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over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Sorry about the wait :( I spoke to the team and the genuine answer is that we will get them out to you as soon as we can. I would provide dates if I have some and the main problem looks to be somewhat of a bottleneck with our RC testing. That isn't really an excuse for it but I just want you to know we hear you and we'll raise it to the relevant people

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Karthaz

Thanks for the update, does this include the "Smith Last" change too? I've got 100m worth of Addy bars sitting in my bank for the day!

All Poll 76 changes really will come out as soon as they've been developed and tested - we have that as a high priority change, along with the clue ones and pet changes. I'm sure there are more as everyone will want them in different orders of priority, so we'll do the best we can to get them ASAP. It's just that if we cannot give a timeframe when we do not have confirmation of space in RC

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Findingthedog

I appreciate you for looking into it and I know that you're just the messenger in this case, so no hard feelings. It is kinda frustrating as a player, but I know that a lot of stuff goes on below the surface at a tech company which can then delay updates such as this.

I just had 2 minutes to kill while I was waiting for my Runelite to load, so made a very low effort meme in MS paint lmao

I understand and you are totally within your rights to feel that way, I do not want to minimise your experiences in any way just wanted to make sure you were responded to!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by UnwoundTime

What's RC? Is that a step/name for QA?

It is short for 'release candidate' and I believe it means that it's a part of the testing process which is closer to the live game environment.