Transcript (by Youtube)

3s hello hello hello everybody and welcome
7s to today's live stream now before I get
9s into all of this I just want to stress
12s that I know the project rebalance
14s updated Blog has gone out if you're
16s looking for information on that you've
18s come to the wrong place I'm not equipped
21s with information ready to talk about
23s equipment rebalance I've not been that
24s close to the project um nether has
27s modmed so I just want to open the the
30s the the live stream by saying this this
32s isn't the place for it we will get round
33s to your feedback like we did before so
35s if you don't want to be here that's
36s absolutely fine but hopefully you stick
38s around for a nice cozy Q&A uh and some
41s LMS do you know have a good time uh so
44s we will be addressing that feedback so
46s just bear with us on that part but as
48s for today's stream uh we're just we're
50s just going to have a nice little chill
51s chill time me and M just hanging out uh
54s watching some LMS games so if you want
56s to come and join in on that casual games
58s only we're not doing any competitive
59s nonsense all right you can hop into
61s World 559 come upstairs in the LMS Lobby
64s and jump in and we'll uh we'll watch
67s some games uh but before we we jump into
69s that man how you doing what's going on
72s hello uh I'm good uh super busy day but
76s yeah just been uh going over feedback
78s for the chaos Pirates and the Wy stuff
80s Wy changes we've not heard much feedback
83s about the uh Slayer changes I think
84s people are sleeping on that but I'm
86s hoping for a poison potion video about
88s that in the near future hopefully he's
90s making one
91s um CU I think the changes are great um
93s yeah know I'm I'm doing really well how
95s are you I'm good mate you know I'm good
98s it's been a it's been a busy but like
100s the week has gone like flying by like
102s I've been working on a lot of stuff in
104s the background that players will see
106s very very soon um but yeah it seems to
109s I've like whizzed by honestly it's kind
110s of crazy um yeah I'm excited I'm excited
113s I did my first like little bit of LMS
115s this week funny enough which is sort of
117s why I sort of nudged this um which was
119s quite fun
120s um yeah I'm doing all right thank you
122s for asking M thank you very much um so
125s yeah how you feeling about watching some
126s LMS today just in general excited um I'm
130s wondering whether we're going to get
131s cute noobs or we're just going to get
132s people that are absolutely insane or a
134s mixture of both and I think that's even
136s worse because then the noobs are going
137s to be cute and die but we'll see but
140s yeah I'm excited to see what happens
143s yeah I'm also excited um I'm very
145s excited to see what happens like again
147s hopefully people can take it easy on the
149s cute noobs but if not we'll get some
150s good cont out of it uh regardless so
153s just just join in if you've never done
154s PVP before you've never done LMS before
157s it's okay try this out see if it's uh if
159s it's for you and uh have a good time you
161s know so just remember come upstairs in
164s the LMS Lobby not downstairs because
166s that will be the competitive space you
167s want to come up one floor uh where you
170s can see all these lovely people starting
172s to to hop into a nice casual game uh but
175s before we we stream that and go through
176s some Q&A um let's go through some
179s announcement so first up exclamation
182s mark game update this week uh brings
184s vmore ca's Undead pirate and Wy fixes
187s and more and you can check out all the
189s details uh with exclamation mark game
192s Update exclamation mark rebalance again
195s this stream will not cover the topic but
197s we did update our latest combat Focus
200s project rebalance proposal based on your
202s feedback so you can check out the blog
204s for details and let us know your
205s thoughts we will be getting to the
206s feedback just not in this stream um but
209s we will looking over it I know uh Goblin
212s and some other people behind the scenes
214s looking at all your feedback very very
216s closely uh exclamation mark cookbook uh
219s the official RuneScape cookbook is now
221s available to pre-order uh get your
223s cooking Gaines IRL here uh and you can
225s check that out looks really nice I'm I'm
227s very excited especially some of the
228s stuff they've done with like burnt
230s shrimps making them like edible which is
233s kind of
234s cool yeah is a good cookbook I agree I
236s agree um and finally exclamation mark
239s Journal uh you can log your journey
242s throughout gillor and Beyond with a gold
244s foiled hard-backed A5 journal and you
247s can start scribbling with exclamation
249s mark Journal uh and as a fun fact for
251s anyone who didn't read the full News
253s Post yesterday uh next two weeks uh the
256s team will be taking part in our fifth
259s game Jam which is very exciting so next
261s week there will be an update uh a
262s relatively small update and the
264s following week we will have no update
266s there will be some maintenance uh next
268s week and there might be some downtime as
270s normal uh so just bear that in mind but
272s uh we'll cover that in some in in next
274s week's game update News Post uh and
276s probably some socials as well uh all
278s right I think that's that's summed it up
281s all of the announcements and stuff we
283s can crack on with the uh the gameplay
285s side of things um as I said at the
287s beginning we're going to be watching you
289s guys take part in some LMS for anyone's
292s game that I appear in I'm going to just
293s stress you probably won't be able to see
295s me you definitely won't be able to kill
297s me but you will be determined the winner
300s of that LMS game I'll just have to like
302s teleport out uh once there's one of you
305s left standing uh so as I said come
307s upstairs in the LMS Lobby World 559 join
311s in if you've never played before if
313s you've played loads just just come and
315s have a good time we're just here to just
316s watch some games have a have a a few
319s Chuckles and just uh answer some of your
320s questions uh so if you got any questions
322s for us please put them in the chat uh
325s you can ask us mostly anything again
327s probably not project rebalance stuff uh
329s because we'll deal with that in another
331s stream uh or upcoming blog Etc um but
335s yeah if this is your first time playing
337s um we should probably go through how it
339s works M do you want to just go through
341s what LMS is and and what it
344s entails yeah so last mon standing as by
348s the title you you want to survive um
350s you'll be given a pre-made Loadout so
353s that will contain typical basic PK gear
357s um and you'll be thrown into a map uh
360s where you will find various opponents
362s and you want to try and kill those
364s opponents um using your really good
367s skill um so it'll be a tribrid fight and
371s that means there's three Styles you've
373s got melee range and Mage um so you want
376s to use those three styles to kind of
377s outplay your opponent uh your opponent
379s can obviously use well and you can use
381s prayers overhead prayers to protect
384s yourself against your opponent and yeah
387s that's pretty much it um
390s yeah for Last Man
392s Standing awesome thank you very much M
395s and have you uh you taken part in a lot
397s of it
398s yourself oh yeah I've I've probably got
401s like at least like a thousand wins I
404s guess over multiple accounts um some of
406s the rewards are actually quite good
407s these days so it's definitely worthwh
409s doing yes especially if you want like an
412s alternative to getting your room pouch
413s or something like that very very good
415s way to do it I think 75 points you need
418s um which is you know if you've never
419s done it before might be a little bit of
420s time but I'm sure you'll you'll you'll
422s rack up the points and get uh and get it
425s fairly quickly um do you have any tips
428s for any participants doing uh doing LMS
430s for the first time yeah um I think the
434s biggest thing for pking if you've never
435s done it is if you try and hit your
438s opponent um off prayer so if you use
441s range when they're protecting from Mage
443s or you use melee when they're protecting
446s from range you know if you just focus on
448s that then even if if you're clueless and
451s you and you're getting all of your
452s prayers wrong it doesn't matter because
454s so are they so yeah I'd try and focus on
457s the offense don't worry too much about
459s you know are are you doing everything
461s else right just focus on that and yeah
463s try and hit them off prayer try and do
465s as much damage as you can because if
466s they're eating they're not damaging you
468s as well I think that's like the easiest
470s way to get into it at the
471s beginning very good advice yeah
474s especially you know if you're just you
475s know sometimes you're probably going to
476s get lucky anyway and some hits are going
477s to come through uh regardless even with
480s a cheeky staff bash you know I've had a
482s few few of those in the games I was
484s playing the other day which uh can catch
485s people off surprise so you know don't
487s sleep on it uh and is there anything
489s like you're looking out for today when
491s we're looking at the games anything
492s you're keeping your eyes peeled for I
495s think my favorite thing to see today
496s would be two noobs fighting and just
498s having a good time because I think
500s that's I kind of I think we miss that a
502s lot everyone's quite competitive these
503s days and typically in PvP you only have
505s like the endgame players you know that
507s are really battling it out so hopefully
509s because there's a lot more casual people
510s that will be joining today we'll just
512s see you know kind of people who haven't
514s experienced this as much in the past
515s have like a fair fight which will feel a
518s lot better than probably normally what
520s you
520s feel yeah and we are in the cas we are
523s in the Casual space for that reason so
525s you know the the element of getting
526s points and that is taken away so
528s hopefully you can just focus on having
530s fun and maybe we even get some like
531s random weird fights out of it uh which
533s would be nice to see um if for anyone
536s unaware you yeah like I think man
538s mentioned you don't need to bring any
539s anything that's the beauty of this
541s nothing at all you can just come here
542s without anything the loads up are
544s already there if you manage to win in a
546s fight you get a nice key and get some
548s get some extra goodies extra upgrades so
550s yeah just just come and have a have a
552s good time with us I think uh yeah so I
555s think what we'll do is we'll hop into a
557s game um M and then we'll start going
560s through some questions but I don't know
561s if you just want to just chat over while
564s I'm uh hopping into a game uh and stuff
566s like that here we go come on guys get
568s get in here get in here
570s 10 seconds I think we've got enough I
573s think we've got enough people oh here we
575s go let's see if I can get my uh let's
578s see if I'll be attacked I think is the
580s main the main thing uh we want to check
583s first don't we M let's have a look am I
585s even
588s seen I don't know we'll see we'll
593s see I I am seen but again like you say
596s you can't you can't worst of worst of
599s shy you're not going do much to me like
601s I'm not I'm not worth your target I'm
603s not worth time maybe tell him in game
606s maybe give him a heads up yeah I might I
608s might just say
612s uh y I won't die there we go hopefully
615s that will come for if my Public's off it
617s might not
618s uh it might not showcase but uh there we
621s go okay there there we go all right
623s let's uh let's let's watch these two
625s while we're here and we can go through
626s some questions as well uh once I've the
629s time has ticked down down here we go
631s this is what we want some nice view
632s points here we go all right ma we might
635s as well answer some questions while
636s we're here uh what are your suggestions
639s uh for a cute Noob that wants to get
641s into PVP uh what Basics should they know
644s first and like what's the route they
645s want to take yeah uh I think for PVP the
649s best way to get into it is probably
651s multi- pking um just because then you
653s can take little risk you can make money
657s so it's naturally fun um and it's just
660s quite easy to to pick up the basics I
662s guess um because you'll just slowly
664s learn like how to attack people and how
667s to eat I always say how to eat is really
669s important for PVP and people I think
671s probably quite they laugh hearing that
673s but it is it is genuinely really
675s important and there's a lot of different
676s eating techniques you can do in Old
678s School believe it or not um so yeah I
682s think learning those Basics really helps
683s and then coming to a place like last
685s man's Landing also helps because then
687s you get to do some actual 1 V ones um
690s I think they might be trying to attack
691s you right now so they're going to have a
693s bad time when they
695s realize but yeah no I think I think
697s multi is the best
705s way there we go I am muted thank you
708s thank you um yeah um out of curiosity
711s I'm going to go a bit off tangent man
713s but I don't know if you've tried how's
715s the new food been has it affected
716s anything have you tried it in PvP yet in
718s terms of like the more food I will hold
722s my hand up and say I completely forgot
724s there was new food so I've I've been
727s using the old food and I definitely
730s should have been using the new food um I
732s don't know if I've put myself at a
734s severe disadvantage recently but I've
735s been pking on quite lowlevel accounts so
737s I don't think it's mattered that much
739s I've just been messing around on PES um
742s but it definitely will The Meta will
745s adjust because the food is is quite
747s unique um which is really nice we we
750s don't see Meta changes that often so
752s it's cool yeah that and especially with
754s the new gear from uh perilous moons I
757s think especially the uh at lat has been
759s quite I've seen it quite frequently used
762s uh in PvP which had been quite nice um
765s oh no I've been I've been frozen who's
767s that Co it's not it's not going to it's
769s not going to work it's not going to work
771s fam like um you can keep attacking me
774s but like it's not going to
777s happen there we go you've got a new
779s Target you don't need to attack me just
780s just okay we'll well we'll we'll just
783s watch you attack me that's fine um yeah
786s I think I think it's going to be
788s interesting I didn't see the the new
789s food be used much but I'm very keen to
791s see it uh in action honestly do do you
794s think there's a reason why it's going to
795s affect the met or or or why you would
798s want to use it um just for because it
800s heals more than people are used to you
803s know I think the best food now heals 26
805s but it's spread over two Hill splats so
810s it heals like 14 or 16 at the beginning
813s and then it heals eight later on um and
816s you know we've never seen that in the
818s past typically you eat food and it heals
819s you a certain amount but that's going to
821s be you know really different um just for
824s people if they don't want to safe you
826s know if if you're sitting at 70 HP and
828s you know your opponent can age spec you
830s a a 70 you probably don't want to sit on
833s that but you don't want to eat a shark
835s because sitting at 90 HP feels like a
836s safe right so you might eat that food in
839s the they're about to or in the
841s expectation they're about to hit you so
842s then you technically can't die because
844s you eat to like 86 HP but then they hit
846s you at 70 and you you'll get even more
848s heal later on um so there there's a lot
850s of uh mind games with it I think um and
853s yeah just the pure fact it will heal
855s more over time um is is good for like
857s deep barder stuff as well do you uh do
860s you reckon it'll be a case of like
862s bringing just a couple of the new pieces
864s of meat along with like the normal setup
865s or will it be a case of that the new
867s meat will just sort of dominate the the
869s majority of of food you'll bring in um I
873s think it' be a mixture because you
875s you'll have different scenarios for
876s different times to eat specific food and
879s I think that's really cool um having to
881s actually make a decision about what food
882s you're eating is always fun um because
885s yeah typically I think if you look at
886s like a noob's inventory you'll see you
889s know 20 sharks and then your typical
891s potions but if you see someone who's
893s quite good you'll see um a bunch of
895s shark obviously not sharks you'll
897s probably see anglerfish um but you'll
899s see like a gothics restore you might see
900s a pizza you see cran ones and you know
903s you get a nice variety of things and
905s obviously with the new food coming in as
906s well you also at that um and there's a
909s reason you know there's there's
910s different scenarios that you want to use
912s different food and you can optimize you
915s know your ability to kill someone purely
917s based on
919s that yeah yeah I think I think I think
921s it's going to be so interesting
923s especially when we see it sort of coming
924s out of the again I think like you were
926s saying with the the Slayer earlier I
928s think that's a bit sleeped on I think
929s the food is a little bit sleeped on as
930s well so maybe over the next couple of
932s weeks or months we'll see that sort of
933s like rear its head out of the the the
936s new update woodwork uh as to speak so
940s you know what M tell us about your uh
942s your first experience with PVP what what
944s Drew you in to it and what what sort of
947s kept you there going
948s forward yeah uh I think so God I don't
952s know when it was I'm just going to say
953s 20 years ago I started playing RuneScape
955s I was a cute Noob um my friend
957s introduced me to it and then I played it
960s for like a month or two and then he
962s hacked me because I got higher combat
963s level than him oh no so oh no the
967s Betrayal that started the uh the hatred
970s for other players so veng Drew you into
973s PVP oh yeah so I made a new account it
977s wasn't actually Vengeance again him but
979s I just made a new account and I ventured
980s up to varac multi uh and my love for PVP
984s just started then um I think I started
986s on like a freet to-play world with
987s nothing and made a bit of money and then
989s eventually convince my dad to get me
991s membership uh and then I would PK on
993s like level 32 combat accounts with MSB
996s that was like the lowest level you could
997s get 50 range without you know cannoning
1000s or anything like that so I pked there um
1003s you'd meet people at the church when
1004s you're walking up from the VAR East Bank
1006s to team up with and it was really cool I
1008s remember the first time I died with
1011s green dehy van braces and an MSB I cried
1014s and my dad was like what who did this to
1017s you and he was like he was trying to
1018s like back me up he was trying to get my
1020s items back for me but but then yes I
1022s cried that night and then the next day I
1024s was like oh don't worry it I was being
1026s silly it was I only lost a little bit
1027s and then I ended up peeking like a mill
1029s at verac multi and just had a great time
1032s it was yeah I miss those days was good
1035s times I'd be scared of your dad bro like
1038s honestly he hopping in game and learning
1040s PVP just to take Vengeance on his son no
1044s he's uh he's not the greatest gamer I
1046s remember playing uh Call of Duty and uh
1049s we were doing uh so you could have two
1052s players in game and I was he was so bad
1055s I was just literally running around him
1057s because he didn't know how to move like
1058s the analog sticks properly so I was just
1060s running around him and killing him
1061s constantly it was I I appreciate him you
1064s know taking the time to to play with me
1066s but yeah I was a bit mean oh B BL my my
1070s my dad's similar I mean my dad still
1072s plays uh rcap funnny enough like I
1074s managed to like sweeten the deal with
1077s membership by introducing him to it when
1079s I started playing so he's still on he's
1081s still playing RuneScape he's still
1082s thriving he's a big casual boy but he uh
1085s he enjoys his time when he plays it um
1089s out of curiosity I'm going to go a
1090s little bit off Off Script uh M but is
1093s anything like majorly changed in PvP or
1096s is like the the core of it still there
1099s it's just like new items have have come
1101s in and that's what's
1102s changed yeah um I mean obviously EOC was
1106s a big change to PVP but um for old
1109s school um last what 11 years has all
1112s been you know relatively the same um
1116s with I mean that said I remember when
1119s old school came out you had to always
1121s rightclick people that were higher
1122s combat or you'd use a team Cape to left
1124s click them that was horrible um and but
1128s I know it's pretty much stayed true to
1130s what it's always been you know um I
1132s think the perilous Moon's armors have
1134s have been a nice kind of meta change and
1136s something that we've not seen in PvP for
1138s quite some time uh because typically
1140s things that have come out in the past
1141s have just you know not been too meta
1145s changing and and made people rethink
1147s their builds so that's been a nice uh
1149s nice change but no it is just pretty
1152s much the same you know um with tri pking
1155s with the overheads that you're seeing
1156s now or with Edge full ping with
1158s vengeance and all of that that's all you
1160s know been the same for like the last 11
1162s years and I'm shocked that people are
1164s still doing it after all this time when
1165s you know there's not I wouldn't say
1167s there's been that many changes to it so
1169s is
1171s crazy yeah that's that's really nice to
1173s hear honestly that the fact that like
1174s the core is still there because again I
1176s think that goes across the hole of old
1179s school at its core right is that you
1181s know the fundamentals are still always
1183s there and even though new things come
1185s out if that core thing that everybody
1187s still loves is thriving uh in the best
1190s way possible then that that that makes
1191s it still worth playing and hopefully is
1194s the reason exactly why we're still here
1196s um that's that's yeah that's that's
1198s awesome
1199s um have you got any like standout
1201s moments or like uh great stories from
1203s your time uh
1205s pvping um I I last time I was on stream
1209s I I think you asked me like what was my
1211s biggest achievement in the Wy and I I I
1213s didn't know what to say but I remembered
1216s later on and I was like oh I actually
1218s made a PVP hardcore Iron Man um that I
1220s played for a few years and I actually
1223s killed like 50 people on it um without
1226s dying which I was I was really happy
1228s with and that wasn't just you know me
1229s killing like a naked person or something
1232s that was a fullon like Edgeville 1 V one
1234s fights so I was really happy with that
1236s it didn't unfortunately die to the power
1238s button being pressed but that oh no it's
1244s like one of my biggest achievements I
1246s think that is cool very unfortunate
1248s about the power button though would you
1250s uh would you do something like that
1251s again you reckon or is that sort of a
1252s one and
1254s done I think because of the Escape
1256s crystals it's I I uh um be more inclined
1261s to actually do it because the Escape
1262s crystals are so good if I had those back
1264s then I wouldn't have died um and yeah I
1267s don't think I ever like really came
1268s close to dying that much although I
1270s guess I didn't do that much content
1272s other than try and try and get gear to
1273s PVP um but no I'm I'm currently addicted
1276s to group Iron Man when I'm not pking um
1279s so I've got I've got a solo group Iron
1282s Man because I didn't want to let anyone
1283s else down um cuz I didn't want to start
1286s playing and then say yeah actually sorry
1288s guys a month time I don't want to play
1290s anymore so I thought if if I make a
1292s fiveman team myself I can't let anyone
1295s else down and then no one else can let
1296s me down so that's what I've been playing
1299s and I'm like 86 Slayer on three of the
1301s accounts and then I've got like two
1303s suppliers and three Mains pretty much
1305s it's quite fun that's that's very that's
1308s very cute M I'm not going to lie that's
1310s extremely cute that's like but I feel
1312s like the whole point of group Iron Man
1315s is like if you can find that it's cool
1317s but then you could always uh depends how
1319s precious you are about being uh on the
1321s on the high scores or whatever cuz you
1322s could just go uh un I can't remember
1325s what the the term is but the non the
1327s non-ranked version and then just
1329s Prestige yeah yeah you can lose your
1331s prestige you know if you're not worried
1332s about that you could always just do that
1334s and then if people you know you lose
1336s interest then just leave the group and
1338s let let them have that it and then
1340s you're not disappointing in anyone M
1342s obviously the the teammates see you lost
1343s along the way but you know apart from
1345s those
1347s yeah I mean I was a hardcore before and
1351s um I stopped playing the accounts
1353s because I started I started learning to
1355s code that was before um I I started
1358s working here so I stopped playing them
1359s because I you know I was like I need to
1361s spend time actually learning um and then
1363s after I got the job a few months later I
1365s was like oh I really want to play those
1366s accounts but they were hardcore accounts
1368s and I thought you know what I I just
1370s want to chill when I'm playing them so I
1373s suicided all of the accounts so I lost
1374s my hardcore status um and then I've just
1377s been doing like Wilderness Slayer I've
1378s I've made been doing wildness stuff and
1380s it's been really
1382s fun awesome awesome that's good to it as
1384s long as you're having fun you know you
1386s play how you want manked you know don't
1387s let anyone tell you of
1389s always uh all right we've got another
1391s question Dead Man versus Bounty Hunter
1394s if you had to pick only one which one
1396s would you choose and
1398s why now it's difficult because I love
1401s them both um I do love 1 V one pking um
1405s in terms of like Edgeville Vengeance
1407s fights um but then at the same time dead
1409s man just offers something completely
1411s different so I would have to say dead
1414s man um especially you know what we've
1417s got cooked for the future as well um so
1420s I'm I'm super excited about dead man I
1422s do love Bounty Hunter though I think
1424s there's a bunch of of uh things we could
1426s do to it to make it more fun you know
1428s mix up the Mets a little bit there um
1431s but that's as well all for the future
1434s but yeah know dead man just got so many
1435s different things it's it's like a
1436s survival game mode um it's it's run
1439s escape but you can just you know create
1443s your own adventure but everything's
1444s multiplied it's just it's just super
1446s enjoyable is is this a winner or is this
1450s I think so I think so I'm going to call
1452s cut for short well done congratulations
1454s let me just double check uh yeah there's
1457s two of us left and I'm definitely not
1458s going to be dying to the fog so uh I
1460s will teleport out congratulations you I
1463s hope you had a good time please feel
1465s free to hop in again I need to just ye
1467s myself out so you can you can take the
1469s Casual win uh by going into uh theox
1474s here we go and then just going
1477s upstairs yeah that was a nice that was a
1479s nice little run people were chilling
1480s about I think I think that went pretty
1481s well I don't know about what you think M
1484s but yeah loads of fights it was lovely
1487s yeah should we go into another one
1488s should we just oh we're already in we're
1490s already in okay don't guys if you're if
1494s you're in the Stream and you can hear me
1496s I'm not going to be able to die so so
1499s don't even bother don't even bother let
1501s me just be a silent Observer of uh no
1505s I'm being attacked okay all right it's I
1508s mean it's reny 2 it's it's not going to
1511s happen it's not going to happen look you
1514s really want it to happen he really wants
1515s it to happen I'll just do I'll do a few
1518s emotes I'll do a few emotes and we'll
1520s see we'll see I just want to be a
1521s cameraman I just want to I just want to
1523s live that life for a little bit you know
1526s could you teleport away just like I mean
1528s I could T there we go I could teleport
1531s away and just find another
1533s fight he's going to be your snail he's
1536s going to try and find
1537s you snail man mode I didn't realize I
1540s was I was playing Snail man mode today
1542s okay we've got oh yo two chisels
1545s themselves in the house let's go um all
1549s right go on two chisels take take Randy
1552s away from me I can't I
1554s can't let's give us a fight to watch
1556s there we go hey all right right we got
1560s we got a nice little fight going here
1562s all
1563s right uh yeah cool so so I I completely
1567s missed what you said mate so was it dead
1569s man or was it Bounty Hunter it it was
1571s dead man just because there's so much
1573s more to do on dead man I think yeah I
1576s mean especially with the new stuff right
1578s like you know that's yeah very very fair
1581s I I thoroughly enjoyed doing a a dead
1583s man last last game I actually piced I
1585s think it my first dead man I played it
1586s was very fun very fun I will I will say
1589s though maybe I'm giving myself away when
1591s we do the next one but like you guys
1594s don't do your quests bro you don't do
1596s your quests there's so many good Escape
1598s options when you're doing like the
1599s quests that people don't expect you to
1601s take so do your quest I'm going to shout
1604s out Elemental Workshop like the amount
1605s of times I was able to duck into
1607s Elemental Workshop to avoid uh someone
1609s killing me was was was a lot so you know
1612s do your quests man um all right the next
1616s question we've got is can you give some
1618s tips about how to tick
1620s eat so tick
1623s eating you used to be able to do it in
1625s PvP but then we removed it because it
1627s was very overpowered I know um like
1630s eight years ago um when you could to you
1633s could use cram ones and then you could
1635s technically never die um if you the only
1639s way you could die is if you got like DDS
1641s spec you basically needed two hits to
1643s appear on you um for one of them to
1645s actually go through so I remember I was
1647s fighting like ayss and I just kept on a
1649s Cambo on when I was like 15 HP and he
1651s couldn't kill me and he was getting
1652s really annoyed and it was really funny
1653s um but yeah no you can't take itat
1656s anymore but um in Old School it's just
1658s all about timing isn't it it's learning
1660s okay when is the hit actually going to
1663s register um and yeah just just timing it
1666s well and I guess you could you could
1668s almost if you want to practice tick
1670s eating you could literally attack
1671s yourself with another account with like
1673s uh Magic for example and just just time
1677s it so every time the hits about to
1678s appear on you you eat and you you'll be
1681s able to You'll able to learn doing that
1683s without actually having to you know go
1686s to to the of blood and and tick e and
1689s then let your entire team down when you
1690s fail you know you could you could
1691s practice on yourself and before doing
1694s that I sense throughout this the stream
1697s so far m a fear of failure must be quite
1699s high in your list of uh list of
1703s fears
1705s yep oh that's I mean it's I feel like
1707s out of all the fears is probably like a
1709s a nicest one to have I imagine
1712s maybe I take that over like
1715s planes yeah no definitely I think I'm
1718s I'm I'm happy failing as well I think
1720s you learn a lot from failing right so um
1723s but yeah I'm I'm so competitive it's
1725s insane um so that that's my definitely
1728s one of my biggest downfalls yeah maybe
1731s it's not fear of failure in that sense
1733s it's just a fear of losing right yeah oh
1736s yeah definitely
1738s uh all right this I mean maybe we've
1740s already talked about this but what's
1742s been your favorite PVP mini game and why
1745s is
1746s that um it it really depends like what
1749s mood I'm in I guess because last man
1751s standing is super fun because it's it's
1753s quick action if I feel like you know
1755s tribing or nhing is another term for it
1758s no honoring where you use overheads um
1760s then I'll come to LMS because you you're
1762s guaranteed fights right but then um if I
1765s want to you know make money then I'll go
1768s to bounty Hunter and I rock a Dar roox
1771s void Waker magic short bow setup and
1773s it's really powerful I risk like five or
1776s six mil every fight but I kill a lot of
1778s people and uh is super fun so I'd say
1781s probably bounty hunt is my favorite PVP
1783s Min
1784s game very nice very nice Definitely now
1786s it's uh sticking around this time yeah
1789s which is quite
1790s nice uh all right do you have any
1795s recommendations uh for different PVP
1797s account builds
1799s yeah I think this question's asked a lot
1801s especially with the low-level Hotpot
1803s coming out people they don't know what
1805s builds to make and stuff um but you you
1808s typically it depends what really what
1809s you want to do um if you want to go PK
1813s in multi then you can get you know you
1815s can get Smite you can get 52 prayer but
1817s if you just want to do one V one fights
1819s then you probably don't want to because
1820s your combat level is going to go higher
1821s so you're going to fight scarier people
1824s um there's you know the typical builds
1827s are 50 attack um 60 attack or 75 attack
1831s or 82 attack um but if you're kind of
1833s new you probably just want to make like
1834s a 50 attack build and then go to lowle
1837s hot spot and try and G A some
1838s people or just find you know a bunch of
1842s people that you can PK with to to help
1844s you out
1845s um I'd say when you get to the higher
1848s combat levels you are risking more so
1850s typically pking on like a pure is the
1852s best way um to learn how to PK at least
1855s um but yeah they're different builds if
1857s if you're rich and you can like Dragon
1859s claws or a void Waker then you can go
1860s for the 60 attack 75 attack builds it
1862s all really depend depends on what you
1864s want to
1865s do yeah yeah very wise I think picking
1868s picking one and then starting from there
1870s is probably a good a good way to do it
1873s uh focusing on that and then you know
1875s expand your skill set afterwards uh
1877s awesome thank you m uh we'll say that
1880s game ended princy well done
1881s congratulations on your on your win
1883s there wasn't as many players in that one
1885s but that's not me flaming your win it's
1888s not
1889s uh just that was a bit over quicker than
1891s I than I anticipated but uh how many
1893s people we've got quite a few going into
1894s this one so I'll jump in here people
1896s want to jump in we'll uh spectate the
1898s next game and while we're waiting for
1900s that to start uh if you could lean on a
1903s PVP Project without any Li limits what
1905s would it
1907s be okay so I've got so many different
1910s things I'd love to do I think although
1913s this isn't strictly to PVP I would love
1916s to adjust the game to be any any account
1922s type can complete any piece of content
1925s but it's it's entirely based on skill as
1927s opposed to like anything else so for
1930s example perilous moons came out
1933s obviously for for most people with like
1935s decent defense levels that's um that's
1938s going to be relatively easy but then if
1940s you've got one defense it's going to be
1941s really difficult and i' I'd love for
1944s content in the future to be based on
1946s that so we don't put any like hard
1948s requirements on content where you need
1950s like X Defense level to do this or X
1952s attack level to do that we just let the
1955s players kind of build their own account
1957s do their own Journey um and when the
1959s content is simply too difficult for them
1961s because of their restrictions then you
1963s know it's a well you've picked your
1965s restriction but other than that we kind
1967s of let players just be free with
1969s whatever decisions they want to make and
1971s run with it that's that's like my
1973s non-pvp uh project and then my PVP
1975s project um would probably be something
1978s similar to breaches think I said it last
1980s time was on the stream I just I love the
1981s concept of um a Hots spot that isn't
1986s typical um where you know kind of
1988s everyone floods to and it just it really
1991s encourages PVP uh and and a reason for
1994s people to fight over a resource because
1996s I think that's why I also love dead man
1997s you know the fact that you can go wood
2001s cut and then if someone's wood cut in
2002s there as well you can just be like n
2003s this is my tree and then you just attack
2005s them um I I love that concept
2010s awesome awesome stuff all right
2012s interesting interesting Concepts there m
2015s not going to lie seen to Keen if you end
2017s up uh leaning towards any of them during
2019s uh the game Jam but we'll we'll get on
2021s to that in a little bit maybe so uh all
2024s right next question is uh a very
2026s specific one if I'm unscaled and get
2028s attacked by a PK and the wiy in a multi
2031s combat area if we're in the same Clan
2033s and will wear the same team Cape can my
2036s friend defend me without getting scold
2038s will he get scold if he tries to attack
2040s my attacker no matter what that's quite
2042s lengthy I don't know if we have yeah we
2043s are having that on the screen okay yep
2046s um so um the P the what is it PK skull
2050s prevention is probably one of the nicest
2053s additions to the game for you know
2056s people going to the Wilderness that
2057s don't want to risk anything if you have
2059s that enabled then you don't have to ask
2062s yourself these questions you can just
2064s try and attack people and if you can
2066s attack them then you're all good good if
2068s not you won't get you yeah you won't get
2071s scolded up so um no you basically in PvP
2075s you need someone to attack you first um
2078s but yeah just if if you're unsure about
2081s it just whack that PK skull prevention
2083s on never take it off and then you'll
2085s never get scolded when you don't want
2087s to very good advice very good advice
2090s it's all happening on this screen at the
2091s moment I'm just trying to get trying to
2093s get my Oculus out ready uh but I keep
2096s being attacked Maybe hi a little bit and
2099s just see if it starts oh no am I going
2102s to get am I going to get hunted down now
2104s going to try and ping around to see if I
2106s can avoid avoid the damage don't come
2110s Andy me guys
2112s um just pretend I'm not here pretend I'm
2115s not here okay just seen a a question in
2119s chat um ice barging during skull
2122s prevention no even if you've got skull
2124s prevention on and you ice barrage you
2125s won't hit the player that would skull
2127s you so literally PK skull prevention on
2130s and you will not
2132s skull there you go there you go nice
2136s offand question there as well mate good
2137s catch good catch okay yeah cool PK skull
2141s prevention use it we put in there for a
2143s reason tick it on it will help it will
2145s help big time uh right so uh next one is
2151s I mean it's not really uh not really a
2153s uh a specific question about this but it
2156s says we've left it in for a reason so
2158s are you planning to do anything about
2159s locking GM behind defense at coliseum
2163s Casa yep so I'm I'm not part of the team
2165s that worked on this but the the team
2167s that are working on this um are looking
2169s at um getting options for those people
2171s who couldn't do it without you know
2173s ruining their account uh to to do it
2176s even though the challenge will be a lot
2177s more difficult uh they'll they'll have
2179s the option which I think is you know
2181s kind of a key part of what I said
2182s earlier if if someone can do a combat
2185s achievement with you know technically a
2187s worse weapon
2188s than what is specified then why
2192s not yeah I think the fact as well um cuz
2195s I know there were some comments about
2196s like catering and that but I don't think
2199s that's the case like they were
2200s originally able to do all of the GM
2202s tasks beforehand so I think if that
2204s wasn't the case it would be a bit more
2206s on the case of like you know what is
2208s there a point in us like catering to
2210s that specifically but because the fact
2212s that you know some of these builds could
2214s do everything GM related before feels a
2216s bit unfair to now just take it away
2218s because of one specific task it feels a
2221s bit I don't know bit unfair um people
2224s might disagree but I think it's the
2226s fairest route we can take um so yeah all
2229s right thank you for that M uh all right
2232s uh someone says thank you for the latest
2234s fun PVP updates of Undead Pirates and
2236s the W de agility course clu Elite clue
2239s step isn't removed from the course is
2241s this
2242s intended uh no it is not uh or maybe it
2245s is my colleague has done the work um and
2248s it will be in a future release I don't
2250s know whether um it was cuz it couldn't
2252s fit into the release this week or not
2254s but um that will that'll be moved in the
2257s near
2258s future awesome stuff awesome stuff all
2261s right we're going to talk about game Jam
2263s for a little bit so we're going to like
2264s divert from P well maybe divert from PvP
2267s a little bit uh for anyone that doesn't
2269s know what game Jam is uh essentially we
2272s get some time as a team to go away and
2274s work on projects that we're either quite
2276s passionate about or just want to give
2278s you know it might be some qual changes
2280s it might be completely new content but
2282s it means that basically every member of
2284s the team whether you've got development
2286s experience or not gets a chance to uh
2289s work towards or on a project that they
2291s think is uh could be beneficial for the
2294s game which honestly amazing opportunity
2296s just for everyone involved because it
2299s means that people like myself who's a cm
2301s and main job is collecting your feedback
2303s and writing blogs doesn't really have a
2305s lot of technical skill but at least I
2306s can you know maybe flesh my design
2309s skills a little bit and uh showcase them
2311s I think that was apparent with scarus a
2314s little bit um at least on that direction
2316s and then obviously the wonderful man and
2318s daong took that and made it even better
2321s which is amazing um but what you uh
2324s what's your plans for for game Jam M if
2327s you got any so I I've literally got a
2330s list because whenever I think see things
2332s that I want to work on I just add it to
2334s a little list um so my list currently is
2338s I want to have a look at vean to to
2340s adjust it to make it um just just a
2343s little bit different um so it's a little
2346s bit more difficult for uh naughty
2348s players to uh you know get away um but
2352s it shouldn't affect you know main people
2354s doing it uh I've got a an item that I
2357s want to be like a auto loot pickup thing
2360s I think I proposed it in the past uh and
2363s it would only work in the wilderness but
2365s um I think it was in my previous game
2366s Jam I had to design for it but I
2368s actually want to try and code it and see
2370s you know if it's possible I'm sure it
2371s will be possible but I just want to see
2372s if I can actually do it um we've had
2375s player suggestion that I'd love to work
2378s on I think it was Kemp key uh and it was
2380s uh removing the tra system and making
2383s like a mangled system so if you go to
2385s above 20 Wilderness and you die with
2387s your Inferno Cape that youve just got
2389s and you're really happy about it and you
2391s forgot to tr it uh this new system would
2393s basically just make you pay more money
2396s um but you wouldn't lose it
2398s um so I think that'd be really good for
2400s so you know we've got a lot of new
2401s players coming to the game and obviously
2403s we don't want them to go to the
2405s Wilderness and not understand that they
2407s lose their untradeables past 20
2409s Wilderness so they you know they you
2411s sometimes see people like full graceful
2413s deep Wilderness and like no what are you
2414s doing um so yeah th those people would
2418s be protected by like a different system
2420s which would be nice um and then I've got
2422s a few more I've got uh I'd love to work
2425s on like Bounty Hunter meta adjustments
2426s so adjust ing weapons and uh giving them
2430s you know either different special attack
2432s requirements or um just changing kind of
2435s what they do to an extent to make them
2437s more feasible because right now I think
2439s it's just pretty much the the vest of
2441s the long sword which is which is good to
2443s use and the dark V and apart from that
2445s oh and Status Warhammer for certain
2447s builds but apart from that it's quite
2449s you know it's uh quite stale I'd say so
2452s it' be nice to mix that up um we've got
2455s what else do I have it's got I'm oh yeah
2458s I'm guessing the list has been popped up
2459s on the screen to just roll off of I've
2463s got it in front of me yeah um one of the
2466s me one one of them was uh from the PVP
2468s Discord so for anyone that doesn't know
2469s we do have a PVP Discord um that we
2472s communicate with and they give us
2474s feedback about updates um that we yeah
2477s that that helps us basically and one of
2479s them was talking about um it would be
2481s nice if for the combat achievements you
2482s know for when you've got like the
2484s crystal hird task if we could make that
2487s you know any hird um because technically
2490s if you can do it with a lower tier
2492s weapon then surely you're deserving of
2494s the achievement which I I think
2495s resonates quite well and I think I'd
2497s love to like try and Implement something
2498s like that and then that also um
2501s coincides with um adjusting like I don't
2504s know how spicy this is going to be I'd
2506s love to see what chats say to be fair um
2509s but um allowing I'd love to work on
2512s changing Quest XP um to just always give
2515s a lamp I think that's what we currently
2517s do but we've not done it for quests in
2519s the past so I'd love to do something
2521s like that and Implement that and see how
2522s it feels um as well as potentially um
2525s allowing players to use chivalry after
2527s like Merlin's Crystal or or Holy Grail
2530s obviously oh no you said it yes I did
2532s Goblin um I'd love to adjust it so again
2537s the game can be you can do whatever you
2540s want on the game um but your skill and
2545s your ability to handle your own
2547s limitations is what determines what you
2549s can and can't do if if you get to The
2551s Inferno and you're one defense and you
2554s just can't do it because it's too hard
2556s that is your limitation you know um I I
2558s think that's I would love to see that in
2561s the future um and I'd love to see kind
2563s of what the communities think about
2564s because for example when shivalry did
2566s fail um I saw 30,000 people saying yes
2569s to it so I was I was like okay what can
2571s we what what's the direction we should
2574s take with it so I I looked at why people
2576s voted no and I think it was mainly like
2578s law reasons um which completely makes
2581s sense um I think I was gutted when I saw
2583s it fail but at the same time I think
2586s hearing that feedback and the polling
2588s system really does help make our game as
2591s good as it currently is because sure we
2594s could get I I could get you know any
2596s update I wanted if we didn't pull things
2598s but it wouldn't be as good of an update
2601s as it needs to be for our game you know
2603s our our game we've been around for 11
2605s years and our game is so solid right now
2607s now and I'm hoping it's going to be
2609s around for another 11 11 years I could
2611s easily see it around for another 11
2613s years so yeah I'd love to to work on
2616s something like that um but but the the
2619s greatest part about all of this you've
2621s just heard me say or talk for like five
2623s minutes for what I'd love to do um
2625s there's there's so many changes for dead
2627s man that I want to do um that I'm likely
2630s to be doing a lot of dead man work
2631s during game Jam Just because um there's
2634s a bunch of things I want to change and
2637s you know
2638s as a developer you have to manage the
2640s scope of a project so um yeah if if I
2644s don't want to lose those things from the
2645s update I need to spend the time working
2647s on them so I'm more than happy to do
2649s that it is really exciting and fun to do
2651s that but I'll probably be spending a
2653s bunch of time on dead
2654s man excellent stuff I really like you've
2657s got this full list of uh updates just
2660s ready to whack out when you need to uh
2663s in in any scenario which is good uh is
2666s there anything is there any projects
2667s that you you previously saw man that you
2670s would have loved to like uh had sort of
2672s like worked on
2675s um um I don't um for game Jam I feel
2680s like because I'm so PVP orientated I
2684s mean whenever people say oh what you
2686s working on for game Jam I always say you
2689s know something Wilderness related and
2690s everyone laughs because you know it's
2692s expected I I would like for myself to
2695s you know just do a different project and
2698s oh God they're having a bad time uh yeah
2701s just just do a different project I guess
2702s and just get involved with other people
2703s but at the same time you know I'm very
2705s passionate about trying to do as much as
2707s I can whenever I can for PVP and um so I
2711s I typically just spend most of my time
2713s trying to help out
2716s there awesome awesome stuff you know
2718s what jads uh sad dad uh pretty apt for
2723s the stream I feel like there's been a
2725s couple of talking about DZ I didn't
2727s realize this is where Jad comes from so
2729s uh cool cool well done to you uh we're
2733s going to try and maybe we'll try and fit
2734s in one more game quickly before we only
2738s got this stream's whizzed through just
2739s like the rest of the week it's like we'
2741s only got like 12 minutes really so how
2743s many people we got we got quite a few
2745s quite a few people in come on guys get
2747s yeah get get yourselves in here get
2749s yourselves in here we'll start the game
2751s um yeah I feel like um game game Jam's
2754s so such a cool con accept in itself like
2758s and I said before the fact that you can
2761s it doesn't matter what your design like
2762s design or Dev uh skill set is you can
2765s jump in and and uh have a go like I know
2769s one of the first game Jam ideas I think
2772s it might have been uh was dogs of gillor
2776s which a lot of people liked uh I know
2779s that's that's still talked about on the
2780s team a lot uh so I don't know maybe one
2784s day we could get some dogos I really
2786s hope so um as a as a doggo fan uh I'm
2790s just going to I'm just going to uh run
2792s away from that fight so if we can get
2794s some some more action on the go uh yeah
2798s I'm excited about I'm excited about this
2799s game Jam I think mate because there's
2801s going to be some between all the blog
2803s writing I'm going to hopefully and this
2805s is a this is a weird area to explore but
2808s I was think I was talking to you earlier
2809s but I want to explore Horror in old
2811s school and how we can convey some more
2813s of uh actual suspense and horror
2816s elements into like a small quest uh or
2818s Side Story not I'm not talking about the
2821s kind of horror that is uh uh what is it
2824s tour T torner
2826s Rift uh that kind of horror that's very
2829s campy horror but maybe that is the
2830s horror that old school needs and and
2832s wants maybe that is it so I want to do
2833s some more explanations of that uh and uh
2837s also for anyone that's been keeping
2839s track on the uh the first game Jam my
2843s first game Jam project the TCG has been
2845s cooking in the background for the last
2847s year year and a half that it's been it's
2850s been in development I know it's not for
2851s everyone but I know there's some people
2853s excited so stay tuned hopefully I can
2855s share some more so we'll we'll we'll see
2857s what happens we'll see what happens also
2859s want to do my PVP I need to run the PVP
2862s ideas back with you m and and go over
2865s that at some point because that would be
2866s nice uh to flesh that out fully um so I
2870s think well we've got some chat questions
2873s here M just before we start is there
2875s anything on this list that you you don't
2877s want to you don't want to answer just so
2880s I don't need to run into any awkward uh
2884s awkward stuff just hit me with it we'll
2887s just see what happens okay okay all
2889s right first question is addressed
2891s specifically to you m so is your project
2893s you talked about uh including all
2895s account builds in content including
2897s letting all quests be completed as long
2899s as you have the skills for them and
2900s exclude
2902s combat yeah yeah pretty much if if you
2907s have the so we don't say you need 40
2911s defense in order to do this Quest you
2914s know or this Quest will give you 20K
2917s defense XP I think the the XP that
2919s you're rewarded with can be through a
2921s lamp because that's our Norm now that's
2923s what we do for all new quests we give
2924s you lamps so it makes sense to you know
2928s go back through old quests and change
2930s that as well um uh and then yeah being
2934s able to actually do the quest is purely
2937s based on your skill and your ability to
2940s you know if you've got a a Skilling
2942s account that is 10 HP it is purely based
2944s on can you figure out a way to beat this
2946s Quest um because I think that's the
2948s beauty of R RuneScape it's forging your
2951s own Journey as settled would say and if
2954s if we allow players to have that control
2956s and we don't restrict them I think we
2958s can see some really cool builds in the
2963s future yeah I think so I think
2965s especially this hot being a s box game
2967s in itself it feels weird not being able
2970s to explore that to the lengths that you
2972s can possibly do based on your own skill
2975s uh and giving players more power to that
2977s I think is cool I think we'd see so much
2979s cool just content and player
2982s achievements from that as a whole as
2984s well which would be fantastic to see um
2986s which would be great I saw I saw someone
2988s in chat being like is this pre-recorded
2990s this is definitely
2991s pre-recorded bro it's not I can see
2993s where you at where you at shyo there you
2996s go you if you want if you want proof
2998s this is not pre-recorded I'm calling you
2999s out right here right now um all right so
3004s next question then is can you still get
3006s scold when you ask the NPC to scull you
3008s with your prevention uh turned
3011s on yes I mean I feel like you're you are
3015s quite literally asking to be scold so
3019s yeah you can be scold that although I
3021s don't think I've actually tried maybe
3022s you can't but I I'm pretty sure you can
3026s yeah yeah yeah yeah I feel like if if
3028s you're asking for it you're asking for
3030s it we've got to you know we've got to we
3032s got to allow it right there's no there's
3033s no reason maybe maybe it's a case so you
3036s have to ask a few times and then he just
3037s gets sick of you and he's like yeah okay
3039s just take this skull it's fine I know
3041s you got the prevention on just take
3042s it um all right another question uh is
3047s quick question if we get smited with a
3049s VLS we got from LMS you lose it
3051s permanently but same doesn't apply to
3054s Bounty Hunter why is
3056s this so that will be because they are
3058s two different they're technically two
3060s different items so the the item you're
3062s getting from LMS is actually a different
3064s item to the one you're getting from
3065s Bounty Hunter obviously they actually
3068s behave the exact same but is because
3070s they're physically two different items
3072s so we could in the future just make the
3074s VLS from LMS be the same version that a
3078s bounty hunter version is we could do
3080s that um don't see why not and I don't
3083s see why we haven't actually so maybe I
3085s can add that to my list of Game Jam
3086s things to do as
3088s well another one to the the the huge
3091s roster of
3093s potentials um awesome though there you
3096s go hopefully maybe maybe that won't oh
3099s things are going on in the script it's
3101s okay it's okay it's m so it's fine I
3104s thought there was a a ra a rogue agent
3106s in the in the script uh all right the
3109s next question then we've got is what is
3110s the law reason for the teleporting
3113s anchoring scroll not working on abysal
3115s sire's teleport attack
3117s well funly enough um I was asked this
3119s before and so the the zombie Pirates uh
3123s landed to the east of the Wilderness and
3126s then they went to the Mages to fight
3128s them uh to get their loot because you
3130s know what Pirates are like uh and then
3133s uh they were getting absolutely owned by
3135s the Mages um so they there was a
3138s traveler who they came across and they
3140s were able able to transfer loot that
3143s they' accumulated over you know their
3145s pirating careers um in exchange for that
3148s scroll and they kind of pass it around
3150s and use it um when they when they need
3153s it um so they can stop the Mages from
3155s absolutely destroying them I mean the
3157s Mages still are absolutely destroying
3158s them um they're not winning that fight
3161s but um that that's the the law behind
3163s that I mean coordinator zombies are
3166s scary enough in their own right I feel
3167s like you know so I'm kind of glad the uh
3171s The Druids are win honestly CU you know
3174s quick as soon as we know it they could
3176s just take over the
3177s the world oh fog's coming in we're
3180s having to we're having to escape now
3183s there's still five people left though I
3185s hope I hope there's a winner before the
3187s uh fog hits I'm going to have to run
3188s over here where it's safe oh there's
3190s someone there's a fight here we go this
3192s is what we wanted to see uh yeah so
3196s there you go you got some LW from Mod M
3198s here as well so you're getting you're
3199s getting a bit of everything today I feel
3200s like which is good uh all right uh do we
3203s still get LMS points upstairs as far as
3206s I'm my way M feel free to correct me but
3209s I think this is exactly why we chose
3211s upstairs yep casual no points yes
3215s exactly uh MTA changes when uh soon I'm
3220s pretty sure mod Blosser mentioned it in
3224s a comment but you can expect them I
3227s don't think I can give a specific date
3229s but soon after game Jam I believe don't
3233s quote me on that but soon there we go
3236s someone says it's soon TM there you go
3240s um I I just want to check before I make
3242s any promises so if someone in
3245s uh in in our work chat could tell me if
3248s that's okay then sweet and I'll come
3249s back to that uh next question is can we
3252s get a new for
3253s man I want to know who asked this
3258s but that was beautiful that was that was
3261s beautiful okay I feel like we end stream
3264s there honestly I don't I don't think any
3265s any question could top it we'll see
3267s we'll see if there's any others uh oh
3269s here you go mate you know to to try and
3271s get away from
3272s the uh what account types do you
3275s have um any account you can think of I
3279s probably have it I've got I think my on
3281s my jagix uh account I've got 17 accounts
3284s linked but then I've also got another
3286s like 10 accounts just sitting around I
3289s think so yeah pretty much all of them
3291s there are a few that I don't have that I
3293s do want to make but I'm just so busy
3295s right now um in real life so I don't
3298s have the time but I will at some point
3299s make them you're saying you've got like
3302s uh you got a chunk have you got tan have
3305s you got oh I've okay I've played
3308s hardcore died on it to you know classic
3311s technically a DC but not it was a power
3313s it was a power button I've got the solo
3315s group Iron Man team I've got I was part
3318s of a group Iron Man team with other
3319s people but hey they let me down they
3321s quit um I've got um a main I've got I've
3325s got two Mains I've got one one Secret
3327s main that I can I can play you know
3328s whenever I want and no one who's knows
3330s it's me I've got my main um and then
3332s I've just got loads of PK builds so yeah
3334s I've got a lot I don't have a chunk
3335s account but I think I'd hate it so
3337s that's
3339s why awesome awesome stuff we got a
3341s mobile player in uh in this LMS game
3345s let's go all right all right go on
3347s mobile fell I hope I hope you're playing
3348s on a mobile now I'm secretly ring with
3351s you just because of that uh I can
3353s confirm yeah that's basically what my
3354s Blossom said after game Jam about uh the
3357s MTA changes hopefully we can confirm
3359s that a bit clearer in a maybe News Post
3362s maybe game update news post or something
3365s um cool uh and then final question
3367s before we wrap up M uh will we see
3371s Undead Pirates expansion with
3374s sailing I hope so but I have no idea
3377s what the team has in store so I'm sure
3379s we're going to see see a lot of things
3380s with the sailing um but yeah it does
3383s truly open the sea um for attacks from
3386s from Pirates so we'll see we will see I
3390s think we said I think we spoke about
3391s this in the last stream right and I said
3392s it' be so so sick if you were just
3395s sailing on the sea and a group of unde
3398s pirates would try and rock up and board
3399s your boat and and take it from you uh
3402s but again I don't know one if it's
3405s possible probably is possible but two
3407s obviously scope is a big thing uh and
3410s you know sailing is uh in development
3413s process at the moment so you know we got
3415s a lot of way a long way to go with
3416s sailing yet so just uh bear that in mind
3420s uh cool all right I think we should wrap
3421s up I think this this was a really nice
3423s stream I don't know about you mate it's
3424s a really chill stream yeah loved it very
3428s nice awesome maybe we should maybe can
3430s do some more of these
3432s uh uh in the future I'd like to do some
3434s more Community run streams just uh
3436s showcasing your guys skill at LMS or
3439s lack of skill is always a fun time so
3442s you know again no flame no Flame come
3445s and enjoy yourself this is what we here
3447s for uh all right let's go over the
3448s announcements quickly exclamation mark
3450s game update this week brings vmore CA
3452s Undead pirate and wiy fixes and more you
3456s can also check out a flashy new uh look
3459s at the a report uh upgrade I want to say
3463s uh that's been worked on uh that should
3464s make reporting those naughty people a
3467s little bit nicer to use so uh you can
3469s check that out all in the blog uh
3471s exclamation mark rebalance uh We've
3473s updated the latest combat focused uh
3475s project rebalance proposal based on your
3477s feedback that went out today a few hours
3479s ago so check that out we'll be working
3481s towards answering your feedback and
3483s probably getting an updated version
3485s somewhat soon don't comment me on that
3487s but I imagine very soon uh so you can
3489s check out all the blog uh and the
3491s updates in there with exclamation mark
3492s rebalance and finally exclamation mark
3495s cookbook or exclamation mark Journal
3497s whether you're in the realm of cooking
3499s or just generally writing stuff uh you
3501s can get two new exclusive RuneScape
3504s products with uh The cookbook with loads
3505s of cool recipes in there including burnt
3507s shrimp uh the classic cake and many many
3510s more uh as well as the lovely A5 Journal
3514s which has got like gold foiled there a
3515s hard back and uh you can start logging
3517s your journey through gillor uh on paper
3520s uh so it is cool um yeah exclamation
3525s mark cookbook exclamation mark Journal
3526s check them out now uh who's the winner I
3529s think I think the final person m is
3532s Larry langman so yeah
3535s congratulations Larry
3538s well done well done well done well done
3540s to all our winners today well done you
3541s know what well done to all of you for
3543s taking part I hope I hope there was a
3545s couple of you that haven't done PVP
3547s before uh and I hope you enjoyed
3549s yourself and and maybe we'll do some
3550s more it's a it's a fun little time it's
3552s good good little activity I will say so
3555s uh so yeah M you got any any final
3558s words thank you for hanging out of us
3561s and and thank you for you know playing
3563s it's a beautiful game and I just can't
3565s wait for the future of it
3568s excellent thank you very much mate yes
3570s and of course I'm just going to uh
3572s remind you lot that the next two weeks
3575s we are going to be taking part in our
3577s game Jam uh next week we'll still have
3579s an update there's also some downtime on
3581s Tuesday uh so you can check the game
3583s status uh News Post for that I think
3584s it's Tuesday I'm pretty sure or Thursday
3588s one of the days next week uh just go to
3590s the game status news to check that out
3593s um and then the following week there
3594s will be no game update as we will be uh
3596s writing the depths of game jam and
3597s presenting our ideas to the rest of the
3599s team so just be mindful that there might
3601s still be some down time around that time
3603s so uh just uh so yeah Tuesday yes maybe
3606s Tuesday I don't know um yeah and that is
3610s it we're probably going to be uh raiding
3611s someone right now so please leave your
3613s suggestions in chat we want to raid
3615s someone send all of you lovely people
3617s over to you them we we're trying to do
3620s like a smaller streamer so we'll see um
3623s who you put down but we're we're we're
3625s open to seeing we've got someone in mind
3627s already but we want to see if there's
3629s any other suggestions that are are good
3633s um oh they've stopped streaming I've
3635s been told our original person to stop
3636s streaming that's exact so we need some
3639s uh we need some like decent uh g m what
3643s are you gonna say d double shine TV I
3645s know they started making videos when
3648s leagues came uh when last leagues came
3649s out and they were really dedicated and
3651s they they're great um and they are they
3654s are a smaller streamer so that would be
3655s really nice if if man's given the seal
3658s of approval for double shine TV then I
3662s feel like it's only apt right that we go
3665s to them so uh yeah we will be raiding
3668s double shine TV uh very shortly just
3670s want to say to everyone thank you very
3673s much uh for coming and joining us today
3675s it's been a it's been a good time um I
3678s will tease a little bit you should if
3680s everything goes okay you should be
3682s seeing some more Vore part two stuff
3686s next week as I've just finished up
3689s writing the one of the blogs so uh yeah
3692s so stay tuned for that um thank you for
3695s all your reward ideas they have uh
3697s definitely helped out so yeah stay tuned
3699s for that have a lovely weekend and stick
3701s around for the
3702s raid goodbye
3706s [Music]