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So I don't really play runescape anymore and about three weeks ago I logged in only to find my account had been hijacked and was being used to farm Zulrah. Having access to the email connected to the account I was able to disable the authentication the hacker had put on the account and recover it however after checking again today the authentication was back and my account had been logged in recently meaning someone still had access to the account. Here's the weird thing though, In both instances the password hadn't changed. I assumed that I had just somehow got a virus or messed up somewhere the first time however I kinda stopped playing runescape around the time of the original hacking due to having a new computer and playing some other games on my computer. This however meant the only connection my new PC had to Runescape was the client as well as the support tickets I put in to recover my account so I don't really know how they got onto it again.
There isn't really a support ticket you can put in for "My account gets hacked over and over" and I don't really want to spend time on it if its just going to eventually get hacked again. I tried looking for a customer support email but couldn't find any so if anyone has an email address or phone number I could use to contact them about my account issues I would be very appreciative.

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over 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Kelvin - Direct link

Hi - please take a look at this page of the Support Centre: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/207217595-Hijacked-account

over 6 years ago - /u/Mod_Kelvin - Direct link

Originally posted by russellpk

Hey how’s it goin? Hopefully you can help! OSRS name is Russellpk - my plan was to purchase 1 month of membership and 1 bond.

I used to play RS and recently came back to learn about bonds. Trying to follow the steps on a YouTube page. I accidentally used the bond for 14 days of membership instead of my initial reason for buying the bond, was to sell in-game for GP

Now I’m left with no GP and on top of that it didn’t even give me the extra 14 days. I still only have 30. If you can take off the 14 days and give me the bond I’d appreciate it. I have the receipt/card info/confirmation email.

The Support Centre is your friend - click the link in the top right hand corner of the RuneScape Page (or on the left menu on OSRS), enter your search term in the search box (in this case 'bonds') and you'll see a list of relevant articles - to save you time, here's a link to the page you need to contact us about your Bond query:
