over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

We'll be live on Thursday 17th February on Twitch with another General Q&A! It's time to get your questions in so reply with them in this post!

I've been noticing a couple of posts recently about the questions for General Q&As feeling a bit lacklustre (the quality of the questions and the topics you want us to discuss). I wanted to give some context on it if you were interested. If you're not interested, please just skip this next bit and just ask us your questions!

The general aim of our Weekly Q&As is to connect you with the developers, provide more transparency on game changes and answer your questions where we can. Developers who agree to come on our weekly Q&As are there by choice - it's totally voluntary and usually done in their free time. Each developer works on their dedicated projects & you can see some of these projects in progress on our roadmap.png).

The questions we typically get asked are usually popular player suggestions, which we are happy to give our thoughts on it if we can. The thing to keep in mind, however, is that we can't implement player suggestions into the game without them going through a proper team discussion with the relevant developers who would be working on the relevant project & the wider team if appropriate. This means that sometimes guests on General Q&As won't be able to give you a definitive answer on what you're looking for. Even if it's their specific project they often will still have to run any changes by several people before any definitive changes get made. However, the developers are still happy to share thoughts and bounce ideas around.

I've also seen feedback from some players about question quality on General Q&As. We take most of the questions from Reddit and we try to pick a good mix of questions. One thing to remember here is that the panel will change from week to week, and we must ensure the questions being asked are things that the developers have some experience in.

It's clear that some of you want the Q&As to be discussing bigger topics, else you don't feel it's worth the time. The bigger questions like stuff around Account Security are not appropriate to be asked our General Q&As because it's not something that the developers will have control over. Instead, we intend to tackle larger topics on specific leadership live streams. Leadership livestreams are more planned and they will just generally have better information because it's coming directly from the right people. Our last leadership Livestream was in December and the transcript can be found here. Mod Markos mentioned that he'd like to have an Account Security stream at some point this year, so I've requested some dates for this. I don't have an estimation of when it will be but we'll let you know as soon as we can!

I hope that gives a bit more context on the overall process, and sorry if it's something you're already aware of but I thought it's important to share. I'll try to keep you as much in the loop with information sharing as I can.

In the meantime, I'd love to keep continuing with General Q&As as I think it's an awesome way to connect devs to the community and vice versa. We'll do themed Q&As as well when it's appropriate.

For this week: Ayiza can help with anything PvP-related (including the rewards from the PvP Arena Blog), Squid is interested in Skilling discussions/Broader topics within the game, and Kirby/Ash will take questions about anything game related.

Ask away!

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over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

We'll be live on Thursday 17th February on Twitch with another General Q&A! It's time to get your questions in so reply with them in this post!

I've been noticing a couple of posts recently about the questions for General Q&As feeling a bit lacklustre (the quality of the questions and the topics you want us to discuss). I wanted to give some context on it if you were interested. If you're not interested, please just skip this next bit and just ask us your questions!

The general aim of our Weekly Q&As is to connect you with the developers, provide more transparency on game changes and answer your questions where we can. Developers who agree to come on our weekly Q&As are there by choice - it's totally voluntary and usually done in their free time. Each developer works on their dedicated projects & you can see some of these projects in progress on our roadmap.png).

The questions we typically get asked are usually popular player suggestions, which we are happy to give our thoughts on it if we can. The thing to keep in mind, however, is that we can't implement player suggestions into the game without them going through a proper team discussion with the relevant developers who would be working on the relevant project & the wider team if appropriate. This means that sometimes guests on General Q&As won't be able to give you a definitive answer on what you're looking for. Even if it's their specific project they often will still have to run any changes by several people before any definitive changes get made. However, the developers are still happy to share thoughts and bounce ideas around.

I've also seen feedback from some players about question quality on General Q&As. We take most of the questions from Reddit and we try to pick a good mix of questions. One thing to remember here is that the panel will change from week to week, and we must ensure the questions being asked are things that the developers have some experience in.

It's clear that some of you want the Q&As to be discussing bigger topics, else you don't feel it's worth the time. The bigger questions like stuff around Account Security are not appropriate to be asked our General Q&As because it's not something that the developers will have control over. Instead, we intend to tackle larger topics on specific leadership live streams. Leadership livestreams are more planned and they will just generally have better information because it's coming directly from the right people. Our last leadership Livestream was in December and the transcript can be found here. Mod Markos mentioned that he'd like to have an Account Security stream at some point this year, so I've requested some dates for this. I don't have an estimation of when it will be but we'll let you know as soon as we can!

I hope that gives a bit more context on the overall process, and sorry if it's something you're already aware of but I thought it's important to share. I'll try to keep you as much in the loop with information sharing as I can.

In the meantime, I'd love to keep continuing with General Q&As as I think it's an awesome way to connect devs to the community and vice versa. We'll do themed Q&As as well when it's appropriate.

For this week: Ayiza can help with anything PvP-related (including the rewards from the PvP Arena Blog), Squid is interested in Skilling discussions/Broader topics within the game, and Kirby/Ash will take questions about anything game related.

Ask away!

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over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

Mobile beta when

The Android Open Beta is now looking to go live to players for the 28th February. :) You should be receiving information in next weeks' game update post too. I believe that the blogpost gave the end of January as an estimate and did state that it was an estimate rather than an exact prediction. In all honesty, unexpected things have happened which delayed it a bit longer than we hoped.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

Right? Don't give us dates if you can't honor your word, and certainly don't give us radio silence followed by "more info soon™️" when you blow past the timeline you gave us.

Add to that the fact that they pretty clearly abandoned the current app when they started work on the new one, leaving glitches to pile up, and it's no wonder people are starting to get anxious for what we were told would come this month.

Hey :) So, Android Open Beta is scheduled February 28th now. The exact line of the newspost was:
As mentioned above, our Android Open Beta is is currently scheduled for the end of January 2022. Please note that this is an estimate, and could be subject to change if further issues arise. Provided all goes well with the Open Beta, we'd like to roll out the app officially around late February 2022.

A month's delay isn't ideal for sure, but this date was given as our very best estimation at the time. If we had failed to provide an estimation in the newspost, and gave no date at all, I think people still would've been upset.

Since then, we've had some unexpected things crop up, so I apologise for the delay! :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

I believe that the blogpost gave the end of January as an estimate and did state that it was an estimate

Yeah it did, but you can't exactly blame players for being anxious when we're this far past your original estimate with the offical response "more info soon" given like a week after said estimate.

The original dates given were always an estimation. Realistically, we would not have been able to give you the information you were after until we had the go-live date set. Therefore, there's not much we could have updated you on, really, other than "it's delayed" which is already fairly obvious.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

I think people still would've been upset.

Probably, it is the OSRS playerbase after all. I highly doubt you'd see this many people upset/left wondering what's going on though.

Speaking personally I was just excited for the new client wheb it was first announced. I figured it would take a while considering you were just letting us know you were starting to work on it, and seemed to let us know about it earlier than usual (could be wrong there).

Missing out on the closed beta was really disappointing after that wait, but then we got an estimate for the open beta and full release - giving us mobile players a rough date to look forward to. Then we went past that date, you guys said nothing, and now people are a lot more anxious about the new client that's right around the corner.

I guess so yeah. I think rounding off the post instead with; "And the Android Beta has no set date yet! We'll only be talking about it when we have one!" would also be just as disappointing. It is still on our roadmap and mentioned in the January 2022 Gazette so didn't think people were too anxious. It might have been worth emphasizing in the January Gazette that it was expected in February though

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Previous-Answer3284

there's not much we could have updated you on, really, other than "it's delayed"

That would have been good.

which is already fairly obvious.

Yeah, once we were well past "late January" with no info from you guys it became pretty obvious.

You guys knew it wasn't coming out when you originally estimated, maybe weeks before the date. You'd think it would be "fairly obvious" to let people know the estimate was wrong before you were like a week past the latest possible interpretation of the estimate.

Sorry for being abrasive, but it sounds like the mindset was "they'll figure it out themselves" and now you're wondering why people are upset.

I get you. The mindset imo was more like "Well, we have a team member on this project leaving, so we're not actually sure when this beta could be, we need extra resources for testing and we also need to figure some stuff out before we give any new date that we can't keep a promise on. Plus, the initial date we gave was an estimation we made to the best of our ability at the time, and not a promise, so we'd hope people would understand any potential delay".

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by McCheds

Do you have an update for mobile open beta for Android devices? Can you comment on a timeliness for full release for Android and iPhone? Even just quickly addressing this is good enough I'm looking forward to the release :)

28th February should be Android Open Beta now, and we will give a bit more detail in our game update newspost for next week

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Anachren

Why isn't entangle flagged as a members only spell in the spellbook on F2P worlds? It said it's members only when I tried to cast it.

I tried to do the Squashing the Giant Obor combat achievement and failed because the UI lied to me about entangle being a F2P spell.

It didn't cast the first time, so I tried again, and again, then realized it was saying it's members only in the chat box, but I already failed the achievement.

Entangle is technically useable inside of LMS on F2P worlds which is why it was not marked as members only. However, the team is aware that other spells have an override to show them as members-only outside LMS but available within. We'll probably be looking to fix this bug, though I'm not sure when exactly. Thank you for raising it to us!