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Hey guys,

I've created a reddit account as kind of a last resort at trying to get my OSRS account unlocked, hoping it will get exposure to a Mod or anyone who can help me out.

Essentially I've had my account "Swarrior93" since RS2 days (circa 2003) which I played until EOC. After Oldschool returned I began playing again for a short while, then got really back into it January 2018. I've played pretty consistently since then until recently I took a short break (maybe a few months). When I went to log back into my account via the OSRS mobile app about a month ago I was greeted with a "your account has been locked" notification. I thought, ok no big deal, it has been a while since I logged in and I'm doing it from work wifi on the OSRS app, it probably just wants to verify.

After attempting to unlock the account several times with as much info as I can possibly remember, including accurate payments and dates with the payment verification codes included. I have still been unable to unlock the account, in fact I've never been able to make it past the automated filter as I always get a denial back within minutes, hardly enough time to review it thoroughly by an actual person. I've input all of the information that I can think of and tried different combinations of answers on things that i'm not completely sure on but still nothing.

I would think having 80%+ of the recovery info correct, as well as knowing the current password, having the financial information, and everything else would be enough but apparently it's not. I'm even using the same laptop I always have since 2011, as well as the iPhone that I've used for the mobile app. I've looked into how I can contact Jagex as I have been enjoying this game for well over a decade, but their is no way to actually talk to another human, only forms. Reddit seems to be the only place I could find where people actually had any luck getting their accounts sorted out with a moderator. If I can't get this account back I'm not going to be able to invest time into rebuilding an account from scratch again, and won't continue to play. I am even still a member and get fees taken out monthly.

All that being said, I can give more descriptive information and help in any way I can to facilitate this with a mod or member of Jagex staff. Thanks in advance for any help.

External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Stevew - Direct link

Hey, your recovery attempts look OK but they are from an ISP/IP that has never been used on the account, and a lot of the info is compromised. You are not trying to set the email address that was used to unban the account as well. That said, other info looks pretty good, I've asked an account security expert to review it - no guarantees but if they are happy they will send a pass reset link to the email address you wish to set in your recovery form.

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