My idea of group ironman was to get a group of my friends together, level up together, to content together and clear content together. We would be limited by our groups skill level, our time investment and our co-operation.
The blog posted today has some details that I believe are taking away from the whole essence of group ironman.
This is my feedback:
Remove the limitations on items that require 1kc, most peoples game plan was to split up the group to do different things, instead what we have now is the entire team has to all go slayer for the drops. That takes away the fun & theory crafting of teams plan and removes some element of skill to climbing the highscores.
My biggest worry - Group Ironman should live & die by their groups progress. This is a game mode dedicated to your group being only as good as the members and time invested by said group. Allowing a single member of your team to be able to party up with maxed main accounts in full gear to get carried through ToB at the off chance to get a purple is going to adversely affect the game in 2 ways
1 - Maxed main groups will start selling carries through content, leading to people getting scammed and other instances of misconduct that can be avoided
2 - If you have a team of 5, 4 of those people can jump on their main accounts carry the 5th through content and hope that player gets lucky on an item. You then just carry the other 4 through 1 kc so they can all use that item. Why is the best strategy now for GIM to use main accounts at end game?
This is a game mode that will only appeal to certain players, lets not infest it with advantages from players who have good main accounts. Let's give each group the same start from the get go.
I hope the Jmods take a different approach being - "A group will only succeed on the backs of those in that group on those accounts" or the current flair "You stand alone - Together"
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