Zeah was designed to be large because they were considering introducing mounts. But that never happened and we just ended up with a big map.
Zeah was designed to be large because they were considering introducing mounts. But that never happened and we just ended up with a big map.
Nope, just really poor planning and misguided use of resources. Mounts are not technically possible now and they certainly weren't 6 years ago.
Seems so strange seeing an accurate representation of rivers in the OSRS style. Especially love the delta in the north-east :D Great job as usual!
Hum. I would say it looks good. Definitely not strange. A step up.
Seems strange, looks accurate. That was my point :P
Please provide an explanation why Rendi was banned
You saw this but not a post with 6.6k upvotes?
I’m an environment artist, not CM.
What do you mean when you say not possible? Were there things mod Reach wasn’t considering when he made that post on Reddit 7 years ago (linked by the other commenter)?
Reach had great ideas but limited understanding on the limitations of OSRS.
Didnt the head of esports take out EVScape? their job titles dont mean shit when it comes to spite banning.
I can assure you I’m entirely out of the loop as it has nothing to do with my day job. I hardly know who rendi is and I also don’t particularly care.