about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link


On face value it does look like our support team have responded to a gold seller. However, if you dig a little deeper it does make sense. The user has chosen a Twitter handle that implies they sell gold, we don't know if they do, it could be a joke - who knows?

What we do know is that the account posed a serious question and it seemed like they needed help. We had 2 choices here, ignore the message and risk someone not getting the help they need, or reply with the best advice and assume the handle naming was not serious. Certainly to pre-judge the user based on handle naming alone seems unfair - so we chose to offer the advice needed.

For clarity the original tweets (2) to us were:

"hey, needing help with unpaid balance, my account was recently taken over and it happened a few times in the past month but when I virus scan and even delete files I still don't know about I'm still getting screwed over and now I've received numerous emails saying I have been charged all of this amount when I have done nothing and I would like to know if we can sort this out I don't have to pay the $172 dollars that is pending in the checkout?"

I know the theme of this post is to have a dig at support and imply that we are so detached from our players that we even respond to blatant rule breakers - but with this additional context, which was not not previously shared, hopefully we can put that straight.

Minor vent over, thanks for reading :)

about 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Originally posted by Okamiinfinity

Whats funny is even if you bot or not your account still gets banned.

By that definition, every account would be banned and nobody would be playing ... errrm