/Newspost update.

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over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Hey everyone, we'll be live at 17:00 GMT +1 on Thursday 28th April with a Beneath Cursed Sands (Lore) Q&A on our Twitch Livestream.

This week we're also joined by creators PoisonedPotion and A Cold One to add some more insights to the panel. Please do make them feel included in the discussion by directing some questions their way!

Since this panel specialises in lore, please note that most of the questions being answered will be related to the story and quest side of things.

Ask away! What do you want to know about Beneath Cursed Sands?

P.S - I'm aware of the complaints that we should focus on more general questions like the status of Poll 76 or PvP. I'll try to seek answers where possible and get an update your way. I imagine we can do this through a General Q&A or a Gazette/Newspost update.

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over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by modmailtest1

It's awfully convenient that last week's Q&A was cancelled, during a time of big backlash against a completely broken and untested update, yet we had a pointless Easter event stream and now a lore stream, two streams in which you can completely avoid questions about the terrible state of Jagex QA.

All I can do is apologise for that, it is really regretful that people get sick and we try to shuffle things around where we can.

Since Beneath Cursed Sands is releasing this week it just makes sense to have a lore stream this week but we can try to get a General Q&A going soon.

I'd love to have a more podcast type stream about the entire QA process, in general, to give you guys more insight into this part of the business.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Random_Runescaper

It's not your fault, but we've very clearly shifted from transparency in the last 3-5 years. The only responses we get now are empty cookie cutter PR statements. It's a dramatic tone shift, but I understand it's what you were hired to do. I find it disheartening.

We will answer and engage where we can, but sometimes there are genuine reasons not to do so and no bad intentions. For example, the developers that regularly appear on live streams on a weekly basis cannot answer questions that should be addressed at a senior leadership level. You can still feel free to ask anything to us but we can't answer stuff like that without the right people. I definitely get the feeling from players that you don't trust most things we say on the surface level. I understand your reasons why and I hope we can work to rebuild that.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

So how much do PoisonedPotion & A Cold One actually know about all the lore and quests that's important to Beneath Cursed Sands? I don't mind having content creators on a Q&A, but it just feels very off for a lore stream to me.

We can find out I guess. They seem great and up for a chat. Just wanted something different this week and some more viewpoints to bounce off but if it doesn’t work we know for next time. Anything you want to know? :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by GuyWhoStaresAtGoats

So my question was askee on stream

Are you taking any measures to ensure that ores/bars as a resource are not devalued? This activity will consume less ores/bars and also reward ore bags, which seems like it would significally reduce the demand for ores/bars.

This is especially odd since Smithing is supposed to sink ore/bars out of the game. Doesn't this go against Smithing's intended design?

And Mod Oasis just kind of stumbled over his words and said some things that did not really answer the question at all.
You also later conveniently decided to skip all other Mining-related questions.

It kinda feels like you were actively dodging the concerns about the ore/bar economy and how the new content was self-feeding rather than relying on resources from Mining.

I will ask him to clarify further in the Q&A summary post we're working on (we try to transcribe Q&As where we can). I'm sorry if it felt like we dodged anything, we really only had 30 minutes for the Q&A as it was 'squished in' to the schedule since we missed it last week. We'll also be publishing a V2 of the Giant's Foundry blog so that will be a good discussion place for further questions.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Thermald

this thread seems premature given the quest comes out tomorrow

the early bird gets the worm amirite

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Arceuss_Library_Card

Will you check the thread again tomorrow after the quest drops for more questions? Or when is the cut off for lore questions?

Yes I certainly will, feel free to tag me on it too

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Molly_Hlervu

Will the Easter event survive Beneath the Cursed Sands?

(A serious question btw. When is the last chance to test that icecream?)

easter's going away next week! hope that helps