about 5 years ago - /u/JagexGambit - Direct link

This week's livestream will be centered around Song of the Elves with the launch happening the following morning! If you have any questions for the developers and audio team of the project, make sure to leave them in the comments!

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about 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Tarron

Alright. For the 202nd time. Why are you guys focusing so much on new content when the number one reason people leave your game, from my experience, is account security?

It really troubles me that it’s now ‘popular’ to have people change their mail several times a year, just because they won’t risk their account being stolen.

I don’t want to be ‘that guy’, but Jagex had a profit of 46.8 million pounds, before taxes, in 2018 according to its 2018 fiscal report. That’s the “fourth year of significant growth” as CEO Phil Mansell said.

I know that you’re not Jagex as a whole and the game crew has nothing to do with tech development, you’re simply representing Jagex’s OSRS devision. However you should be able to push for the fiscal means to implement account security. Or push for further tech development on the security front.

I really can’t see the logical step for you, not to implement a better form of authentication and/or support program. Is Jagex really the bureaucratic, profit-driven nightmare you guys are showing it to be.

Work is underway on account security improvements, you can read about it here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/player-support---account-security-blog?oldschool=1. It's a huge investment, but it won't happen overnight.

The types of thing mentioned in the blog are:

  • The ability to set stronger PWs, and warnings for breached PWs.
  • Email notification on suspicious activity.
  • Security checks based on technology used for payment fraud - allowing us to react in real time.
  • Authenticator applying to website logins, not only game logins.
  • A change to the recovery system.

As for it being popular to change emails and passwords - it's always been the internet norm to ensure your email isn't compromised, and you regularly change your password.

In terms of focusing on content rather than security - game developers work to deliver game content, whereas the tech teams will work in tandem with the support teams to deliver any security improvements.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexSween - Direct link

Originally posted by Optimus_TC

Do you have any plans to tweak OSRS mobile? I know when you released it the aim was to get it out there and tweak things later but there are still many things that feel really clunky. Thanks

What things specifically? The intention wasn't necessarily to just get it out there and fix problems later, but rather to treat it like the normal game and update whenever we're made aware of something to update.