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The new town is a work of art, it feels exactly like I always dreamed Zeah should. The bar where the workers go to drink after working in the fields, the lane with Apple trees lining either side, the town square market with fresh produce, it's all so good and full of character.

There are a lot of memes ($11 btw) and the community can be very demanding 🦀🦀🦀, but thank you for caring about the game as much as we do!

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almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexBruno - Direct link

Originally posted by XavierLHPG

Only thing i hate about it is that the music on the town isnt Forlorn Homestead :c

With the rework which music tracks play where was also touched on, Forlorn Homestead now plays in most of the town area and Country jig plays in the coast and Tithe Farm area