almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by 5erenade

To any mod reading this, can you guys make it easier to kill moss giants by adding more of them in the area, making it multi combat and taking out the only skeleton there? Also increase the aggro range of the hill giants in the wildy, their AI are really dumb and at time will not attack you even if you are standing next to them, and can you make the chaos dwarf not wander near the hill giants? Get’s annoying. Also you should consider making the graveyard with all the zombies near ferox enclave multicombat or make a crypt full of zombie and have it be multi combat.

Thanks for making the ankous and black demons easier to kill. Coming from someone who had almost 500 wildy slayer task.

I'm gonna put this on our player suggestions sheet, we review and discuss smaller QoL player suggestions every Friday to add to our backlog. If they look like unpolled integrity changes, we can get them into a future game update. Thank you for explaining this so thoroughly!

almost 3 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by regen100

can we use these weeks with no updates to fix all the changes that have been polled ages ago. Just to give some examples:The cox chests bugging dead clicks. Looting bags in ferox enclave. Etc....

We looked into the CoX chests bugging dead clicks but couldn't replicate it unfortunately. We can re-open to investigate, but it might require some further investigation. If you have any details on that, pass it over to me :)