about 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to
2s the weekly old-school QA I hope you're
4s having a wonderful wonderful week I'm
5s your host Maude wolf and joining me on
7s the stream this week we only have three
9s additional people which is so nice all
10s nice little small couch which I wasn't
12s oh we have Bloodrock hello MA - hello
14s and oh my god okay name what Bruno Wow
19s first David I forgot it I love you Bruno
23s I'm so sorry Hey it's cuz I nearly said
25s Maude gambits real name no sorry about
29s that it still happens it's terrible so
32s names food Oh quick announcements we're
38s a first things first this week's Q&A
40s streams gone back to its basics it's
42s nothing but questions questions
45s questions for 60 minutes but not so
47s quick and there's not a quiz this week's
48s questions there's not a quiz it's
51s actually a question about this a bit
53s further on I'll jump to that in a second
54s but first there is a sellout there has
56s to be a sellout is what funds these
57s screams exclamation point runefest
60s to be able get more information about
62s runefest we are runefest we are still
63s selling tickets I'm gonna stick my what
65s I said previously this year's gonna be
67s the biggest year yet for announcements
69s for old school I'm saying it I'm
70s sticking by it everybody's gonna be here
73s are you guys going right yep yep you're
77s going as a play or anything I'm going as
78s a player you're gonna have a nice
80s relaxing time where we all behind stage
82s sweating about er you know tell
85s everybody about about all those Dragon
89s Slayer 17 probably that's all that's the
91s next one
92s raids no no for that reg 9 we got it
95s moving on to the coal actually before
97s we've gotten questions there is one more
99s thing we don't talk about as well
100s tomorrow's update tomorrow's update is
102s the LMS update which you've all been
104s working on together with the beta
106s thank you so much for your feedback of
107s course all about implementation of the
109s line of sight stuff we can't thank you
111s enough for that there's gonna be new
113s rewards of course coming out which have
115s passed the poll several there's two
117s tradable and several cosmetic with that
119s in mind however it's also worth pointing
120s out that with tomorrow's blog posts we
123s will be posting is it ten additional
126s awards I want to say I think there's 12
127s there's about twelve additional rewards
130s that we want to poll so that there is
132s going to be more stuff potential
133s coming to LNS in the future we're still
135s releasing LNS tomorrow so you can gather
137s the points in case more all those Pat's
139s so exciting news for you guys there and
141s I'm gonna pass it on to mod Rock to say
144s we've chosen to of what we think are
146s some of the cooler rewards that you guys
147s might like to know about now before
149s tomorrow so let's pass another night
151s made of yeah so one of the things we are
155s polling is a possible addition to the
159s Eldar mall to give it a slightly a bit
161s more accuracy and a bit more use for
163s there I think it was I think it's ten
167s attack bonus and two or three strength
172s something like that just to give it a
174s little bit to increase its use in a few
176s places and another one is we are going
180s to poll a new teleport tablet which will
184s take you to round the fishing spots on
186s the east side of the wilderness around
187s level 36 given where all the teleports
191s all locations you can get into the
192s winners are from they all seem to be on
195s the western side with the exception of
198s like the court cave and greater demons
201s so we wanted to kind of have another one
203s in there so it gives players a bit more
206s access to the fountain of rune Callisto
211s and then an artist as well and the fish
214s and the fishing spot yeah so there you
216s go two of the excitement Ward's coming
219s tomorrow inside the blog posts and the
220s release post keep an eye out for the
222s other ten that will be in there now that
224s might be interesting to what you guys
227s opinions are and should we talk about in
229s the ones that are coming out to me yeah
231s please do happy yes hey so the two
237s tradable awards are current tomorrow is
238s the new a swift blade we've called it it
242s is a three speed attack weapon with zero
245s stats but it actually looks like a
248s weapon so for those of you that do enjoy
251s using the three speed attack weapons but
252s don't necessarily want to hand without a
255s ham or I think the fish is a three speed
260s as well but it has negative stats it's
262s kind of like to make it a little bit
263s more runescape II
265s and also the true ver parchments which
269s is kind of like a big deal it certainly
271s took most of our work today on the road
274s it down it wasn't a small job but was
276s almost as much work as everything else
278s I've done for the mini-game yeah that
280s okay so the idea behind a true parchment
283s is that you take it to Purdue with the
284s item and what he will do is he will lock
287s in quotation marks the item so when a
290s player uses it in the wilderness
291s regardless of what wilderness level
292s they're in when they die they will keep
294s the item in its unbroken form and 75% of
299s the cost that was used to lock it will
302s give you a warded to the pka so allow
304s players to take things like full void
306s into the deep wilderness but it will
307s cost you two mill defenders inferno
310s capes things like that to give a little
311s bit more use around some of the higher
313s items and people want to take but don't
315s necessarily want to get back there if
318s you want to see any of the other rewards
319s that have passable quashing checking
320s game on the blog obviously tomorrow's
322s news posts they'll be coming out
324s we don't offset i'm underscore michael
326s who's getting very angry we spent five
327s minutes without asking questions so
328s we're going to jump straight into those
330s right now to keep Michael happy don't
333s worry mate we've got your back don't
334s worry Michael sorry Michael so let's
337s move on to the first question Oh before
338s we do that sorry Michael school RS if
344s you have any questions from the chat our
346s wonderful mod Mars will be collecting
347s those and putting them on my iPad I hope
350s that was okay sorry Michael right let's
352s move on to the first question coming
353s from slot says what it's not Michael
355s from slot says what well what is the
358s team's opinion on more best in slot or
360s close to it non-tradable Gear abilities
362s that come from questioning activities
363s Barrow's gloves is one of the few items
365s that is memorable and an accomplishment
366s because after recipe of disaster it's
368s extremely easily accessible the problem
372s had been coming from quest is obviously
373s yeah you get this great new item at the
375s end but there's no kind of like ability
377s to trade them with the players as well
378s so there's no real money to be made from
380s it in that kind of way so I think it's
382s good to have a healthy mix of some that
384s are and some that aren't or in our case
386s most of them that aren't and the one
389s that is I think we've got a good balance
392s right now in terms of free-to-play yeah
395s tradable and on trader biomes
397s especially if now we've got something
399s works extensive Mechanics for what the
401s untradable ones do when you die with
403s them mm-hmm like these parchments coming
405s out tomorrow cool fantastic
409s next question from host okra they asked
412s would you be willing to run suggestion
413s contests with the playerbase such as an
415s item sink suggestion contest as long as
421s a contest didn't determine that it was
423s something that we had to do and we
424s polled it by the player base first and
426s stuff like that if it was like the
427s player design content I think of the
430s fall where the players favorite idea was
433s the one that got put to the 75% yes or
435s no vote which gave us a mother lode mine
437s and roof top agility mm-hmm and gave us
441s the authors and skill as well which
443s didn't pass is 75% poll in the end so we
445s didn't see that again I think that's
447s where it came from got thoughts
452s frankly I was just quite fond of those
454s anyway yeah there's definitely some good
457s ideas by the community we've seen lots
458s of them for example Isaiah redesign that
461s by itself was very much like helped by
464s the community and shaped how the
466s community wanted it to be shaped it's
468s just a next-level on top of the fact
470s that we not only just poll what comes in
472s but then polling what we polled to put
474s in fact that next year which is pretty
476s good then we can start doing polls and
478s turn on what we're going to do a player
479s design contest Paul on maybe like three
481s tiers up and you just keep going yes but
482s it could be a genuine thing for ya
485s would you like it to be on this topic
486s that topic or some others holes no I'm
488s not kidding on a theme and then Paul the
490s suggestion yeah then Paul and then we
492s have a nice little backlog as well of
493s things that were rated in order have a
496s straw poll how about words they like the
497s idea of any PVC in general do you think
501s that I was mostly big facetious sorry
506s Madeline thought I saw she was actually
508s good she loaded up the page she was
509s going out there will get will get scroll
512s Paul in at some point mass remember at
514s altschool
515s RS if you do have questions for us on
516s the chat next question from unlikely
519s island they ask oh this is about the
522s quiz a thing earlier that I mentioned
524s earlier I like the idea of doing quizzes
525s on the QA but the last few streams have
527s seen kind of lackluster very few
529s questions seem to get answered so if
531s keep doing quizzes can they be done in
532s another stream or after the hour of
533s queue neighs so yes we are aware of your
537s feedback which is why this scream is
540s going to be essentially 55 minutes of
542s questions today we're going back to our
544s roots I don't think it's wrong to say
547s that some people enjoy those streams
549s people enjoy getting free membership
551s that being said we're also very aware
553s that people don't really want it to be
554s eating into their Q&A time so we will we
558s will probably continue doing quizzes
560s probably more sporadically first of all
562s and also we're looking at doing them in
565s separate dedicated slots in the future
567s as well so don't worry we have heard
569s your feedback thank you so much for by
571s the way they were try out specifically
572s for this reason straw poll question
576s should we have a straw poll yes at 52%
578s definitely a 10% and absolutely a 37%
580s thank you very much for that mod mares
582s so yes they are those who answer their
584s question next from lonely beer never
587s likes a lonely beer what happened to the
590s personal projects of the OS RS
592s developers mod ed mentioned them being
594s cancelled in 2018 in the dev blog posted
596s earlier today which was first her wish
599s at first they heard about their removal
600s funny kids are doing yeah okay yeah so I
604s think what this is referring to is that
608s question why why were these canceled and
614s what if anything replaced them so yeah
617s there was thing back in 2018 where
620s though we lost our tap time for a period
626s of for a period where tap stands for
629s technically stands for Thursday all day
631s personal projects but we do nails on a
633s Friday I'll let you call say what we
635s named in the house but essentially what
638s we did it was to more focus on the
641s objectives and things that we wanted to
643s get from the game now staff members are
646s welcome to continue to do them in their
648s free time and in fact that we do
650s allocate some of our regular development
653s time to be able to come up with these
654s ideas now for instance Last Man Standing
658s is actually a personal project that I
661s started back in April
663s and comes out tomorrow so we still do do
666s them I just don't think there is in your
670s face and there's known as they were
672s previously yes we do not tap in your
675s face quite so much and Primerica exhales
679s of course it's coming as well was also a
681s project thanks everybody
683s yeah this'll exist don't worry Theatre
686s of blood was an idea from a personal
688s project day yeah as Chris's there get
691s quite the inferno was did that mmm
694s there's definitely content that comes
696s from the ideas that we create mister we
698s have slightly less hyperbole ones the
700s bit where so sometimes we send it in
702s game broadcast that you can click to
704s open a link that's one of mine it wasn't
707s as exciting as last-man-standing
709s but it's good it was sure helpful and
712s did well for the dev post numbers yeah I
714s gotta say like I think the amount of
716s people that read our dev course
717s literally tripled I think a quintupled
719s actually like five times more people
721s were reading our like news posts based
724s on that because when you log in
725s obviously it prompts you to read on you
727s post so please do also keep doing this
729s that's fantastic also Island came from a
731s tech project mm-hm
732s so we do do them we just end up
735s filtering them in I like this Angeles is
737s a bit short I'm sure about that one a
739s camera at a project 15 year ago it was a
743s personal project man then oh really
747s oh okay - yells office a little bit cool
751s so those answered that question next
753s question from naio reborn they asked
755s with warning not passing the poll this
757s much has this freed up a lot of time
758s throughout the team what's going on and
760s what's the time being used for instead
763s it didn't actually use a lot of the
765s team's time in the first place I think
766s that's quite a common misconception yeah
768s that everyone thought all of us were
770s going in with trying to get warding out
773s to you guys to review etc but it only
776s really involved like a couple of people
778s the designer a community manager who was
780s dealing with the news posts who was
782s doing other things as well yeah same
783s time and then occasionally meetings
785s would be called to kind of discuss ideas
786s and even then they wouldn't last that
788s long so and what loss of the team didn't
790s go to them yes correct so it's generally
794s been business as usual intern
796s of like content and updates which
797s obviously not not to sound like I'm
799s broken record but last-man-standing
802s allow allowed us to do that as well and
803s it's not for the record it's not to say
805s that warding didn't have a lot of time
807s but that's not saying you know it's just
809s kind of underhand kind of thing about
811s income in comparison to most designs
814s that we've done it's had the most I'd
816s say some of the most but some of the
819s most of a little time is still not a lot
822s of time kind of thing right it's not
824s like it had prototypes and it was you
826s know developed in half way and anything
828s like that
828s the design lead designer on it happens
831s to be a rather good artist so he tended
833s to produce graphics to express himself a
835s lot it's all done in personal project
837s time be endued one thing that did have a
840s lot of actual meetings in brainstorming
842s was fossil Island itself where Mars
844s shared a whole series of meetings if
846s people went outside the old school team
848s but people across the studio getting to
849s come and share ideas and and throw in so
853s many concepts what we could do what we
856s might do just anything so that we could
859s select from a pretty byte wide library
862s of concepts to make the actual blog and
865s I'm still upset with one of the things
868s that we didn't manage to get in Basel I
870s learned because of death
872s we have a ton of ideas of end up doing
873s can I can I mention one Mars was a yes
880s the one started a we had this really
882s cool idea we just didn't have the dev
884s time we do it at the time because you
885s know we can iterate on something forever
886s this middle yes but we had this cool
889s idea where the volcano on fossil Island
893s we were going to introduce some form of
894s abseiling and it would be like you avoid
897s Rock Falls and he claims that it was
898s like an agility course where you
899s actually it was kind of like improved
901s agility pyramid the give you agility and
904s I think gave you feeding experience yeah
907s you're stealing with birds nests and
908s stuff and that was a pretty cool idea I
910s quite like the abseiling but didn't come
912s to be alas there we go maybe one day in
914s the future we'll see yeah a
918s little-little spot or some other stuff
919s that we sometimes don't end up getting
920s around to do next question guys you want
923s to yeah let's go you know cool from Alex
926s they asked can we possibly have a
928s deposit pit but
929s similar to the deposit all buttons that
930s exist within the bank I guess just so
932s occasion the amount of bottom bar is
934s getting a linear foot boon so I don't
936s everyone with it in principle yeah on
939s the assumption that it's obviously going
941s to be toggleable sure why not
942s all the other ones are aren't they yeah
944s yeah I don't see myself running into it
946s that often but I can get away so nine
949s could you open your bank you deposit
951s everything you're like oh wait I got a
952s pet so you get your pal
954s put it in the bank pee everything I
956s could see it being useful in the deposit
958s boxes to come oh yeah the fact there's
961s one sitting right outside last man
962s standing where you want where you
963s currently want to deposit your whole
964s inventory until tomorrow yeah you still
969s want to deposit your pet yeah okay cool
974s next question from artillery they asked
976s will there ever be a sink for extra God
978s pages and blessings maybe they can be
980s used on a base god book of blessing to
982s imbue of charges for - NAT increases
984s charges use per attack while it's warm
987s that's his suggestion I'll hire
989s suggestion I don't think the book is
993s some cells running of some of the books
995s aren't as great as the others so you
996s will take like the book of lore over
998s perhaps like the Sam book or whatever -
1000s Benny way of doing it but I think I
1004s don't think the other ones are good
1006s enough to need a buff to be honest this
1009s isn't really gonna help much it's only
1011s really gonna help iron men who have got
1013s duplicates and people who are hiding
1015s bundles pages because the bandhas books
1017s quite useless I do want to use for those
1019s pages yeah I just haven't heard a good
1022s enough thing yet although there was that
1025s spell idea where you can consume
1027s honoring you getting hat enchanted by
1028s that God for like 30 minutes so you're
1030s not attacking God was but I such a niche
1032s thing yeah that's as cool and thematic
1035s as it is it's just not gonna sink them
1037s out quick enough maybe a sort of her
1038s blow-up date where you kind of roll them
1040s into a tube and use it with herb okay
1046s right and pages
1048s yes yeah any did somebody to say that
1054s sounds too private server e what to
1057s being able to burn a page for God
1059s protection yeah how's that sound
1061s I don't know why they would want to
1063s text you if you're burning was one of
1064s that I'd like you maybe you get the
1066s opposite one invent our Darwin's a
1068s maracas texture they got their genetics
1072s we have some weird stuff in our game I
1074s sometimes I see some things and I go
1076s that seems a little like something that
1077s we wouldn't make but then sometimes I'm
1078s just like you know to be fair were in a
1080s game where you could open something and
1082s you find poeple we've covered a lot of a
1083s lighter colors already but using GOG
1086s pages to make new kinds of fire lighters
1088s remotely tempting telling the problem is
1092s is that the fire lighters don't really
1094s have a use of the man but what if the
1095s god fire lighters when you used it on a
1097s log gave you prayer and Feynman's be
1099s when you lit the log oh he's done it
1101s let's say that's live to silence dream
1103s come out next week next Thursday well
1106s there's not going to be personal
1108s projects yeah but yeah okay well that's
1112s let's move on from that on it this lots
1115s of chat questions so I'm going to go
1116s ahead and jump on to them thank you very
1117s much modern man's for gathering some of
1119s these don't have names of these ones but
1121s first question is how are you going to
1123s stop completionist cleanse boosting LMS
1126s for rewards so the rewards from Last Man
1130s Standing will not actually appear on the
1132s collection log the reason for this is
1136s that because they can be sold back to
1138s the shop for a number of points back and
1141s we felt that it wasn't particularly it's
1143s not a mechanic that we like avoid say
1145s God will Castle Wars already had it so
1148s when we went with the release that was
1150s what happened but yeah so if you're
1155s going for the collection log then there
1157s are nothing from LMS become if you just
1159s want the items for the sake of saying
1160s them from Saint having them then if it
1165s becomes problematic we will look to see
1167s what we can do in the future I suppose
1169s we could have always taken away the
1170s refund option but mostly when we have a
1173s minigame shop without a refund option
1174s people really really want one and it
1176s seems best to prioritize that one than
1179s to prioritize a collection look trouble
1181s is the two don't go very well in the
1183s same shop there will also only be one
1186s members world this is a revert back to
1188s so the worlds are going to be going back
1190s to what they were pre beta release if we
1194s feel we need more we will probably have
1196s but the idea is that we're going back so
1199s to start with there will be one members
1200s wealth so the chances of you being able
1202s to get enough people in to kind of do
1205s that will be very little I'd does expect
1210s got another chat question can you please
1213s add quantity buttons to the desktop
1215s version of the bank deposit box it's
1216s very handy on mobile I thought was
1218s already no I think that was done is the
1220s mobile thing without affecting the
1221s desktop version the game mm-hmm yeah we
1224s can pull it for desktop
1225s probably very easily yeah there's
1228s probably more coordinate to stop it from
1230s appearing than there is yes make it mind
1233s you I don't recall which of our dev
1235s astaire if it's one of the current ones
1239s that's probably fine but some of the
1241s worked on for interfaces last year was
1244s not needed a bit of reworking when we
1246s came to do it to the main bank cool no
1251s chat question could we get an agility
1252s shortcut to do Odell in Shiloh village
1255s as he'll run up the wall or something
1256s east of the gem mine you but there's a
1261s latter yeah okay all you need so you
1263s don't have to hop over and then can you
1266s not get and then go across the bridge
1267s though well you know you can't so the
1270s ways to get to do or down now is either
1271s teleport directly with the gloves or
1273s teleport to the gem line with the gloves
1275s and then run over the agility shortcut
1276s which is now a medium diary requirement
1278s yes nicely used to be an elite yeah or
1280s you can just run over the bridge that's
1282s right next to you like I'm there is a
1286s plethora of ways that you can do I don't
1287s see how another nigra is really gonna
1289s help do the elite if you want it that
1291s that if you really want to care about
1293s shaving off those couple of seconds yeah
1294s but Wolff honestly the medium harsh see
1296s bad RC bad Slayer good I've got it is
1301s that right yes is that is that reddit
1303s karma it's that good you can have an
1305s upload from me great fantastic you a
1308s dozer the chat and has opinions perfect
1313s Louis one more chat question I'll jump
1316s back to the main questions can you add a
1319s travel option to the rowboat on lunar
1321s Isles get back to a relative my seems
1324s fair why robo there's a boat there well
1327s going via moss join
1329s Island is slightly annoying oh all the
1332s way right that makes sense
1334s sounds good like that you need another
1338s reward for phrenic exiles no no wait we
1343s go way way you could take away your seal
1348s of passage and get the bank it's just
1350s hoof you off to off the island with
1353s magic doesn't work if you've got a
1356s certain diary done because you don't
1357s need to see the passage and they won't
1359s move you anymore we proposed at one
1361s point that we had a portal to that Bank
1362s because it's a magical town there are
1364s actually allowed to have a teleport
1366s feature that would be available that
1368s diarrhea someone click exit and that
1371s might actually be more convenient than
1372s the boat because people who can just
1376s take off their sailor passage will still
1378s be able to get back faster by just
1379s having a character from the island who
1382s them hmm I would who for some conspiracy
1386s or something a question about feminine
1389s exhales and seeing I honestly couldn't
1391s tell you when it's coming we're not
1393s fully done with it yet and the poll
1395s hasn't happened yet - that would be
1397s happening happening I believe this week
1398s and this week I think I think so and I
1402s can't promise I'm not gonna lie and I'm
1404s going to I be for tomorrow so I'm kind
1406s I've kind of washed my hands for the
1407s next two days to ensure that I can I can
1411s not worry about work while I'm away but
1415s I'm pretty sure the poll will be coming
1416s out at the end of this week and I'll be
1418s going over the weekend as most of our
1420s larger polls do soon here
1422s yeah soon TM yes yeah yeah and of course
1427s obviously your guys feedback has already
1429s been noted down on the blog post if you
1431s check it you can see what's changed on
1432s that I think it's pretty darn soon
1434s because we've got the whole booth booked
1435s thereafter for the most rewards again
1437s yes so expect it probably near the end
1440s of this week mod mod acorn will be able
1443s to let us know at some point so I'm
1447s gonna move on from the chat questions
1448s thank you so much for those guys if you
1450s want more chat questions please do at
1454s all school RS if you want yours to be
1455s read out and let them back to the
1458s premade questions we offer sorry pre
1460s fans not premiered we didn't write these
1462s we got them from the reddit thread and
1463s from Twitter scripted by the way by
1466s Michael yes thanks Michael
1469s all those asks are there any plans on
1471s any new prayer gear I don't have any
1474s suggestions in particular I just think
1475s cross light and God vestments being top
1476s tier doesn't fit a leveling /
1478s achievement standpoint I mean most of my
1481s itself is very useful yeah mmm it is
1483s quite strong for how cheap it is as well
1486s yeah I think best in slot for major
1489s tasks if you don't have an insert
1490s ancestral I believe yeah yeah since I
1492s really would like to do is seek a slug
1494s sequel that sort of would imply acolyte
1497s of course petrosal like being as you say
1500s pretty good for what it is means we
1503s don't necessarily want to go very far
1504s third about with acolyte it's kind of
1507s weird
1507s we'd have to go I think we'd have to do
1509s something a little bit different so I've
1510s just plus an extra five prayer already
1512s at a point where it's really slow if you
1513s do cross a line we probably have to end
1515s up doing something jazzy like there'll
1517s be dark acolyte and light acolyte and
1518s you know certain prayers are affected in
1520s different ways if you wear this full set
1522s and wear this full set these sights of
1524s set of prayers work different as in
1525s protection prayers work differently or
1527s this prayer works differently etc but
1529s yeah don't don't meaning know who talked
1533s about something where it benefits you if
1535s you're using the right prayer
1536s oh it's you know that's wrong that was a
1538s discussion that we had earlier and based
1540s on one of the rewards that was suggested
1542s for Last Man Standing it was a upgrade
1544s to the brimstone ring that Rheem is more
1548s Ford hybrid in way if your opponent is
1551s on the wrong the right prayer on the
1553s wrong prayer you do more damage and vice
1555s versa oh I like that
1557s the first thing yeah so basically it was
1559s - it was good yeah but also penalizes
1563s you if that's really good yeah
1567s next question from ultimate Island
1570s herblore
1570s they asked can define portions be given
1572s a buff to the experience given when
1573s creating currently it's only not point
1575s five XP per dose and it seems extremely
1578s low I think they were intentionally
1581s given low XP so a lot people will abuse
1584s it because they can very easily just
1586s like spam shards mmm no shards dust onto
1592s potions which is just by so
1594s if you were to give them like a few
1596s hundred XP per like potion that'd be
1598s quite a lot does it not use the same
1599s system as like Zora scales and adding a
1601s my eyes I think so I think so I think
1604s the worry was also the fact that it adds
1606s especially for Iron Men in particular
1608s ironically that's why they've got stacks
1611s of portions already saved up that
1614s they're never going to use and if you've
1616s essentially got the ability to upgrade
1617s them straight up it just it's just too
1620s much free experience injection it's not
1622s free then you get the shards but they've
1624s just got that laying there ready to do
1626s right now I think that was why though
1628s yeah mm-hmm would be though to 1xb
1633s instead of not revive double the XP
1636s mm-hmm I think it's not that quite a
1639s string yeah lunch zero guy asks oh sorry
1644s no I read the wrong question otters are
1647s cute asks can golden tench be moved to
1649s the offhand slot it's clear that it's
1651s not meant to be used as a weapon seeing
1653s as its have offensive stats nerfed
1654s almost immediately and the weapon slot
1656s is already chock full of fashion scape
1658s items but the shield slot is lacking
1659s lastly it would allow you to equip it
1662s with a weapon slot fishing rod that came
1664s out at the same time which I think would
1665s look great on tits that's standard for
1670s the things left in the phone cast it's a
1672s standard fun weapon yeah yeah yeah stick
1677s it in the off hand slot is what I'm sure
1679s it's possible the artists change its
1681s model to go on the other side although
1684s that may not give quite what what it was
1686s meant to be for it's meant to be just
1689s like a rubber chicken but fish for
1693s pescetarians
1697s it's one of those it could be done if
1699s people truly wanted it doesn't sound
1701s like there's much of a desire I think
1703s and of course if you do do a thing like
1705s that to the item that players already
1707s have equipped you end up with some
1709s interesting stuff on login cool
1713s robotic pegleg asks can we have more
1716s trophy hot spots in the skill hall
1718s there's currently a couple of hot
1720s spotless walls and a massive number of
1721s Slayer heads that can be obtained
1723s would you consider adding a hundred
1724s trophy hotspot in the skill hall to
1726s revitalize some lesser used hunter
1728s methods example pit traps that's two
1730s questions sorry I'm pretty sure it can
1732s accommodate another hot spots as a prize
1735s that that's the we've had a previous
1737s request where it was put it on the slot
1739s and you could rotate my finger like that
1741s one
1742s I think I prefer that one oh yeah for
1744s the heads for sure but if there is
1745s another thing that players would like to
1747s show off in their trophy room then I
1750s think back in 2016 we added the
1752s expansion to have at least one more I
1754s think we went from seven to eight yep
1757s and what it's worth I could have gone
1759s further I think we have went further in
1761s one room house feeling we hit nine at
1764s one point somebody else may have done
1766s that she didn't think so hmm I doubt
1769s they've taken it all the way to capacity
1771s I'm guessing but I'm just I doubt they
1774s have hunter rogue as a trophy sounds
1776s they kill I like that here just like a
1778s kayak on the floor it was a head like
1782s well it's they're all virtual no actual
1785s cruelty is involved oh yeah it's not
1786s it's not real it's ten but they just
1788s respawn it's fine
1789s nobody hopes Nouriel sorry - sorry to
1793s disappoint
1794s Zeus doe askin revenant caves of some
1796s sort of requirement added to limit
1797s scouting perhaps the medium wilderness
1800s diary was suggested somebody's got set
1803s with a player they concluded it probably
1805s wasn't gonna help very much because the
1807s requirements could be gotten the account
1809s wasn't gonna go anywhere but some I
1810s don't have from that doing it um I'm a
1815s bit in two minds about this one when I
1817s read the question earlier cheeky and had
1820s a look
1822s having low-level accounts like that your
1824s various places to kind of look for
1826s targets has always kind of been a thing
1828s it's a thing that was a very powerful
1830s effective thing as I say build a lab
1833s build the low level 2013 on bat people
1836s that can take those guys out all yeah
1838s although for nothing cuz the one we risk
1841s anything it it's very much right go with
1843s the player base on this but personally
1845s I'm kind of like is it something that
1847s really should be changed if you change
1850s if you stop people from scouting one
1852s area and then say how can you not learn
1854s level one account at gorrik I think the
1856s problem might not be legitimate players
1858s scouting which is why they might be
1861s requesting something like a diary entry
1863s requirement to limit the possibility of
1866s creating those accounts in a similar
1870s akin to when we block things like box
1872s crafts making a bit harder yet if yeah
1875s if people find there is a genuine issue
1877s as a result then hmm it does come up
1881s occasionally I would not object to doing
1885s it I think I agree and then one I'm
1890s going to jump onto the chat questions
1891s again so at let's go RS if you have any
1893s questions that you want to be asked
1896s check questions are always lucky dips
1898s and I never read them beforehand so I'm
1901s always nervous I'm gonna read something
1902s out that's like a really poor suggestion
1904s so not no pressure but I'm gonna ask mod
1907s Myers to also start gathering names as
1908s well so that if there isn't that
1909s question it's on you so first question
1912s is can we make the auto chat not able to
1914s be filtered there is currently no chance
1916s to complete the house horst with a chat
1918s bot as everyone has it filtered on by
1920s default and then I have a message from
1921s mod matters here that says plug the
1924s house interface of course the house
1925s interface past a poll when do it when do
1928s the past July July mod Myers has
1931s finished the work on that it's now
1932s within QA so and we're hoping to get
1933s that out within the next few weeks I
1935s tweeted out pictures but already I
1938s believe so at jagex Myers if you'd like
1940s to check those out where you can assign
1941s yourself you make yourself up as a house
1943s owner
1943s it shows what tier your altar is what
1947s tear your lectern is and your portal
1949s Nexus and all the jazz that you want to
1951s know from people and all the way to the
1953s right there's a button that lets you
1954s enter their house in particular
1955s I don't remember that now the portal of
1958s that location
1960s providing your up the correct ball you
1961s can't teleport to Remington if you're in
1963s polemic niche for example why you would
1966s be there is another matter
1967s yeah if the house isn't at the location
1970s you are it has a three-letter word yes
1972s well I'll tell you where to go a
1973s three-letter would know what might out
1975s to that to me well I'm not gonna let the
1977s players guess what Remington might be
1978s mm-hmm so moving on to the next question
1983s from the chat kind of lost Giants in the
1985s wilderness drop the mossy keys half the
1987s rare I kill giant keys on a sidenote and
1990s the motto actually has to do that
1991s question first it's gonna say I looked
1993s into that and found there's already a
1994s double drop rate for and being on task
1996s so if we do it for the wilderness it's
2000s gonna be pretty darn good if you're on
2001s task can you go in the wilderness we
2003s might be alright if that's not a no but
2004s I think this is to make mossy keys a
2007s little more viable for the I amendment
2009s and now getting the bryophytes or
2010s essence worth quiz and I'm not too upset
2012s no possibility to be honest with you it
2015s sounds pretty good
2016s he also says on a side note can the moss
2019s boss if you put on a side no it doesn't
2021s change the fact there's another question
2022s to the record on a side note can the
2024s moss boss also always drop the insole
2027s giant head like the giant boss don't
2031s have a problem with that
2032s awesome makes sense and consistent yeah
2034s it's possible that there who made the
2036s most well didn't know what the previous
2038s one was doing for him in fact on lunch I
2041s think the Deaf who made the original
2043s giant boss thought it was giving a
2046s guaranteed head every time they'd found
2047s it wasn't because the heads would
2048s disable an instance to her face of
2052s course we hope fix that can the bar
2057s crawl minigame be updated to include the
2059s new pub in Lumbridge well it can that
2063s will not affect people who've already
2064s done it we could have them take it out
2068s anyway for funsies to feel the or real
2070s barbarian eventually show that they have
2072s done it even though they never
2073s personally did it and or we end up
2078s having to handle it players get to
2079s restart a bit in the bar brawl but still
2082s have the rewards but can just it's one
2084s thing off to make it go green on the
2086s list once this seems like a surprising
2088s line
2089s with yeah something's smoking there's a
2091s player that just enjoys watching the
2093s world burn and wants to pour salt in a
2094s wound I agree that's why I mean by this
2097s the prom with chat questions they're
2098s always they're always a little random
2100s time I'm gonna say that one was from
2101s Michael sometimes sometimes you get good
2104s ones sometimes are not so great and
2105s Michael from upstairs if you're
2107s listening I'm very sorry that Michael
2109s now that may I
2111s I didn't want to skip this question in
2113s the chat question list cuz I did skim
2116s read through it but has been put on my
2118s list so I'm gonna read it out just I
2120s know what your response is going to be
2122s to this one I think just just let them
2125s have this okay what do you think about
2128s the read what do you think about an idea
2130s called rune shrines they were kind of
2133s like birdhouses but instead located on
2136s Luna Island give runes and moon crafting
2139s XP whereas if you built altars I get
2142s construction or smithing XP as an
2144s introduction baba yaga calls for aid and
2147s scroll she is found let's put this song
2150s penny bludgeon me with this a little
2151s it's good just to put this on him but I
2154s read it I read it beforehand I knew that
2156s would be the response the well that goes
2159s to a certain type of suggestion of the
2161s week I'm guessing at the hard-nosed
2164s everyone yeah that's it most certainly
2165s is yeah birdhouses
2168s it just has a as a no I think birdhouses
2172s are kind of nice but I think we're very
2175s aware that they are relatively powerful
2177s and become a metaphor certain player
2179s types as well and yeah I think we've
2184s learned for our lesson with birdhouses
2185s that maybe in the future we're not going
2186s to do that exact kind of content again
2188s especially with something like R in
2189s crafting this is why you need tech names
2192s maths as I say others we could have
2194s called them out but we can't call them
2195s out the bit that makes me the bay that
2200s makes me chuckle is obviously we
2201s announced the requirements for friending
2204s exiles as well and there was a few
2205s comments about me having 55mm crafting I
2207s had a look
2208s 55 ever in crafting is 160 kxp if you
2212s get access to fossil Island and train
2214s your account on fossil Island kinds of
2216s fossils you can do 120 kxb of that
2218s already then add in a few quests that
2220s give XP lamps or rewards above level 20
2223s you're done but I'll see bad yes I'm
2229s sorry I it was on the list and it was
2231s annoying me because it was it wasn't
2233s ticked off yet so there you go there's
2235s your question ask runecrafting is 48
2239s carrier at level 90 your training it
2241s wrong what what's the room wow I'm not
2247s really training if it's getting 48 cakes
2250s I'm guessing that's gonna say that
2251s you're you're not doing something right
2252s you're not really training it we're just
2254s doing souls which is like very FK what's
2258s the room besides saradomin a god wars
2260s room when you zoom out what was that
2263s room originally I think I know this
2264s answer is but I think in the water
2265s passage between you know when you go
2269s into the to get into the samurai bit you
2272s swim through some water the original
2275s plan was that you'd go into the water
2278s and have to swim through an underwater
2279s passage and there'd be creatures there
2282s and fish were made for it including
2285s angler fish which we stole the graphic
2286s from and I think we do some of the
2289s underwater graphics as well the Kraken
2293s boss cave um
2295s anywho that was the original plan the
2298s dev didn't proceed with it but the
2301s graphics still existed and it was all
2304s mapped just south of the saradomin area
2306s because you know it's kind of down from
2309s Sam right so why not put it there they
2313s could have put it somewhere else
2314s Pech we could have removed it before
2315s we'd Lord God Wars dungeon but we
2317s finally kind of liked it Salameh it's
2320s been a nice conversation points all this
2322s time yeah it's not something we're
2327s planning on doing a lot with right now
2329s but it remains an option and of course
2332s we nixed a few graphics from bits over
2333s the years well next question asks will
2339s the new Nets not helm upgrade be from a
2342s new boss or just after completion of the
2344s quest you don't just get it by
2346s completing the quest it's not handed to
2348s you you'll have to kill the new Slayer
2350s creature the basilisk mate and it will
2353s have a drop rate the drop rate is
2357s lower and higher work both the same way
2360s in this but in sensor if you're on
2362s Slayer tasks you will get it more
2363s commonly the unique drop required to
2365s create the helmet if you're off task and
2367s just trying to farm them similar to
2368s hydras you're unlikely to get the the
2372s attachment as frequently like
2374s substantially less frequently so yeah
2379s that's how that works makes 30 I've got
2382s names now always exciting mace 30 asks
2385s can we get a way to obtain the dragon
2387s pickaxe other than wilderness bosses the
2390s dragon axe can be gotten through the
2391s winter Todd but nothing like that for
2393s the pickaxe such as possibly adding the
2394s reward organic miners otoño et cetera
2396s well I do not particularly like that
2399s these mining the item comes from a
2404s completely overrated boss I also prefer
2409s not to take a wilderness only feature
2411s and makes it accessible elsewhere angry
2413s you can kill KBD for it as well where
2415s the boss itself is in a safe area a bit
2418s easier for you and I think my main
2421s problem of this is the dragon axe was
2423s very easy to get you can just kill
2425s daggermouth Kings which is like it was
2427s hard 10 years ago it's not really hard
2429s anymore which is why it's so in safe
2431s spot one of them literally where I was
2434s like the dragon pickaxe is pretty damn
2437s rare from the safe KBD
2439s and if you want it you'll have to go to
2442s the wilderness and doing wilderness
2443s bosses which is quite dangerous and
2444s gibbous price I don't really see it
2447s keeping such a stable high price if we
2449s added it to like volcanic plan for
2451s example so quite like it how it is right
2455s now sorry yeah sorry like the
2458s suggestions that the you know the
2460s fountain of room you can charge things a
2462s bit higher and we've never let people do
2467s exactly that with the guy who combines
2469s charges outside the wilderness and we're
2473s keeping it that way yeah sounds good I
2476s do prefer when there's names because now
2478s there's a person that the chat can be
2481s upset with and as opposed to I was
2482s asking the question they have an
2483s interesting name this one actually is
2486s difficult to pronounce but this is a
2488s good question and
2489s one that you might like to answer junior
2491s kex asks what happened to colored hits
2494s Blatz any update so I saw tweeted a few
2499s weeks back I've made quite a lot of
2501s progress on that one
2502s it's nice wall job one of the things I
2505s have to do is change all the custom
2510s damage scripts for NPCs across the whole
2513s game to use a new format that can take
2517s into it who did the damage you know
2519s different forms what we used to have so
2522s that person could be shown a different
2523s colored splat so any other player who
2526s sees a splat so that you can see which
2528s one's your splat which ones someone
2529s else's splat I like the word splat and
2533s there's some well over a hundred of
2536s things they take awhile to do manually
2537s and I don't really want to mess one up
2539s so especially if I keep running into new
2542s ones turning up like come as all Connor
2545s and you know so I'm able while on that
2549s one especially so I'm currently doing
2550s this minigame job and for somebody
2553s else's personal project I might mention
2555s how many times can we sell out I like
2558s that mystery coming to a game tomorrow
2562s near you hey I got no problem with doing
2564s the mini game it's been a lot of fun and
2566s I think Mars worked very good very
2569s happily on it - she's not in
2572s so yeah I'm afraid I'm not there with
2574s the hit splat job yet
2576s and it might need a fair bit of testing
2578s when it's done right
2582s next question from Travis may ask using
2584s scales and blow pipe and SERP am default
2587s using all scales can we choose how many
2588s to put in let's see that was more
2594s annoying to be finished because then
2595s every single time you want to put scales
2597s in you have to type out how many you
2598s want as I say just withdraw the right
2600s yeah a bank yeah I agree
2605s it'll save you more clicks in the long
2607s run if you're with dry X rather than
2608s having to type in X oh I guess ultimate
2613s ironmen is the only exception there
2615s they're not wrong of them and will
2617s struggle to do that
2618s playing that I think they can deposit
2620s mech and withdraw X amount within the
2622s it's practically yeah Shirley thinks I
2626s thought so yeah so there's ways to do it
2627s they're all my men the regular players
2630s that I think get us one of those it's
2631s more convenient to use directly on a
2633s helmet news all I'm trying to think how
2634s we'd do it without some sort of weird
2636s toggle system another PI car is a weird
2639s toggle system and rather than as if on
2641s cue somebody said a toggle maybe in the
2643s chat it could be you get the if it
2649s brings up a input field for typing in
2651s the number and you just press Enter it
2654s could accept that to mean zero and
2659s interpret especially for this situation
2661s - that's it - I thought you meant all of
2666s them what about if you instead of it and
2669s that naturally players use the scale on
2671s the blowpipe yes what about if we made
2672s it work for specifically if you use the
2674s blowpipe on the scales it gives you the
2676s custom entry field I think I'd rather it
2679s just be the words drops and could allow
2682s you to withdraw X amount I'd like it to
2683s be a feature or to be where it's not
2685s obscure to players that see the
2688s livestreamer we kind of design that
2691s would be obscure I think the closest
2693s would be you can withdraw X amount and
2695s so withdraw automatically at least send
2697s it some way of doing it even then it's a
2699s bit it's quite a nice problem I think
2701s and that can be worked around
2703s specifically for those particular people
2705s who need that need problem solving so I
2709s summary on that one guys Yes No maybe so
2711s I think we're all looking to maybe here
2714s as I said the effort involved the
2716s benefit what gives is for me personally
2719s it's a no I don't see much benefit in it
2721s where he can just right click withdraw
2724s how many other scales we want from the
2726s bank
2729s Aero monster has a follow-up question to
2732s the hits about respond sir you gay -
2734s should game not already know who is
2736s doing the damage in order to award drops
2739s the game knows at the end of the
2742s creatures life who did most damage with
2748s usual iron player checks by the way but
2751s some that's not the same as being able
2754s to identify
2756s at the time of damage being applied for
2760s the purpose of the hit splat for that
2762s the other games currently got is the ID
2768s of the lot of the last person to hits
2770s the creature which may not be thus where
2773s there's lots of people present that may
2775s have been changed to somebody else by
2776s now so we had to change the format of
2782s the damage applying cues sorry
2786s go ask me I'm not doing it for fun
2792s Jules OWS can you make the crystal
2794s pickaxe better than the dragon pickaxe
2795s for guardians in chambers of Zurich I
2798s think there was a reason for not doing
2801s this somebody went to a lot of trouble
2805s to make it not happen because if they
2807s just create the new pickaxe the changes
2810s there at code would have seen that it
2812s had higher params and made it better
2814s automatically somebody went in and
2816s overrode that to make it not happen
2818s which suggests it was extremely
2820s deliberate I can't remember what the
2824s reason was I'm pretty sure I've had the
2825s discussion with Marquez about it when it
2827s was in development but I think it was
2830s something to make it not so that the
2832s crystal was an absolute requirement for
2834s top-end teams that was specially with
2836s iron men he would do that yeah but
2839s without asking him again I don't know so
2843s it's not something we're gonna promise
2844s to undo behind their back whoever it was
2846s mmm but it may be worth perhaps ask
2848s questioning why they did it and see if
2849s there is any movement or possibility
2854s okay we change you to a possible yeah
2856s certainly it does come opposite
2858s complained a lot that it still uses
2861s charges even though it does not give a
2863s benefit I'd queried that one and it was
2866s reminded that you are still using the
2868s thing even if it's not giving a special
2870s benefit for you using it so it will
2873s degrade from the use and if you should
2876s have chosen something else I think
2878s that's what you meant to do
2880s cool I'm gonna want to be the Reddit and
2884s Twitter questions again thank you for
2887s all those chat questions at old-school
2889s RS if you want any more to be answered
2890s emmaus or ass ask a couple more before
2894s the end of the stream we have another 12
2895s minutes I get through the rest of these
2897s questions first from C slur they ask now
2900s that captain Barnaby travels between
2902s Remington as well as between Ardoyne and
2904s broom Haven you can no longer pay a fare
2906s with one click could you think about
2908s adding a right-click travel option to
2910s the destination similar today us oh yes
2912s yeah you know what you've been tested no
2914s that's such a good idea let's have it
2915s out tomorrow because it's already done
2917s that he's tested it yeah don't put Bob
2920s lever finger on me there's only six ways
2922s that it can work so I hope it's not
2924s broth and now the embarrassing the yeah
2927s so that's coming out tomorrow a next
2930s question from penny oh I've already yes
2932s I haven't
2933s it's another penny question penniless
2935s asks any plans to add a use per player
2938s excess has poori seeds for people who
2941s farm regularly it's very easy to build
2942s up more has Bora seeds than one could
2944s ever use maybe the Slayer masters or
2946s Baba Yaga or be interested in somehow or
2947s perhaps we can trade them for seeds
2949s random we could do something like what
2954s we did at winter table when you get
2956s accessed when to todd pieces it and it
2958s gives you a role on the table of a
2959s standard seed bank that sounds about
2964s right to me that's what i would have
2965s suggested i mean there is only one patch
2967s to use them at the end of the day and if
2969s you're getting more than you're using
2970s can what about if we made those seeds
2973s perhaps have the chance of also giving
2977s the white lily in the ice or the hess
2980s poori already has the chance of gives
2982s the a saw however it's pronounced yes
2984s odds i ASO are yeah I suppose I'd never
2988s expected to notice that loop I suppose
2990s it is yeah and yeah perhaps to add those
2993s on my have like a custom seed roll for
2996s it I think sounds good that wasn't that
3000s wasn't intentional oh I know I know
3002s cool
3005s cool all right now move on the next
3007s question from rallies fatalis they asked
3012s can the process of chiseling limestone
3014s and limestone bricks be automated but
3016s not as fast as if it was to be done
3017s manually same idea of chiseling darkess
3020s essence and all the other stuff that
3022s should be fine it's generally going down
3025s over we've done that before it doesn't
3026s stop anyone doing what they were doing
3027s but it tells me that you don't mind
3030s waiting you can save yourself the
3032s clicking yeah make sense we've done if
3034s things were a lot more XP relevant than
3036s that
3036s sure next question from my life - one -
3041s they oh they asked assuming the phrenic
3044s exhales passes when should we expect it
3046s in-game
3047s again I don't really have an exact
3048s timeframe on that one but presumably
3050s within but within the next let's say
3054s three to six weeks that sounds like a
3056s reasonable estimate sounds about right
3059s so soon TM yeah soon TN tooth of wisdom
3065s asked could the clear redwood option on
3068s the patch in the farming guild be moved
3069s down the list of options or
3070s alternatively removed clearing the patch
3072s requires paying Alexandre anyway and
3075s it's easy to miss click when trying to
3076s climb off the rope ladder depends what
3083s your other options are doing
3089s don't have a I don't use bring me
3092s neither
3093s and the really used that tree especially
3096s I'm sure we can manage it yeah I mean it
3099s make sense latest there
3101s I always because I always just pay for
3104s my tree to be removed because I made the
3105s roots but yeah yeah I guess a very very
3112s solid answer coming from our from our
3115s representatives to their that's
3116s definitive maybe this one who need
3119s useless fact when they originally made
3121s farming there were different types of I
3122s thought you got to say something
3123s different that I was really worried
3124s you're gonna leak something that we
3125s shouldn't say about okay continue now
3129s I'm curious I knew there was meant to be
3131s different leaves from different types of
3133s tree that you trim off when the dizzy
3134s when the trees gets diseased and they
3137s still exist we've never made them
3140s accessible to players because farming
3142s was launched when you just getting the
3143s same kind of leaf but there is scope for
3146s the thing the items already exist for
3148s most trees not the redwood though I
3150s don't actually want to do anything of
3153s this anyway yeah do carry on yeah it was
3156s I didn't leak well sometime that wasn't
3159s what you know that wasn't it sometimes
3161s when content goes live you know there
3164s are you know there are sometimes bugs of
3166s course and sometimes we find those bugs
3169s that are in life oh yeah ballplayers are
3171s aware those bugs exist and sometimes
3174s we're happy that we find them before you
3176s guys find them because it would have
3177s been very awkward had it not have been
3180s despite have been found let's just say
3183s I'm very happy that redwood trees take
3185s days to grow otherwise we would have
3188s potentially have has an issue move on to
3193s the next question this one's coming from
3194s OS RS will add would it be possible to
3198s OS hours layer would be possible to
3201s content lock some bosses such as Zora
3204s and call I wouldn't mind having get
3205s slightly more requirements if it helps
3207s assist with the areas of blood she
3208s accounts use they're supportive just
3211s occasionally ask us to do such things
3212s and I have no doubt they were asked
3214s because again if they want more
3216s III didn't in Bruns Cape Corp had a
3220s combat requirement of 90
3222s I believe originally that was not a
3224s quest I had two quests yeah two quests
3227s which were somewhat lengthy in quite
3229s wilderness based I mean I don't know why
3231s you're going to cop cave into Corp less
3234s than level 90 but sure maybe our awesome
3238s think yeah
3239s I think this is a nice this potentially
3241s nice crop or one in general because we
3242s do these quite frequently to our view I
3244s think the community generally likes it
3246s when we add things which block off
3249s content from being as easily accessible
3251s for things that particularly are usually
3252s botted or Roger canceled your honor
3254s maybe straw poll should we add a
3259s requirement to genre let's just use aura
3262s to limit the accessibility of it does
3266s that make sense
3267s I was that too generic that's not good
3270s yeah I suspect the answer would be
3272s before many would be depends on what it
3275s is of course but she was something
3278s reasonable it will probably be something
3279s as reasonable as getting the combat
3281s levels or a song of the URLs requirement
3285s people might not like that yeah I don't
3287s I don't think it'd be somebody else
3288s suggested lady but I said it was a bit
3290s much yeah I think it's put a little bit
3293s too far so many people already have like
3295s pets and all that and mutagens art stuff
3297s without having done the quest or the
3298s other way weird so while that straw poll
3302s is going on and when we want to the next
3303s question from Oprah she asks and can the
3306s proof I don't think it's the real Oprah
3307s Kemp 15's rune shops prices be changed
3311s there currently increase in a cost
3312s faster than Betty Ann Arbor eShop which
3315s requires no stats to use I'm unclear
3318s whether the devs who put it there
3320s intended it to be a useful source of
3323s runes or just a bit of scenery to make
3325s the town look more like a town because
3328s shops are expected to that kind of
3329s purpose does it include runes that
3332s aren't normally perch upon in those
3334s shops such as the ones only found in the
3336s wilderness I'm not too certain I think
3339s that if if it is similar if it is the
3342s same as Betty and Aubrey shop which have
3345s zero requirements I would consider maybe
3348s making him be inline with it personally
3351s if it if somebody else mentioned magical
3355s as well that actually has
3356s I'm something technically so I'm not too
3358s upset about man comparison I guess it
3360s just depends on what what has in it I
3362s think oh wow oh that's a big that's big
3365s that's right that one no I don't should
3367s we add a requirement to genre to limit
3368s accessibility 88% people say yes and 12
3371s cents they know it he actually of course
3373s we noted that you need to have done a
3375s fair but the Alpha series to get there
3376s in the first place yes that is true that
3380s is I want to say it's a little
3382s surprising well not super surprising
3383s we're aware that you guys are gem refine
3385s was doing this kind of stuff because it
3386s benefits you guys there's a reasonable
3388s chance if they're the kind of ploy is
3389s tuned into this then they probably got
3392s the room whatever require more think was
3394s worth putting on it in the first place
3395s that's true I also think that you know
3397s very handy if you're going to attempt to
3400s fight Zora by the time you've got to a
3402s point where you're that combat level and
3405s you have the the items required to do so
3407s you're probably not far off being able
3409s to whatever requirement we've probably
3411s under putting on there some people do
3412s like to go in and try and see what they
3414s what low level they can get to kill
3416s these bosses at sorry
3418s it depends we be using an actual combat
3422s yeah yeah probably use only another
3424s crisis or some kind or we normally look
3426s at diary to other question yeah what's
3429s it with hand in the sand I think to use
3431s the mage ever eaten at mage yep oh yeah
3435s because that's how you make friends with
3437s a Vista sophistic of worsening so yeah
3442s pretty resounding yes on that one though
3443s next question which might be nice to
3446s know for the enemy VPS we're watching is
3448s there any update regarding the PvP a
3450s hunter update you mean bounty hunter
3453s bounty I'm sorry I don't know asset PvP
3456s hunter update so bounty how it's written
3458s as bounty hunter I can't zoom in enough
3460s I just I just firm I Freudian slips yes
3465s exclamation mark be hate for some more
3466s information and actually we got an
3468s update yourself in a perhaps a little
3469s bit of information on it well we've got
3473s the first draft blog out and there's
3475s been a fair bit of feedback especially
3476s about the rewards for it and also what
3479s with wilderness Slayer
3482s not being as rewarding if the plan goes
3485s ahead requests for more rewards from
3488s that
3488s so mob time that's been collecting quite
3491s a lot of players ideas and and I expect
3494s they'll be an updated blog not this week
3496s but hopefully next week before we start
3501s programming anything towards sit cool
3506s sorry well guys I come I don't I don't
3509s believe I read that one wrong it was
3511s right in front of me Mountain to mean it
3515s could have been a lot worse
3516s I mean I just it's cuz I said PvP
3518s literally the sentence beforehand PvP
3520s hunter coming soon
3523s enjoying our close up I know this camp
3526s no I leave it on that leave it on there
3528s probably a couple of chat questions
3531s to end before finishing the stream let's
3535s ask this one from arrow monster they
3538s asked should the gear over yeah breath
3541s asks what is the opinion of other weapon
3544s besides scimitars is the power and
3546s actually of Spears for example on par
3548s scimitars I think they're asking with
3550s that question more is there any
3551s opportunity of rebalancing those kind of
3554s stuff in theory yes I think it depends
3562s what we do they sort of already out
3564s balanced based on what you're killing
3566s obviously you wouldn't usually go kill
3568s dragons with a scimitar he obviously
3570s could but you probably prefer to do you
3572s some email party like a rapier or a
3574s samurai caster for example so they sort
3578s of already our bias but obviously the
3580s scimitar always going to be the best
3581s because slash is what people most people
3583s they're most things a week to anyway
3585s it's not a hard thing to balance cool
3590s speak English asks any chance we can
3593s decant half pieces of cake and pies to
3595s make a for one I have hundreds of half
3597s pieces banks have you ever tried to put
3600s two half pies together the filling just
3601s falls out everywhere unless your pie is
3603s very very dry cake on your hand might be
3607s reasonable
3614s yeah mass had to do a lot of decanting
3616s code before and I think we can say with
3619s certainty that she will not be doing any
3620s more of it you know if it fixed the
3624s clock and clearly in the last five
3626s minutes my reading capability is
3628s completely diminished so I call that the
3630s end of question gathering in answering
3632s they type exclamation want PvP hunter
3634s they'll get some bh4 any updates on
3638s bounty hunter an exclamation mark
3639s reinvest if you want to come and remove
3642s this say hi cz our presentation yes yes
3645s which is always really weird to say I
3647s think sometimes as I come see us like up
3651s close and personal if not too close I'm
3654s not too personal there was that guy who
3656s got me to sign his yes yeah okay come by
3660s Asha drink as everybody see we walk you
3663s know what ash is the only person who
3666s gets drunk that night because he's the
3667s only person to get beers bought for him
3669s there's so much so much alcohol given -
3671s he's usually like double parked all
3673s night and he's balancing the other one
3676s on his head you know the usual term yes
3678s yeah he's making a kind of tea so I know
3681s that means at 6 o'clock yes that we like
3683s tea instead so I'm gonna go ahead and
3686s say thank you all so so much watching I
3687s hope this was a bet in the previous few
3690s weeks streams we did do a fall
3691s essentially 60 odd minutes about 55
3693s minutes of questions if you want to know
3696s a little bit about the update coming out
3697s tomorrow with LMS as well as some of the
3699s upcoming Awards that'll also be coming
3700s out tomorrow that will be poll in the
3703s future for more LMS expansions jump to
3705s the start of the the stream and have a
3708s little listen to that
3708s on that note though I'm gonna think also
3710s much watching guys think so much on the
3712s stream mod Mars for gathering questions
3714s and the chat thanks to my wonderful
3716s producer mod John and then you guys of
3718s course but being your lovely selves as
3720s you always are of course I think so much
3722s love you guys keeping yourself have a
3725s fun a have a fun week take care bye bye
3731s Oh
3735s [Music]