over 4 years ago - /u/JagexImpact - Direct link

Originally posted by simeonlg

Cerberus’ fire wall and fire pit attacks will now despawn when he is killed.


Nice spot. The news-post has now been amended. :)

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

The ‘break’ option on the Arceuus Cemetery Tablet and the new Lunar Ice Plateau Tablet has been made right-click only. The warning message has also been removed from both.

this warning should be toggleable, optionally removed after using the teleport X amount of times, similar to when entering dangerous areas like lumbridge swamp - new players don't know about these areas and the warning helps them a little bit. it's not hard for a lurer to say 'ok meet me by the penguins at the plateau, here is an ice plateau teleport' and now there is no warning.. ??

We addressed an inconsistency between the already available ancient teletabs, of which a few already takes you straight into the wilderness, and the two wilderness teletabs which aren't in the ancient spellbook. It made little sense for them to behave differently.

The thought was already put in when dealing with the ancient teletabs, that a right-click was the best option to avoid luring while still leaving the teletab usable. You can't accidentally click on them, you have to consciously right-click and proceed.

A lurer would be just as likely to use any of the other teletabs to achieve their purpose. I suspect that there would be even more backlash if we were to add such a warning to all the existing Wildy teletabs instead.

We need to find a behaviour that is acceptable to everybody and preferably consistent between all tablets.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by Spineweilder

Hmm, weren't the lecterns polled to be added at the places where you change the spellbook normally?

Question 14:

Should we add an Ancient Lectern to the Pyramid from Desert Treasure? This would allow players to make Ancient Teleport Tablets. Players would have to complete Desert Treasure before they could use or create the tablets.

Question 15

Should we add a Lunar Lectern to Lunar Island? This would allow players to make Lunar Teleport Tablets. Players would have to complete Lunar Diplomacy before they could use or create the tablets.

The Ancient lectern is, the Lunar lectern isn't, exactly as per the questions polled.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by BasicFail

In addition, we’ve made an important change to certain teletabs to reduce luring. The ‘break’ option on the Arceuus Cemetery Tablet and the new Lunar Ice Plateau Tablet has been made right-click only. The warning message has also been removed from both.

I don't get this whatsoever. To reduce luring, you absolutely should have a warning on all Wilderness teleports. Ones that can be toggled off by the player.

Am I missing something or is Jagex helping out lurers?

The removal of the message is for consistency with Ancient teletabs, most of which teleport into the wilderness. These don't warn you but the teleport option is a right-click, meaning you can't accidentally click them.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by rahtid_

Should we add a Lunar Lectern to Lunar Island?


The Lunar Lectern has been added to Lunar island.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by GothicLogic

You tried reading the poll questions?

Yes. It said the Lunar Lectern would be added to Lunar Island. The Lunar lectern has been added to Lunar Island.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexMaylea

Yes. It said the Lunar Lectern would be added to Lunar Island. The Lunar lectern has been added to Lunar Island.

Hah, we spotted an error in the newspost. We're fixing that now.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by tomw2308

in the blog it says " Teleports from the Lunar and Ancient Spellbooks can now be turned into Teleport Tablets at a lectern in a Player Owned House. "

but the polls say " Should we add an Ancient Lectern to the Pyramid from Desert Treasure? This would allow players to make Ancient Teleport Tablets. " and " Should we add a Lunar Lectern to Lunar Island? This would allow players to make Lunar Teleport Tablets. "

Yep, it was a mistake with the newspost. I kept rereading the poll questions thinking it was exactly what I'd implemented and being very confused. I didn't check the newspost.

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexImpact - Direct link

We'd like to apologise for the confusion. The news post isn't quite as accurate as it should be. We've changed the wording to more clearly reflect the actual changes:

Edit: "Teleports from the Lunar and Ancient Spellbooks can now be turned into Teleport Tablets at a lectern on Lunar Isle and in the Ancient pyramid (Jaldraocht) respectively."

over 4 years ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by rahtid_

"We" spotted an error? More like, loads of people from the sub just told you, as you tried to discredit them?

Come on.

We were told we couldn't read the poll questions. Turns out we read them and implemented exactly what was polled. What the comments actually MEANT, was that there was a mistake in today's newspost.

Crisis averted.